

Choice & Research of Logistics Strategy and Logistics Modes in Jiangxi Copper Corp.

【作者】 江健凡

【导师】 尹继东;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 工业工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济的快速发展和现代科学技术的进步,物流产业作为国民经济中一个新兴的服务部门,正在全球范围内迅速发展。在国际上物流业被认为是国民经济发展的动脉和基础产业,其发展程度成为衡量一个国家现代化程度和综合国力的重要标志之一。我国的物流起步较晚,我国物流的整体水平以及企业物流管理水平与发达国家相比都有较大差距。从我国目前的经济发展来看,随着市场经济深入,单纯依赖商流赚取利润的机会越来越少、空间越来越小。因此企业逐步把目光转向素有“第三利润源”之称的物流,纷纷在整合物流资源、优化企业内部物流管理、降低物流成本方面大做文章,想以此形成新的经济增长点或新的利润源泉。从现实情况来看,本文作者所在的江铜集团的物流管理整体水平不高,物流成本居高不下,企业的盈利能力受到严重制约,物流水平落后已成为影响江铜集团整体效益和整体竞争力的重要因素之一。基于此,作为江铜集团一名长期从事企业管理研究的中层管理人员,本文作者试图对江铜集团实施物流战略选择和物流模式的选择等相关问题的研究和探讨,希望能对江铜集团解决发展过程中的“物流瓶颈”问题、提升江铜的物流管理水平、提高企业整体竞争力、实现江铜的可持续发展尽自己的力量,同时也为大型制造业物流的发展提供一些参考。全文共分六个部分;第一部分导论,简要介绍研究物流特别是企业物流的意义,指出了物流业是国民经济发展的动脉和基础产业,是企业的“第三利润源”,并说明本文主要采用的研究方法是规范研究法、实证研究和归纳、演绎等;第二部分简要介绍物流的相关概念,主要包括物流的定义、物流的作用、主要物流学说、物流的分类、物流管理等;第三部分简要介绍物流企业与企业物流差异、企业物流模式的主要种类、我国企业物流的发展现状和存在问题的原因分析以及企业物流战略管理等;第四部分重点介绍江铜集团物流发展战略的总体思路,主要包括实施物流战略的必要性分析、实施物流战略的SWOT分析、物流战略的基本思路、实施步骤和相关措施以及评价指标体系等;第五部分介绍江铜集团物流模式的选择和构建,主要包括多种企业物流模式的比较(主要是自营物流、外包外流和共建物流)、企业物流模式选择的主要考虑因素、江铜物流模式的选择依据和物流模式的基本架构;第六部分分析江铜集团实施物流战略过程中应着力解决的四个问题,主要包括物流战略与企业总体战略的适应问题、物流战略的统一规划和分步实施的问题、选择物流模式如何与企业实际相结合的问题和物流评价体系的全面性、适应性等。

【Abstract】 With fast development of world economy and rapid progress of modern science and technology, logistics as a new service in national economy, is developing fast globally. Logistics is regarded internationally as the artery and basic industry in the development of national economy, and the extent of its development has become one of the key indications of uptodateness and overall capacity of a country. Logistics started later in our country, and a big gap exists in comparing the general level of logistics in our country and the level of logistics management in the enterprises to those in the developed countries. As seen by the present economic development in our country, while going deep into market economy, there is less and less chance and possibility to make profit only by commercial distribution. Therefore, enterprises are progressively turning their eyes on logistics, which is usually called "the third profit source" . They, one after another, are doing a lot of work in integrating the sources of logistics, optimizing the management of the logistics in the enterprises, reducing the cost of logistics, expecting to form new points of economic growth and new headspring of profit. As seen by realism, in Jiangxi Copper Corp. (referred as "JCC" herein), in which the author of this article is working, the overall management level of logistics is not high, logistics cost is not able to be reduced from a high level, and profitability of the enterprise is severely restricted. Laggard level of logistics has become one of the key factors affecting the whole benefit and competitiveness of JCC. Bases on this, as a mid-level managerial engaged in research work on enterprise management in JCC over a long period of time, the author of this article tries to investigate and probe into the related issues on choice of logistics strategies and logistics modes in JCC, expecting to do his endeavor to solve "bottleneck problem of logistics" in the developing process of JCC, upgrade the level of logistics management of JCC, enhance the whole competitiveness of the enterprise, and achieve sustainable development of JCC, and at the same time expecting to offer some references for the development of logistics in large manufacturing industries. This article is in six chapters. Chapter One—Introduction, introduces briefly the significance of doing research work on logistics, especially internal logistics, pointing out logistics is the artery and basic industry in the development of national economy and the "the third profit source" of an enterprise, and illustrating the main research methods in this article are normative research, empirical research, induction and deduction, etc.; Chapter Two introduces briefly the relational concepts of logistics, including mainly the definition of logistics, functions of logistics, main theories on logistics, sorts of logistics and management of logistics, etc. ; Chapter Three introduces briefly the difference between logistics enterprise and internal logistics, main sorts of internal logistics, state of the art and analysis to the cause of existing problems in internal logistics in our country, and strategy management of internal logistics, etc. ; Chapter Four focuses on analysis of the overall train of thoughts on JCC’s logistics development strategy, including mainly analysis of necessity to implement logistics strategy, SWOT analysis of implementing logistics strategy, basic train of thoughts on logistics strategy, implementation steps and related measures, and evaluating indicator system, etc. ; Chapter Five introduces choice and construction of logistics mode in JCC, including mainly comparison of several modes of internal logistics (self-support logistics, outsourcing logistics and joint logistics, primarily), the main factors to be considered in choosing internal logistics mode, gists of logistics mode choice and basic frames of logistics mode in JCC; Chapter Six analyzes the four issues that JCC should exert itself to handle in implementing logistics strategy, including mainly the issues of adaptability between logistics strategy and total strategy of the enterprise, the issues of unified planning and step implementing of logistics strategy, the issues of how the choice of logistics mode will be combined with practical situation of the enterprise, and the issues of all sidedness and adaptability of the logistics evaluating system, etc..

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】F279.2;F259.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】528

