

The Infiltration of Idiom Culture in English Teaching

【作者】 张如凡

【导师】 林大津;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的日益发展,跨文化交际越来越重要。本文针对学生在跨文化交际中遇到的问题,探讨习语文化如何在英语教学中进行渗透。并通过研究文化教学的目的、内容和方法来探索英语教学中解决这些问题的途径。首先,本文探讨了语言与文化,习语与语言的关系。语言是文化的一个部分,同时又是文化的载体。学习一门语言是以交际为目的的,而在任何一种语言中,习语都占有很大比例,并反映出该语言的文化色彩。习语不仅是语言的精华,而且是语言的缩影,是语言特征的集中反映。语言是人类文化中的一个特殊组成部分,习语恰恰反映出文化对语言的巨大影响,生动地反映出人类生活的方方面面。接下来,本文指出具备相应的文化知识,提高语言学习者对文化异同的敏感性,将习语文化渗透、融入到英语教学中,是帮助学生避免跨文化交际中的交际失误的有效方法。最后提出了教师如何有效地教授知识文化和交际文化。总之,我们认为,将语言与文化相结合的原则应用到外语教学研究和实践的各个层面中,不仅符合外语教学的规律与目标,也有利于充分发掘外语教学对学生文化素质培养的潜移默化作用,符合素质教育的大方向。但由于广义的文化具有几乎无所不包的涵盖面,因此我们只能“各个击破”,而习语文化不失为一个突破口。

【Abstract】 With the development of science and technology, cross-cultural communication is getting more and more important. However, our students still find it difficult to communicate with English speakers in face of cultural differences. The present study takes upon itself to probe into the possibility of teaching English culture through familiarizing students with idiom culture. This thesis starts with the relation between language and culture and for that matter, language and idiom culture. It is reemphasized that language is at once part of culture and the carrier of culture and that the major goal of learning a language is to communicate in that language. As a culture carrier, a culture-specific language is best manifested in its idiom. As the quintessence and epitome of a language, idiom forms a major part of the culture embodied in that specific language. Out of question now is the integration of language teaching and culture teaching in our English instruction, which is in correspondence with the quality education as an educational trend upheld throughout China. Thus intercultural awareness is a must in our English teaching. Since culture in its broad sense is almost all-inclusive, this thesis adopts the strategy of "overcoming one block after another", taking English idiom as our first focus for the reasons mentioned above. Throughout our treatment of idiom culture, a comparison of English and Chinese stands out, an attempt we shall make to test its feasibility for future improvement.

【关键词】 语言文化习语跨文化交际文化教学
【Key words】 languagecultureidiomcross-cultural communicationculture teaching
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【下载频次】439

