

The Research of Activated Sludge Model No.3 for Simulating and Predicting in WWTP

【作者】 李松良

【导师】 林华东;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 国际水协(IWA)在活性污泥1号模型(ASM1)及3号模型(ASM3)的基础上,推出了活性污泥3号模型(ASM3)。它与ASM1有关,同时又弥补了ASM1的缺陷。即在组分划分上将有机氮并入含碳有机物中;在微生物反应机理上引入了胞内贮存和内源代谢,使之更接近于实际情况;并在化学计量学矩阵的基础上引入了组分矩阵。本文将ASM3和Takacs二沉池模型以及反应池流态模型相结合,构建了活性污泥系统模型。为了解决活性污泥模型中微分方程的求解问题,本研究开发了以Matlab7.1为平台主要用于工程计算的活性污泥3号模型和二沉池模型相结合的活性污泥系统模拟程序;还开发了灵敏度分析程序,分析了所有化学计量学系数、动力学参数对主要出水指标COD、TN、NH3-N的灵敏度分析。灵敏度分析结果表明,只有有限的参数对出水水质有重要的影响;大多数参数对COD几乎没有影响或影响很小,少数几个参数对TN和NH3-N的影响很大。本文进行的程序模拟所采用的初始值是国际水协推荐的典型值,根据灵敏度分析结果,在调整了1个参数的典型值以后,即将8月份自养菌的产率系数UA的值1.0g (COD)/g(N)调整为0.925g(COD)/g(N)和将10月份自养菌的产率系数UA的值1.0g (COD)/g(N)调整为0.712g(COD)/g(N)之后,使模拟值和实测值取得了较好的吻合,8月份COD、TN和NH3-N相对误差分别为0.05%、0.55%、0.56%;10月份COD、TN和NH3-N分别为0.03%、0.17%、0.32%。利用校核和验证后的模型分别对8月份和10月份进行连续多日运行状况的稳态模拟和动态模拟。未考虑温度影响的8月份稳态模拟的COD、TN和NH3-N的平均相对误差分别为:21.90%、11.95%、12.68%,未考虑温度影响的10月份稳态模拟的COD、TN和NH3-N的平均相对误差分别为:26.00%、7.73%和15.40%;以及考虑了温度影响的8月份稳态模拟和10月份稳态模拟。结果表明,本程序能够很好的模拟污水处理厂的运行状态。最后预测了污水厂运行参数(进水流量Q,固体停留时间SRT、外回流比R和反硝化区与硝化区体积比)变化时对出水水质的影响程度,用模拟程序对污水厂满负荷运行时的出水情况进行了模拟预测。通过模拟得出污水厂运行的一些最佳控制工况,如当SRT控制在15天时,出水各项指标效果较好。模拟预测为污水厂的日常管理提供了重要的参考依据。

【Abstract】 The Activated Sludge Model No.3 (ASM3) was proposed by International Water Association (IWA) based on the Activated Sludge Model No.1 (ASM1) and No.2 (ASM2) . It relates to ASM1 and corrects for some defects of ASM1. In ASM3 organic nitrogen is regarded as a part of organic material and storage of soluble organic substrates is added as an intermediate.m. The lysis process is exchanged for an endogenous respiration process,which makes it more approach the real biological process. Moreover, ASM3 introductsthe composition matrix lk,i together with the stoichiometric matrix vj,i.In this paper, a mathematical model for activated sludge system was constructed based on ASM3 and Takacs settling model,with the transfer process model. In order to solve the differential equations in the model, a computer program for the comination of ASM3 and second settling tank model has been developed on the basis of Matlab 7.1, which is a kind of computer language mainly used in engineering calculation. Also another computer program has been developed for analyzing the sensitivity of the principal effluent targets, including COD, TN and NH3-N, The result showed that only a limited number of model parameters influenced the model output water quality significantly. Most parameters have no or a bit influence on COD output, a few parameters have big influence on TN and NH3-N.According to the result of sensitivity analysis for 8th month and 10th month after running the modeling program with the default parameters recommended by IWA, ASM3 proved well capable of describing the operation state of the WWTP with adjustment of only one default parameters, namely, autotrophic bacteria productive coefficient from 1.0g(COD)/g(COD) to 0.925 g(COD)/g(COD) for 8th month and from 1.0g(COD)/g(COD) to 0.712g(COD)/g(COD) for 10th month.the modeling results and the simulating results expressed that there is a good agreement between the modeling values and the practical measurements for COD and TN and NH3-N. The relatively error is below 0.05%,0.55%,0.56% for 8th month and 0.03%,0.17%,0.32% for 10th month.In order to predict the effluent quality under different conditions, such as influent volume, SRT, external reflux ratio and volume ratio between denitrifying zone and nitrating zone, steady simulations and dynamic simulations for the operating state in a few continous days has been implemented by using the calibrated and validated model, Steady simulations and dynamic simulations for the operating state in a few continous days has been implemented by using the calibrated and validated model, the relative errors of COD ,TN and NH3-N through steady simulations without considering temperature for 8th month is 21.90%, 11.95%, 12.68% and 26.00%, 7.73%, 15.40% for 10th month. Also the relative errors of COD ,TN and NH3-N through steady simulations with considering temperature for 8th month and 10th month are showed. The results indicates that this program can better simulate the operating state of WWTP.In the end the developed program has been used to predict disposal effectiveness under different kinds of schemes and when the WWTP is in a full load running state. By simulating and modeling the running state of WWTP, we can get the optimum control parameters. When SRT equals to 15 days, the effluent dates of COD, TN and NH3-N can reach the standard with low running cost. The modelling results and prediction could provide a valuable reference data for the administration of WWTP.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】370

