

【作者】 饶晨

【导师】 石永革;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 QoS(Quality of Serviee)即服务质量,是用于衡量服务满意程度的综合指标。随着网络的普及发展以及网络数据传输量的迅猛增长,如何实现端到端的QoS成为热点课题之一。目前的IP路由技术以及组网方式不能适应网络的扩展和许多增值业务的实现,IP网络不能保证特定业务的特殊QoS要求,成为IP网络向宽带综合服务网络发展的巨大障碍。如何满足网络的QoS要求,以使网络能够灵活地根据业务的具体特点提供给客户满意的服务,是业界急待解决的问题。现有的各种QOS实现机制,包括综合服务(Intserv)模型、区分服务(Diffserv)模型、QoS路由、多协议标记交换(MPLS)等技术都有各自的技术特点、优缺点以及应用领域,但它们都无法单独实现完全的QoS保证。由于多协议标记交换技术(MPLS)兼具了IP的灵活性、可扩展性和ATM硬件交换技术的高速性能、QoS性能、流量控制性能,可以兼容现有各种主流网络技术,减少网络的复杂度,大幅度降低组网成本,在向用户提供IP业务时,能确保QoS及其安全性。因此,将MPLS技术与Intserv和Diffserv模型相结合的机制可以充分利用MPLS的显式路由能力以及Diffserv模型的可扩展性,在可实施性和扩展性方面具有一定的优势,成为普遍看好的解决IP骨干网中QoS问题的有效技术。本文首先讨论了QoS的关键技术,分析了Intserv、Diffserv和QoS路由的基本原理、工作方式,指出它们各自的优缺点和网络应用环境。然后在分析MPLS基本原理的基础上,详细论述了MPLS技术对流量工程和Diffserv模型支持的要求,从流量工程的角度分析了用DS—TE技术保障端到端IPQoS的解决方案,并给出了三种混合模型的实现方案。最后部分指出了本研究的创新点与特点,以及需要继续努力的方向。

【Abstract】 QoS is used as a synthetic index to measure the satisfied extent of applying some service.With the development of Network and explosive increase of data flow, It brings up a challenging task to handle the problems that how to deal with QoS from Peer to Peer.With present IP Routing Technology and Network structure, it is not easy to expand the whole network and to provide various services.Not undertaking QoS requirement has become the obstacle of the IP Network’s development.How to resolve the problem and provide the satisfied service according to the special proceeding flexibly needs instant answers.Several major mechanisms which could realize QoS guarantee,including chalaeteristics and applications of Intserv model,Diffserv model,QoS rouling. MPLS and kinds of related techniques,have their advantages and disadvantages separetly.And only a single kind of QoS mechism can not solve problems of quality of service.MPLS iniegrate the peculiarity of ATM and IP.The technology has good flexibility and high speed.Adopting it can include various central network technologies.So the combination of Diffserv,Intserv and MPLS mechanism makes use of the explicit route ability of MPLS and the scalability of Diffserv.It has been believed universally to be the effective technology to resolve the IP QoS problems of backbone networks at Present.The paper introduces key technology of IP QoS first,analyzes the basic theory and work style of Intserv、Diffserv and QoS routing。Then it Based on the analysis of the principle of MPLS technology,it studies the feasibility of the integration of the QoS and the traffic engineering under the framework of the MPLS technology.And a detailed analysisis given for the requirement of the MPLS to support the Differv model.And expound the solution of end—to—end IP QoS using MPLS DS—TE.Finally,it expound three mixed solutions.The last part of this paper point out some deficiency in this project

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】TN915.02
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】105

