

High School Chemistry Teaching to Strengthen Physics Knowledge of Infiltration

【作者】 杨海云

【导师】 王永成;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 化学和物理学都属于自然科学范畴,它们是从不同的角度来研究物质的相关性质。因此,它们本身就存在着天然的联系。再从化学与物理学两门科学发展的历程来看,它们之间的联系越来越多,也越来越紧密。化学课程和物理课程是中学的两门基础课程,在中学化学教学中加强物理学知识渗透有如下几方面的作用:(1)有利于克服当前分科课程的弊端;(2)符合当前科学发展的要求,符合科学教育的目标,也符合STS教育的科学发展观;(3)能为学生在“科学领域内”获得对科学本质的理解、统一的科学原理及全面的科学方法创造条件。以中学化学课本(人教版)中与中学物理学有关的知识按照知识大块、分别就光学、运动学、动力学、热学、稳恒电流、电磁学、气体定律、原子物理学、物态变化等知识与化学学科结合来分析中学化学与物理学知识之间的联系。针对现今中学化学教学中渗透教学存在的问题及对产生的原因分析,提出如下建议。学校及各级教育部门方面:(1)可加强学科“渗透”教学的宣传力度;(2)为一线的教师提供更多的备课资源;(3)举办一些关于学科渗透教学的培训、讲座、示范课及教学比武等。这些都能够从思想上、教学资源及渗透教学技巧上为一线的教师提供帮助。化学教师方面:(1)从思想上跟上时代的步伐,更新教育观念,放下思想包袱。放下教学是“一心为了学生升学的思想”,树立教育是为了学生全面发展的思想。在中学化学教学过程中树立渗透意识;(2)开阔视野,跳出学科界限;(3)熟悉中学化学及物理学的知识结构,为渗透教学作好铺垫;(4)整体把握教材的知识结构,抓住渗透教学的时机;(5)精心选择教学素材,开展渗透教学,发挥学科间正向迁移作用;(6)将物理学知识有机的融合到化学学科教学中;(7)重视化学史教育;(8)在“过程与方法”上下功夫。本文采用了文献法、问卷调查法及实验研究等方法。从当前可查到的文献来看,在中学化学教学中加强物理学知识渗透发表的文章不多,并且在此中的文章多以习题形式展现。对中学化学教学中加强物理学知识渗透的原则和方法研究的更少,且分析得不够全面。因此,全面总结中学化学课程与物理课程知识间的联系,探究在中学化学教学中加强物理学知识渗透的原则和方法,无疑会对当前的新课程改革及中学化学教学有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Physics and chemistry are a natural area and the nature of their relevant materials is studied from the different angles. Therefore, there exists of their own natural links. In the process of scientific development, the link between physics and chemistry has become more and more closely. As the basis of courses in the high school, there are several advantages to strengthen the infiltration of physics during the teaching of chemistry as follows: it is beneficial not only to overcome the drawback of current division courses, but to conform to the current scientific developments, the educational aims and the scientific concept of STS education as well as creating the useful condition for students to understand the scientific nature and the integral of principles and methods comprehensively.According to the textbooks of chemistry and physics(PEP) in high school, physics can be classified such as optics, kinematics, dynamics, heat, constant current, electromagnetism, gas law, atomic physics, knowledge of state changes, etc and it will be more effective to analyzing chemistry and physics by combining both of them.About the problems and the causes of emphasizing the infiltration of physics with chemical, I give some suggestions as follows: First, teachers will be benefit a lot in their mind if school and the department of education adapt the infiltration with the resources available by strengthening the importance of it, providing teachers with more resources for their preparations and organizing it through training, lectures, demonstrations or competition, etc. secondly, it will better for teachers themselves such as (1) to renew the conception of education, and put aside ideological baggage so as to keep up with the pace of time; (2) to broaden our horizons, and get out of the discipline lines; (3)to get familiar with the knowledge structure, and pave the way for infiltration of teaching; (4) to choose the teaching materials carefully for teaching in infiltration and the interdisciplinary in various courses; (5) to grasp the knowledge structure of materials, teaching infiltration and seize the opportunity; (6) to combine the organic integration of the knowledge of physics to chemistry subject teaching; (7) to learn chemistry at a scientific domain; (8) to attach the importance of chemical History Education; (9) to make the efforts in "Process and Method"; (10) to pay attention to the links between chemistry and physics by "inquiry learning".From the avail of current literature, there are few essays studying the emphasis of the infiltration of physics during the chemistry teaching at high school and the situation in the form of essays mostly are based on the exercises. Furthermore, there are fewer essays studying the principles and the methods of combining chemistry and physics as well as lacking their analysis. Therefore, it is significant to reform a new curriculum and chemistry teaching at present by comprehensively summing up the links between physics and chemistry curriculum courses, inquiring the principles and methods of infiltration by strengthening the combination of chemistry and physics in high school.

【关键词】 中学化学物理学知识渗透
【Key words】 mid-school chemicalphysics knowledgeinfiltration
  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】248

