

Key Technologies Study on Smart Home Based on Information Appliance Networking

【作者】 刘宇刚

【导师】 冯文江;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 电路与系统, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 信息家电将计算机技术、通信技术融入传统的家用电器管理和控制之中。作为一类具有网络功能的信息终端,可主动发布、获取和处理相关信息,实现传统家电智能化。智能家居系统中信息家电组网技术的研究是智能家居领域研究的热点之一,其重要性直接关系着人们小康、富裕的步伐和生活水准。本文在总结和比较信息家电国内外技术和应用发展现状的基础上,探讨了未来信息家电网络的发展趋势;基于信息家电系统的功能需求和涉及的关键技术,分析了目前主流的信息家庭网络协议的特点和应用;通过对智能家居中的家庭内部联网技术的深入理解,分析比较了主流的信息家电内部组网技术,选择短距离无线技术,特别是蓝牙技术作为信息家电组网的关键技术进行研究。在全面阐述蓝牙无线通信技术和蓝牙技术协议的基础上,将蓝牙技术、嵌入式技术以及Internet技术相结合,融入信息家电,提出了一套基于蓝牙技术的信息家电网络无线组网方案。为了实现信息家电内部网络与外部网络之间的联系和信息交互,在信息家电内网和外网之间需要提供信息家电网关,用于管理和控制各种信息家电设备。信息家电网关是智能家居系统的核心部件,根据信息家电网关的功能需求,分析了信息家电网关的组成,阐述了信息家电网关的协议架构,设计了信息家电网关中基于DSP技术的关键模块——蓝牙模块和以太网接口模块等。在此基础上,对基于蓝牙技术和DSP技术的信息家电网关的硬件进行了详细设计。

【Abstract】 The information appliance has incorporated this computer technology and communition technology into home appliance mange and control. Having information terminal of network function.It offer to issue and procure and deal with correlation information.that realize intelligentize of tradition appliance. Study on the information appliance network is hot in family expenses intelligent system.It isimportant that affect the people well-to-do and rich step and standard of living.This paper summarizes the evolution of Information Appliance on inland and overseas. Discussing the developmental current of information appliance composing network in the future, based on the information appliance system function requirement and the key technology involed. Analyzing the characteristics and application of the main home network protocols, Comprehend home network technology in the smart home, Analyzing and Comparing the information application of the main home network. we select the short-haul wireless technology as key technologies study based on the information appliance composing network, Especially bluetooth technology. We analysis bluetooth technology thoroughly, and give solutions on composing a home network based on the bluetooth technology. These solutins are based on the ideas of using Bluetooth technology .Information Appliance technology , Embeded technology and Internet technology .It need the information appliance gateway,In order to realizing the in-house net and exterior net communication,Manage and Control all kinds of information appliance. The information appliance gateway is hard-core of the smart home system, Bases function requirement of The information appliance,Expatiating the protocol frame of information appliance gateway,Designing the key module of information appliance gateway based on DSP technology-- bluetooth module and Ethernet module and so on.Hardware design in detail to the information appliance gateway based on bluetooth technology and DSP technology.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】363

