

The Rising of Review in Its Prosperous Time

【作者】 胡青

【导师】 易平;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 时评经历了一段时间的断裂与沉寂之后,以《中国青年报》的冰点时评专栏的推出为契机,于20世纪90年代兴盛并繁荣起来,在媒体上再度掀起轩然大波。随着各大报纸新的时评专栏、时评专版竞相开设,随着公众参与时评的热情高涨,“观点时代”势不可挡的出现到来。其中,以《南方都市报》为首的南方报纸独立潮头,凭借在时评方面的大胆探索和理念的创新成为第三次时评热潮之翘楚,所以笔者以《南方都市报》时评版作为新世纪时评兴起的典型案例进行分析。并试图解决以下三个问题:1、为什么会出现时评兴盛的局面,有哪些时代原因。2、《南方都市报》时评版秉持一种什么样的理念而得己走在新世纪报业时评的尖端。3、总结归纳新世纪《南都》时评版改版后的版面、内容、认知分析上的特点。本文运用了新闻学、传播学、以及公共关系学等相关的学科知识,对《南方都市报》时评的理念和特点重点进行论述,最后并对《南方都市报》的时评发展的趋势提出几点忧患。本文对人们更加深刻的认识新世纪《南方都市报》时评版的实践,有一定的理论和实用方面的价值,对其他报业时评的发展之路有一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 After review column "freezing point" of "Chinese youth newspaper" appeared, review became hot on papery media.Not only the papery media, the review column of the television broadcast piled up one after another, including the on-line medium of course. The newspapers in southern China took "the southern city newspaper" as their head by right of the audacious exploration on review became the lead of the third upsurge of review. The thesis regarded review column of "the southern city newspaper" as the typical example to analyse the rising of the review in the new century. The writer contends to emerge prosperous situation of the rising of the review in the new century from of economy, politics, the cultural reform environment and the contend between the media themselves firstly , then to analyse the concept of offhand review of "the southern city newspaper" from paying attention to China must observing world at first so that to set up a citizen speech space with the special features of "the southern city newspaper". At last, the thesis sumed up the characteristics of layout, contents, cognition analysis of review column of "the southern city newspaper".This thesis has made use of related academics knowledge of Journalism, Communication, Public relation etc., to dissertate the concept and the characteristics of review column of "the southern city newspaper", and to estimate and prospect the developing trend of it.The writer believed that the thesis in possession of some theories and practical value on knowing more about the fulfil of offhand review column of "the southern city newspaper".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期
  • 【分类号】G212
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】270

