

An Analysis of Small Claims Procedure

【作者】 罗宁

【导师】 涂书田;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 民事诉讼法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 日常生活中小额债务和侵权纠纷渐多起来,诉讼作为维护社会正义的最后一道防线,理应承担化解纠纷的责任。但在每个国家投入的司法资源是十分有限的情况下,民众强烈的司法需求与诉讼程序高成本之间必然存在矛盾,如何更好地解决这一冲突,保障当事人平等“接近正义”的权利成为我国现阶段法治建设面临的重要问题之一。小额诉讼程序是解决诉讼标的金额较小的案件所适用的一种特殊诉讼程序,由于其高效、灵活、成本低廉等特点,到20世纪60年代以后受到各国的关注并得到很大的发展。鉴于此,本文运用了归纳总结、比较分析、历史研究的方法,对小额诉讼程序的概念、法理基础等理论问题进行了初步的探析,分析了小额诉讼程序的一般理论。通过介绍国外小额诉讼程序的立法体例,对比我国社会现实,提出在我国当前制度环境下设置小额诉讼程序的具体建议,以期对解决现实生活中的小额纠纷有所裨益。本文除引言外,共分为六章。第一章从小额诉讼程序概念的界定以及设立的背景对小额诉讼程序做基本的概述。第二章对小额诉讼程序产生的三点主要法理基础进行探讨。第三章分析和回应小额诉讼程序面临的理论质疑。第四章介绍和评析比较完善的几个国家小额诉讼程序立法体例,从中总结出小额诉讼程序的一些共同特点和规律性的发展趋势。第五章对我国小额诉讼程序建立的必要性和可行性进行了阐述,一并指出应该注意的问题。第六章在前面行文基础上,就我国小额诉讼的具体设置提出了一些粗浅的看法。

【Abstract】 Small claims and disputes of infringing right have been increasing gradually in our daily life, litigation, as the last defensive line to safeguard the social justice, should be liable for resolving disputes. However, with limited judicial resources, contradiction certainly exists between demands of justice and high cost of procedure every country. How to settle this conflict better and safeguard the litigant’s right of "nearing to the justice equally" has been a very important problem which connected with the rule of law construction of our country on the present stage. Small claims procedure has got attention from other countries and developed quickly since 1960s because of its high efficiency, flexibility and low cost. On this ground, this paper initially probes into the basic theoretical problems on the small claims procedure in an inductive and comparative method, for example, its concept and jurisprudential basis. Through analyzing the major pattern in foreign legislation and comparing with our country’s social reality, the author puts forward the thought about establishing this procedure in the current realistic surroundings in order to give some reference for the settlement of people’s petty right disputes.Besides the foreword, the present paper consists of six chapters. The first part discusses fundamental a summary of the concept of small claims procedure and the establishment conditions of the small claims procedure. The second part interprets three main jurisprudential basis to establishment small claims procedure The third part analyzes and responds to the challenges to theories of this procedure. The forth part draws some conclusion about the common characteristics and regular tendency about small claims procedure through the introduction and comparison of the legislation on small claims procedure in several countries, In the fifth part, the author analyzes the necessity and the feasibility of establishing the small claims procedure, and point out some problems which can’t be ignored. At the last part of the text, basing on the discussing above, make a detail blueprint of its implementation, put forward the details on how to establish small claims procedure in our state.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D925
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】331

