

A Research and Design of Hand-free System in Cars Based on Buletooth Technology

【作者】 周小斌

【导师】 孟利民;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 据专家调查分析,驾车使用手机极易引发交通事故,如今业已构成危害公众交通安全的一项重要隐患。考虑到开车接打手机的潜在危险及其对公共交通的影响,我国《交通法》严令禁止驾车时接听手机,其他国家也不乏这样的立法例,如日本、德国的相关法律均禁止司机开车时使用手机。因此未来车载免提电话有希望成为汽车的标准配件。蓝牙是一种支持设备短距离通信(一般是10M之内)的无线电技术,可以近距离内用最廉价的方式将几台数字化设备呈网状链接起来,而且现在蓝牙技术已非常成熟,它有着低功耗,低成本,使用安全,可靠性高,标准统一的特点,基于蓝牙技术的车载免提系统应运而生。蓝牙车载免提系统用于实践,可以大大提高驾车的安全性。本文通过对蓝牙技术的研究,介绍整个蓝牙协议的体系结构,进一步研究蓝牙免提协议,给出了车载免提系统的设计与实现方案。在该系统的实现方案中比较困难的问题在于如何进行回音消除和噪音抑制,本文着重在这两个问题上进行了探讨与实践。业界观察家称,在今后五年内,基于蓝牙的汽车技术呈爆炸性增长态势,车载免提电话因为其良好的实用性和性价比,将具有巨大的市场潜力。

【Abstract】 According to researches, using a cellphone is dangerous for a driver when his is driving. It has become a major cause of traffic accidents and imperils the public traffic safety. With respect to the potential danger mentioned above, a regulation in Chinese Traffic Law forbids the using of cellphone in the course of driving. Such regulation is also very common in other countries, including Japan and Germany. Therefore, a hand-free phone in cars is very probable to become a standard part of cars in the near future.Bluetooth is a wireless technique that supports short-range communication (generally within 10 meters). This means within the mentioned range, it can connect several digital devices into a net in the cheapest way. Furthermore, the Bluetooth technique is very mature now, character by its low-power consumption, low-cost, high-security, high-reliability and unified standards. Therefore, Bluetooth technique based hand-free system in cars is sure to emerge. The application of Bluetooth technique based hand-free system in cars will greatly improve the security in driving.This paper introduces the systematic construction of Hand Free Profile (HFP) and furthers the research on it by studying the Bluetooth technique. It also offers the design of a hand-free system in cars and the way to implement it. Since the main difficulties in the practice is the echo cancellation and the noise reduction, this paper will expound the concerning problems in detail.According to some observers, in the following 5 years, the Bluetooth technique based hand-free system in cars will have an dramatic growth. Because of its high practicality and price-performance ratio, the hand-free phone for car will promise great market potential.

  • 【分类号】U463.6;TN925
  • 【下载频次】215

