

Study on Problems of Housing Accumulation Fund Operation in Jingzhou City

【作者】 文娟娟

【导师】 颜哲;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 住房公积金制度是我国重要的住房社会保障制度,单位和职工个人必须依制度履行缴存住房公积金的义务,职工个人缴存的住房公积金以及单位为其缴存的住房公积金,实行专户存储,归职工个人所有。住房公积金的使用首先应满足居民、尤其是中低收入居民对住房的购、建、住需要,从它的增值收益中提取住房公积金管理机构的管理费用和贷款风险准备金之后,其余部分应全部用于廉租住房建设。这篇论文研究的是荆州市住房公积金运用中的问题,考察住房公积金运用效果的好坏,要看它在筹集、提供住房消费资金和廉租住房建设资金方面的效率高低,看它在提供住房社会保障方面的公平与否,看它在住房资金循环运动中的安全大小。效率、公平与安全,应该是住房公积金制度有效性的集中反映和基本要求,也应该是评价住房公积金制度有效性的主要方面。因此,这篇论文研究的是荆州市住房公积金运用中的效率问题、公平问题及安全问题,并针对目前存在的问题,研究问题产生的原因,提出解决的对策。住房公积金制度在解决荆州市中低收入家庭住房条件与促进住房消费中发挥了重要作用,但通过对荆州市2006年住房公积金制度运行情况计算、分析,可以看到荆州市住房公积金制度运行中仍存在一些不容忽视的问题:缴存覆盖面低、使用率低、缴存归集不及时、缴存额度差异大;贷款享受面窄、额度小、环节多;增值收益分配与管理不规范;住房公积金运行体制尚未完全理顺;挤占挪用住房公积金等。产生这些问题的原因很多,但都与住房公积金制度及相关管理、监督制度中的缺陷有关。从政府引导、监督、管理的角度深化制度改革,是解决问题的关键。论文主张,通过扩大公积金个人住房贷款率、提高住房公积金使用率来提高住房公积金运用的效率性;从机制上对公平缺陷进行有效调整来提高住房公积金运用的公平性;建立信息披露制度、严厉的责任追究制度等来提高住房公积金运用的安全性。

【Abstract】 Housing accumulation fund system (the system) is an important social housing guaranty system. Companies and workers should pay housing accumulation fund (the fund) together and it must be saved in special accounts, but it is belonged to individuals only. The fund should be firstly used to meet citizens’need especially low income families to buy houses or construct houses or have place to live, then to extract the fund management organization management cost and provisions of risk, the surplus must be used to construct houses at low price and low rent totally.This thesis studies on problems of the fund operation in Jingzhou city. To appraise the operation of the fund is whether sound should focus on the efficiency in gathering, supplying for housing consume and constructing houses at low price and low rent. It is also needed to focus on the impartiality in supplying social housing guaranty and safety in operation. Efficiency, impartiality and safety should be the intensive reflection and basic requirement of the system’s efficiency; they also should be the main aspects of appraising the system’s efficiency.Therefore, this thesis studies on efficiency issues, impartiality issues and safety issues of the fund operation in Jingzhou city. Though the system contributed a lot in improving low income families’living condition and housing consume, there are many problems in operation. By calculating and analyzing the fund operation in 2006, we can find the fund can not be gathered in time, difference between the quantities is huge; individual housing loan ratio is low, the quantity can be loaned is low, either; distribution and management of rise in value is not standard; the system is not perfect; using the fund illegally and so on. The reasons causes these problems are complex, however, they are all relevant to the defects of relevant systems. Reform the system deeply on government’s side is the key way to solve these problems. This thesis advocates by adopting some measures such as increasing individual housing loan ratio and raising the utilization ratio of the fund to enhance the efficiency ; adjusting the defects of mechanism to enhance the impartiality; establishing information publishing system and severe responsibility system to enhance the safety in operation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】343

