

Research & Implementation of RPR Technology in MSTP Equipment

【作者】 陆珠兴

【导师】 苏燕辰;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 测试技术与仪器, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的技术是将RPR功能集成在一块单板上,只需将RPR单板插入SDH设备相应子架槽位,即可以对接入的Ethernet业务(基于802.3 MAC帧)和纯粹的RPR业务(基于新型的802.17 MAC帧)进行高效的处理,包括公平带宽处理、RPR环业务保护、严格的用户隔离和真正的业务分级CoS以及QoS保证等。RPR映射到SDH帧结构时主要采用GFP和HDLC-like两个标准,RPR占用的SDH通道带宽可根据需要灵活配置,随着未来数据业务的不断增长,可在SDH网络中逐步增加分配给RPR的带宽,相应减少窄带语音等TDM业务带宽,无需更新设备即可实现网络应用的不断拓展。面临当前全球电信行业不景气的困难,各大电信运营商都在追求投资收益的最大化。结合SDH和RPR双重优势的第三代MSTP技术,不但解决了目前为运营商带来最大收益的TDM业务传输问题,同时对IP、ATM等新业务的支持能力和带宽利用率又大大高于传统意义上的MSTP,可在相当长一段时间内保持网络的先进性和适应性,成为未来城域光网络建设的主流技术。在新一代的MSTP中内嵌弹性分组环(RPR)技术,具有重要意义!本文较为深入研究了RPR技术在MSTP中的实现问题。在分析RPR技术基本原理的基础上,研究了RPR技术的优点,同时深入剖析了该技术在MSTP技术的框架下所发挥的重要作用和解决的问题。并详细的介绍了RPR技术中的部分功能;拓扑发现和保护模块在MSTP单板中的实现。本文主要包括以下几个方面的内容;▲分析MSTP技术机制,总结MSTP技术的优点和目前存在的问题。▲分析RPR技术的体系结构,详细介绍该技术所能解决的问题和该技术在目前的应用。▲详细介绍该技术在MSTP单板中的具体实现,这里只是涉及到拓扑发现和保护模块。拓扑发现和保护软件功能模块完成以下功能;1、拓扑发现功能,完成RPR环的拓扑数据库的建立和更新,实现拓扑修改的“即改即用”。2、小于50ms的保护切换,完成RPR环的保护功能,并保证严格的数据帧不会被复制和重排。3、处理网管的配置和查询。

【Abstract】 RPR technology is to be integrated the functions in a single board, simply insert RPR veneer in SDH equipment-corresponding slots that can access the Ethernet business (based on 802.3 MAC frames) and pure RPR operations (based on the 802.17 MAC frames), the efficient handling, including bandwidth fair treatment, protection of RPR ring business, the strict isolation and genuine users of business classification CoS and QoS assurance. RPR mapped to the SDH frame structure mainly using GFP and HDLC-like two standards, the use of SDH channel bandwidth with flexible configuration, with the future of the growing data services, SDH networks allocated to increase in the RPR bandwidth, and a corresponding reduction in narrowband voice TDM services, don’t need to update the equipment, it can expand the network applications.Facing the current global difficulties in the telecom industry slump, major carriers are seeking to maximize the return on investment. Combine SDH and RPR dual advantages of the third generation of MSTP technology, not only to solve the current operators to bring the greatest benefits of TDM transmission business issues, while IP, ATM and other new business support capacity and bandwidth utilization is much higher than the traditional sense MSTP, in a fairly long period of time to maintain the advanced nature and adaptability of the network and become the metro optical network building mainstream technology. In the next generation of embedded MSTP Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) technology, is of great significance!This paper researchs deeply whit the implementation of RPR technology in MSTP equipment.Base on the analysis of the principle of RPR technology,it studies the advantage of RPR technology,and deeply analyse the great effects in the MSTP technology hierarchy.the paper introduce partial function of the RPR technology clearly: Topology and Protection Module,how to implement at MSTP veneer.This paper includes several aspects as following:Both analyses mstp technology mechanism, summarize MSTP technical advantage and existent problems.Analyses the RPR technical architecture, detail introduce the problems it can solve in the application of MSTP at the present day.Just detail introduce the implementation of Topology and Protection Module in MSTP veneerThe software function of Topology and Protection Module are:1、Realize the fuction of the Topology database how to build AND update in RPR ring.2、Realize the fuction of Protection for RPR ring, offer protectionthe switch less than 50ms when the network breakdown happan.3、Dealt with the configure and query of the network management.

【Key words】 MSTPRPRMPLSTopology and Protection
  • 【分类号】TN914.332
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】123

