

The Study on Red Culture and Keeping the Advanced Properties of Communist Party of China

【作者】 刘丽平

【导师】 李水弟;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 先进性建设是我们党在新时期提出的重大课题。先进性是马克思主义政党的根本特征,是党的生命力所系、力量所在。始终保持党的先进性和纯洁性是确保党的凝聚力、战斗力和号召力的根本要求。中国共产党的先进性,从最根本的方面来看,它体现的是马克思主义政党的优秀品质,体现的是中华民族的优良传统,体现的是二者在中国的革命、建设与改革的实践中的紧密结合和与时俱进。保持党的先进性在本质上是对马列主义及其中国化成果的坚持与创新,是对中华民族优秀传统的继承和发扬,是对解放思想、实事求是,一切从实际出发的思想路线的坚持。因此,以马克思主义为指导,同时继承了中国传统文化的精华,体现了马克思主义与中国传统文化相结合的红色文化必然要进入保持党的先进性的研究视野,突显其在保持党的先进性中的价值。“红色文化”是中国共产党领导中国人民在长期的革命和建设中积淀起来的一种特殊的文化类型,是中华民族优秀文化的时代构成和民族精神的丰富和发展,蕴涵着丰富的革命精神和厚重的历史文化内涵。它形成于中国共产党领导的第二次国内革命战争时期,经过抗日战争和解放战争时期的丰富以及建国后的进一步完善和发展,是中国共产党领导的,以井冈山精神、长征精神、延安精神、抗战精神、西柏坡精神等优秀精神品质为内核的反帝反封的、民族的、科学的、大众的文化形态。具体来说,红色文化更多的表现为革命年代中的“人、物、事、魂”。其中“魂”是本文研究的重点,它是红色文化的精髓,它融合了中华民族的优良传统和革命精神,是中国共产党人和广大革命群众共同作风、共同信念、共同精神品质和思维方式的集中体现。红色文化不仅是中华民族精神和优秀传统文化的凝聚和积淀,也是中国共产党人优良传统和革命精神的具体体现,是中华民族宝贵的精神财富和党的先进性重要体现和保障。“红色文化”在不同的革命时期有不同的文化内涵和精神指向,但他们都是在中国共产党直接统一领导下形成和发展的,是一脉相承的文化形态,是党的先进性的集中体现,是保持党员先进性的精神体现。可以说,“红色文化”从它孕育形成的那一天起,就同中国共产党的先进性建设紧密相连,同中国共产党的生死存亡息息相关。弘扬红色文化对永葆党的先进性具有永恒的价值,是保持党的先进性的重要法宝。本文分三部分内容分别论述红色文化与保持党的先进性的关系;第一部分,红色文化与保持党的先进性的内在联系。主要对红色文化和保持党的先进性进行了涵义与本质的分析和归纳。着重阐述了红色文化的主要内容。并指出红色文化和保持党的先进性在主要内容、思想精髓、价值取向上具有内在一致性。红色文化所包含的主体精神是博大精深的,它涵盖了众多的思想内容。我们只有立足于对它的本质研究,抓住它的核心精神,才能找到它的主要内容,做到全面、系统、准确地理解红色文化,推进红色文化的研究工作,从而有助于我们在现实中把它同我们的保持党的先进性实践相结合,使之成为一股无比强大的精神动力。第二部分,红色文化与保持中国共产党先进性的当前实践。围绕经济建设这一中心任务,新时期的党的思想政治工作、党员的先进性建设以及和谐社会的构建都是党的先进性建设的重要任务。红色文化为党员干部马克思主义思想洗炼提供特殊基地,是保持党员的先进性的生动教材和重要资源;红色文化对和谐社会的构建具有十分重要的作用,是新时期构建和谐社会的强大的思想武器,为构建和谐社会提供价值本源和精神支撑。第三部分,红色文化与保持党的先进性的互动发展。着眼于二者的相互作用,侧重论述了红色文化对保持党的先进性的意义与作用。红色文化为保持党的先进性提供动力支持,为保持党的先进性提供路径选择、楷模和实践标准。党的先进性建设为红色文化的发展注入新的活力,党的先进性建设为红色文化的发展提供政治保障、规定了时代任务、增添了新的内容。弘扬红色文化,永葆党的先进性,使中国共产党永远走在时代的前列,引导全国人民不断前进。

