

On the Perfection of the Corporate Opportunity Doctrine in China

【作者】 赖运生

【导师】 陈奇伟;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 经济法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 公司机会制度是公司治理的一项重要法律制度。所谓公司机会,是指以董事为代表的经营管理人员及相关人员基于公司职务获得的并有义务向公司披露的,与公司经营活动相关的各种商业机会。以董事为代表的经营管理人员及相关人员不得利用其在公司中的便利地位把本属于公司的商业机会转归自己或他人利用而从中牟利。在英国,公司机会制度源自衡平法上受托人信义义务规则,衡平法的原则是无论谁利用其受信地位而谋利,均必须返还这笔利润,不必考虑是否有欺诈、缺乏善意、公司能否或应否获得此项利润等,只要获利人赚取了利润,就不能逃脱法律责任。在美国的司法判例中先后确立了公司机会认定的利益或期待标准、经营范围标准、公平标准等。英国的规定相当苛刻,美国的规定成多元化。因此公司机会的认定标准、法律救济手段、当事人责任承担等都存在很大的分歧,成为学术界关注争论的焦点。我国新《公司法》确立了公司机会法律制度。第一百四十九条规定,董事、高级管理人员不得“未经股东会或者股东大会同意,利用自己职务便利为自己或者他人谋取公司的商业机会”,“董事、高级管理人员违反前款规定所得收入应当对公司所有”。仔细分析不难发现,公司机会的认定标准没有规定,缺乏可操作性;责任主体仅限于董事、高级管理人员,存在法律漏洞;法律救济手段和责任承担显得过于单一,不适应复杂的我国公司现状。因此我国公司机会法律制度需要进一步完善。本文除引言和结语外,由公司机会定位及其法律制度概述、国外公司机会制度理论与立法、我国公司机会法律制度的完善三部分组成。第一部分公司机会的定位及其法律制度概述。首先,一方面从机会的载体具体信息入手,横向比较公司机会与相关法律概念的异同;另一方面从公司各主体的法律关系入手,纵向挖掘公司机会在公司法律关系中所处的地位。从而把握公司机会的法律性质,完成公司机会定位。其次,在概述公司机会制度历史演进的基础上,从主体视角、客体视角、责任视角、监控视角入手,完成我国公司机会法律制度的构架。第二部分国外公司机会的理论与立法现状。本部分以上一部分确立的制度构架作为思维路径,重点考察英美国家的理论和法例。分析英美公司机会制度的优劣,提炼完善我国公司机会法律制度的启示。第三部分我国公司机会法律制度的完善。该部分是本文的重点。在总结前两部分的基础上,完善我国公司机会法律制度。分别从主体制度、客体制度(认定标准)、责任制度、监控制度四方面进行论述。

【Abstract】 The Corporate Opportunity Doctrine is an important legal system in corporate governance .The so-called corporate opportunities, refer to the various business opportunities the company business activities associated with which the director as the representative of management staff and associated personnel duties was based on the company and the obligation to disclose to the company. The directors as the representative to the staff of the operation and management and associated personnel in the company shall not use their position to facilitate the company’s business opportunities for themselves or others.In the United Kingdom, the company opportunity system stems from the rules of trustee fiduciary duty in the law equity, The principle in the law of equity is that regardless of who use their position to make money, must return the profits, regardless of whether there is a fraud, a lack of goodwill, the company can or should be provided with the profits and so on, as long as the profits were earned profits will not be able to escape liability. Interest-or-expectancy-test, line-of-business test, fairness test which the standard for recognition of the corporate opportunity have been established in the jurisprudence of the United States. The provisions in Britain is harsh but in the United States is diversified, so there is a big difference between the standard for recognition, legal means of relief and the parties bear responsibility of corporate opportunity, it has become the focus of academics controversy.China’s new "Company Law" established the Corporate Opportunity Doctrine. The 149th provides that the directors and senior management personnel shall not "without a shareholder or shareholders of the General Assembly agrees to use his position to gain for themselves or other people’s business opportunities." "Directors, senior management personnel who violate provisions in the preceding section of the proceeds to the company should be all." After analysis carefully, we can easily discover the company law does not provide the standard, lack of operable, the main responsibility is limited to directors and senior management, exists legal loopholes, relief means and the legal liability is too single and does not meet the complexity of the status quo of Chinese Companies . Therefore, my company needs to further improve the legal system.In this paper, in addition to the introduction and conclusion, the drivers will be outlined positioning and its legal system, foreign companies the opportunity system theory and the legislature, the Perfection of the Corporate Opportunity Doctrine in China consists of three parts.The first part, the corporate opportunity positioning and its legal system outlined. First, on the one hand, start with the vector from the specific information, compared with the company the opportunity to cross-cutting legal concepts related to the similarities and differences, on the other hand, start with the legal relationship from the main companies, Mining the status the companies vertical opportunities in the company in legal relations. In order to grasp the legal nature of the corporate opportunity, complete the opportunity Positioning. Secondly, the company outlined opportunities in the history of evolution of the system on the basis of the theme from the perspective of object perspective, the responsibility perspective, starting with monitoring perspective, our company the opportunity to complete the legal system framework.The second part, foreign theory and legislation. The Part used the above framework of the established system as a thinking path, inspected the theory and Britain and the United States national legislation, analysis the advantage and disadvantage of company opportunity system in Britain and USA. Refining companies to improve China’s legal system inspiration.The third part, the perfection of the Corporate Opportunity Doctrine.This part is the focus of this paper. At the conclusion of the previous two parts, based on the company to improve China’s legal system. Separately from the main system, the object system (that standard), the responsibility system, control system on four aspects.

【关键词】 公司机会定位制度完善
【Key words】 company opportunitypositioningsystem improving
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】137

