

Technical Economic Study of Applying RFID in Domestic Chain-Like Retail Enterprise

【作者】 刘勇义

【导师】 帅斌;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 物流工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为了提升自己的竞争力,国内许多连锁零售企业开始积极地关注RFID技术的发展,其中一些企业甚至已经开始应用该项技术,但是由于RFID技术本身还存在着成本过高,技术标准不统一等问题,RFID技术对国内连锁零售企业来说,既是一个提高竞争力契机,同时也是一项挑战。如果国内连锁零售企业盲目应用RFID技术很可能不仅不能从中获益,甚至可能出现亏损,因此,在运用RFID技术时,国内连锁零售企业应该遵循一定的方法和策略,不能盲目的追赶潮流,否则很可能出现得不偿失的局面。本文在结合国内连锁零售企业的特点的基础上,对国内连锁企业应用RFID技术进行了研究,希望能为决策者提供决策参考。论文第一章对课题研究的背景、意义以及国内外研究现状作了概述,并指出论文的研究思路与方法;第二章在综述连锁零售企业的基础上分析了国内连锁零售企业信息化现状以及所存在的问题,指出RFID技术的应用是满足现代连锁零售企业信息化发展的需求。通过阐述RFID技术对国内连锁零售企业信息化建设的贡献,揭示了对该技术应用研究的必要性;第三章在结合新技术应用策略以及国内连锁零售企业现状的基础上,论文提出了国内连锁零售企业导入RFID技术的策略方法;投资收益是每个企业决策者最关心的问题,论文第四章根据现阶段RFID技术在国内连锁零售企业应用中的一些特点,分别分析了国内连锁零售企业应用RFID技术的成本和收益并建立了成本收益模型,同时列举了连锁零售企业应用RFID技术的成功案例并进行了简单的分析;为了检验RFID技术在连锁零售企业的应用效果,本文第五章依据综合评价的相关原则,建立了RFID技术应用效果的评价指标体系,并量化各项指标值,为国内连锁零售企业检验RFID技术的应用效果,找出现有系统中的不足以至改进整个系统提供了思路。本文致力于通过对国内连锁零售企业和RFID技术的特点、应用RFID技术的成本与收益以及RFID技术应用后的评价指标体系的研究,找出一套适合我国的连锁零售商应用RFID技术的方法,对促进国内连锁零售企业科学应用RFID技术具有一定的理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 In order to promote competition, many domestic retailers paied attention to the development of RFID technology positively; some of them even applied this technology into practice. Although it was an emerging and advanced device, the technology also exist some problems such as high cost and different standards, for domestic retailers, RFID means not only a chance for improve their competition but also a challenge. If retailers use the technology blindly, it is possible that it can’t obtain benefit, so it is useful for civil retailers to follow certain strategies to apply this technology. Analyzed the characteristics of domestic retailers and conducted deep research about RFID technology, this paper try to provide some suggestions for domestic retailers.The background had been introduced in the first paragraph, based on relevant literatures, the method and thought of this paper had also been pointed out; The problems of current information construction of domestic retails was pointed out in the second paragraph, through interpreting the contribution of RFE) technology, the paper released that it necessary to study the application of this technology; The tactical method of applying RFID in domestic retails be proposed in the third paragraph; according to the characteristics of current domestic retails, a cost-benefit model was built, based on RFID technology application, in the forth paragraph. Meanwhile, the paper also list some successful examples to demonstrate it; in order to test the result of RFID technology, a series evaluation indexes architecture have been established in the fifth paragraph, that is useful for domestic chain-like retail to find system problems and offer a thought for improvement.The paper devotes to find a principle which is suitable for domestic retails to apply RFID technology through deep study about the characteristics of retails and RFID, provided a thought for chain-like retail to resolve ineffective information and face high competitive environment. Meanwhile, the paper has academic and realistic meaning for prompting the application of RFID in domestic retail.

  • 【分类号】F721
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】666