【Abstract】 Advanced construction is an important thesis proposed by the Communist Party in the new era. Exemplariness is a unique character of Marxist parties. The advancement means Party’s life, power and eternal theme of party building. The advancement of Communist Party, essentially speaking , not only represents the preeminent characteristics of Marxist party and the super ordinary tradition of Chinese nationalities, but also manifests the closed relationship and keeping pace with the times of the above two in the practice of the China’s revolution, construction, and reform. On the basis of that, this article figure out that keeping the advanced properties of CPC is essentially to persevere and innovate Marxist-Leninist it’s achievement of sinticizing, is to inherit and promote the prominent tradition of Chinese nationalities, is to insist on ideological route that is "emancipates the mind, realistically, all embark from the reality". Therefore, "red culture" which is the products of Marxist and Leninist combined with Chinese outstanding traditional culture will inevitably enter into research field of the advanced construction and demonstrate the prominent contemporary value."The red culture" is the exude concept with rich connotation, which is the anti-imperialism, anti-feudal, national, scientific and popular cultural modality, led by CPC, and with outstanding spiritual quality such as the Jinggangshan spirit, the Long March spirit, the Yanan spirit, the Xibaipo spirit as its kernel. The red culture came into being during second civil revolution war led by CPC. It was developed through the periods of anti- Japanese war, liberation war and the period after the found of new China. It’s also the offspring of combination of Marxism and Chinese traditional culture. The red culture is containing rich revolutionary mental and sincere historical culture connotation, which is not only the condensation and accumulates of the Chinese nations’ spirits and the outstanding traditional culture, but also the material embodiment of Chinese Communists’ tradition and the spirit of revolution. It is the precious spiritual wealth of Chinese nation and precious resources to keeping the advanced properties of CPC in new times. "The red culture" has the different cultural connotation and the spiritual direction in the different revolutionary time, and it is the culture modality of coming down in one continuous line, formed and developed with the direct and uniform leading of CPC. It can be said that, "the red culture" is connected with keeping the advanced properties of CPC, and linked with Communist Party of China’s life and death from the day when it came into being. To expand and to spread the red culture have eternal importance for keeping the advanced properties of CPC and is the talisman of keeping the advanced qualities of the Party. Divided into three parts, this paper analyses and discusses the relationship between "red culture" and keeping the advanced properties of CPC.Session one is about the inner connection between "red culture" and keeping the advanced properties of CPC. It mainly analyses and summarizes the meaning and essence of "red culture" and advanced construction of CPC especially the content of the "red culture". Promoting the "red culture" is not only the effective measure of thought construction but also the important content and the essence requirement. Both promoting the clean and honest culture and the advanced construction of CPC all has the intrinsic uniformity in the aspects of core entity, target termination, and spirits. The "red culture" contains the main body spirit is broad which has covered the multitudinous ideological content. We only base to study to its essence, hold its core spirit, can find its important content, achieves comprehensively, is systematic, accurately understands the "red culture", the advancement "red culture" research work, thus is helpful to us unifies in the reality it with keeping the advanced properties of CPC practice, causes it to become an incomparably formidable power.Session two is about the current practice of "red culture" and keeping the advanced properties of CPC. Focusing on the central task of economic construction, the most practical work of the keeping the advanced properties of CPC are: The ideological and political education in the new era, maintaining the advanced nature of Party members, on constructing socialist harmonious society. The "red culture" is the valuable source, culture basic and motivate of Party’s ideological and political education in the new era. "red culture", together with the advanced construction of Party members, has become the important part of keeping the advanced properties of CPC; The "red culture" play important role on constructs the harmonious society .it provides the thought weapon; the value source and the spiritual strut for constructs harmonious social in the new time.Session three is about the interactive development of "red culture" and keeping the advanced properties of CPC. Focused on their mutual promotion, it prescribes keeping the advanced properties of CPC to promote and facilitate the development of "red culture". The keeping the advanced properties of CPC provides significant ideological and conceptual fountainhead and gives soul of value and makes task of times for the development of "red culture" and injects new vitality, which makes the development of "red culture" closely integrated with today’s economic and biological construction, so it expands a new field of development of "red culture". The "red culture" has provided the power support for; the way choice, the model and the practice standard for The keeping the advanced properties of CPC. Our party would smoothly complete all party’s mission given by the people in the development of the "red culture".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D261.1
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】898

