

Burnout in Task-based Approach to High School English Learning & Teaching: The Causes and Recommended Solutions

【作者】 邓志成

【导师】 刘亚猛;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着新英语课程标准的实施,任务型教学作为一种教学方法或理念便贯穿于中学英语教学之中。但由于任务型教学以“学生为主体、中心”的理念,对教师、学生以及任务型教学所需的客观条件提出了更高的要求,任务型教学实践中存在诸多实施的困难和问题。针对这些问题和困难,本文通过研究发现了学习倦怠的三大现象即学习情绪衰竭、乏人性化(学习行为失当)和学习低成就感。本文从任务设计、任务设计者和教学执行者三方面初步探讨了产生英语学习倦怠的原因,主要包括:任务型教学内在的对教师、学生、客观教学条件的高要求;任务型教学的主体(包括学生和教师)条件不具备;因任务型教学的设计不妥、任务型设计的方法、内容等不切实际诸因素导致了学生感到任务型学习中的学习压力大、负担重。在此基础上,本文提出了有一定参考价值的减少、缓解、消除学习倦怠的思路方法或对策,以便更好地将任务型教学贯彻于英语教学实践中。本文从教学实践出发,采取了问卷、访谈、文献综述、实证调查、数据分析等研究方法。最后,在上述研究与论述的基础上,本文得出了三点结论:(1)任务内容的选择、设计步骤、方法与学习倦怠有关;(2)任务的设计者(教师)的自身素质和专业水平与学习倦怠有关;(3)任务的执行者(学生)自身因素包括学习环境、学习风格、学习态度、学习基础、性别差异,以及客观的“环境和物质条件”等方面与学习倦怠存在着密切的关系。

【Abstract】 With New English Curricula Standard being carried out, Task-based Approach (TBA), as a new idea or method of teaching, has been implemented in the English teaching practice in High Schools throughout China. However, due to the higher demands set on teaching staff, students and teaching facilities as a result of the motto of "student-centeredness" pursued by TBA, there have arisen a series of difficulties and problems in TBA. With regard to these difficulties and problems that have cropped up, a survey has been conducted from which we’ve found some serious burnout phenomena in TBA that can reflect three aspects: learning emotional exhaust, de-personality (inappropriateness of student’s study behavior) and lack sense of accomplishment. This paper has tentatively and initially examined causal factors leading to the burnout phenomena in TBA from three perspectives of task-design, task-designers (teachers) and task-executors (students). The causes mainly includes: TBA’s higher inherent demands upon teachers, students and relevant teaching facilities; failure to meet the objective and subjective requirements of TBA from the teacher and student’s sides; improper task-designs and impractical task contents, all three of which have finally led to students’ lack of confidence in their study and feelings of too much physical and psychological burden and pressure from their study. On the basis of these research findings, this paper undertakes to put forward a series of countermeasures against learning burnout with a view to furthering and bettering the implementation of TBA in High School English teaching, by means of questionnaire, interviews, dialogues, literature review, positivistic examination and data analyzing.The studies outlined above have led to the following three conclusions: (1) The choice of task-contents, task-design steps and task-implementing methods in TBA contribute significantly to ELB; and (2) The professional qualities and task-designers’ knowledge structures have a close relationship with learning burnout in TBA; and (3) Some of task executors’ qualities, such as environments, styles, attitudes, basis of knowledge, sexual differences and material conditions, etc.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】451

