

Reverse Trademark Passing-Off and Its Legal Regulation

【作者】 吴慧

【导师】 陈家宏;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 美国是世界上禁止反向假冒最为发达的国家,其法院经过一个世纪的与反向假冒的斗争,直至最近20年反向假冒学说才逐渐形成。我国展开对商标反向假冒的热烈探讨,源于20世纪90年代的“枫叶”诉“鳄鱼”案。由于当时我国法律对此没有规定,导致法院对此类案件的审理陷入无所适从的困境,理论界学者们更是争论不休。2001年我国《商标法》出台,这从立法上明确了对商标反向假冒的规制。但是由于反向假冒理论在我国的发展不够完善,新《商标法》有关商标反向假冒的规定仍有不尽完善之处,相关法律对商标反向假冒行为的规定也不健全,因此理论界关于商标反向假冒的探讨仍然众说纷纭,有关商标反向假冒行为的性质及其法律适用仍然是学者们争议的焦点。笔者正是基于此认为有必要全面、深入的认识、研究商标反向假冒行为,尽可能全面的提出完善建议,进一步优化我国对商标反向假冒行为法律规制。本文采用的是“提出问题——分析问题——解决问题”的结构体例。首先通过界定商标反向假冒行为及其性质,系统梳理商标反向假冒基本理论(见第2、3章);其次考察评析国际社会对商标反向假冒行为的规制,旨在对我国规制商标反向假冒行为有所启示(见第4章);然后分析我国规制商标反向假冒行为的法律现状,指出我国法律规制商标反向假冒行为的不足之处(见第5章);最后,提出完善我国规制商标反向假冒的粗浅建议(见第6章)。本文较为系统地梳理了商标反向假冒的基本理论,在对商标反向假冒行为的定性分析上,笔者立足于剖析理论界对其性质的争论,并在此基础上提出自己的观点。通过考察国外对商标反向假冒的法律规制,对我国法律规制商标反向假冒的现状作深入评析,指出我国相关法律的不尽完善之处,并提出针对性的完善建议。

【Abstract】 The United States is the world’s most prohibit reverse fake developed countries, its courts through an entire century of struggle reverse passing-off, until recently 20 years reverse passing-off doctrine gradually taking shape. Our country launched a counterfeit trademark reverse passing-off, stems from the 1990s, "Maple Leaf v. "crocodile" case. Since then our country has no legal provisions, such cases result in the court hearing into the plight of uncertainty, the theory scholars are even more debate. In 2001 China’s "Trademark Law" promulgated, and make it clear from the legislation on the regulation of trademarks reverse passing-off. However, as reverse passing-off theory in the development of our country is not perfect enough, the new "Trademark Law" on the provisions of counterfeit trademark reverse still not perfect, the relevant legal acts of counterfeit trademark reverse passing-off the provisions do not sound, so the theory reverse pretends about the trademark the discussion still had wide divided opinions, the nature of the act and its application is still a focal point which the scholars disputed. The author is considered necessary based on this comprehensive, in-depth understanding of research trademark reverse fake, as comprehensively as possible to improve the proposal, and further optimize the reverse of the counterfeit trademark of Legal Regulation.This paper is based on "proposed the question - analysis question -solves the problem" the structure of stylistic. First , by defining acts and nature of trademark passing-off, carding the basic theory of trademark reverse passing-off (see paragraphs 2, 3 Chapter).Secondly, inspect the regulation of the international community to trademark reverse passing-off, seeks to enlighten China’s regulation of trademark reverse passing-off (see Chapter 4);Then, analyze China’s legal status quo of trademarks reverse passing-off the, pointing out the inadequacy that China’s Legal Regulation of trademarks reverse passing-off of the act (see Chapter 5).Finally, proposed superficial suggestion to improve our regulatory system of trademark reverse passing-off (see Chapter 6).In this paper, the innovation lies in a more systematic manner carding the basic theory of trademark reverse passing-off, regarding the nature of trademark reverse passing-off ,the author bases on the analysis theory to its nature argument, and proposes own viewpoint in this foundation.Through study abroad legal regulation on trademark reverse passing-off, and China’s current situation of trademark reverse passing-off, pointed puts forward the proposal.

【关键词】 商标反向假冒法律规制
【Key words】 trademarkreverse passing-offlegal regulation
  • 【分类号】D923.43;D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】285

