

Study on the Practice and Strategies for Emotional Education in High-school Teaching of Biology

【作者】 郭妮

【导师】 龚大洁;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 通过对过去教育模式的反思和对中学生情感问题的研究,发现现在学生的情感素养有所缺乏。造成这种现象的原因是多方面的,除了家庭和社会因素之外,更重要的是学校教学过程中教师对情感知识渗透较少。未来社会,除了智商之外,情商可能更重要。因为和谐社会需要和谐的个体来创建,而和谐的个体需要更高的情商来支持。新课程改革将情感教育作为三大目标之一,以弥补以往学校教育对情感培养的欠缺。作为一个偏远地区的中学教师,深感中学阶段学生情感教育的缺乏将极大影响孩子的健康成长。因此,将情感教育作为研究课题,以期引起更多人对情感教育的关注。通过阅读大量的文献资料,对国内外情感教育研究现状进行了分析综合,采用问卷法对高二级六个班300名学生进行了调查;对任课老师、学生家长、学生分别进行了访谈调查;选取了两名在行为情感方面表现比较独特的学生进行为期一年的个案研究,并结合自己的教学实践及研究,对情感教育的价值进行探讨后发现:1.高中生处在身体发育基本成熟、智力及情感尚在持续发展阶段,具有情感发展方面容易被沉重的学习压力所抑制、自我调控能力在低水平上徘徊等特点。因此,我们在高中生物教学中渗透情感教育。尤其还可以培养学生热爱祖国、热爱家乡、热爱大自然的良好情操。2.在平凉四中调查研究中发现,对学生情感方面影响最多的学科是政治和语文,影响最少的是生物学和化学,而生物学有它自身的特点,在情感教学中应具有广阔的空间。导致这种不平衡现象的原因,是大部分理科老师在教学过程中更加注重知识的传授,而缺乏情感渗透。另外我们的家庭和社会也存在着许多问题,他们过多地注重学生的学习成绩而缺少情感投入,这种现象在象平凉四中这样的地方学校尤为突出。经过研究分析,本文针对平凉四中高中学生实施情感教育,提出以下策略:1.提高教师素质是情感教育的前提;2.建立新型师生关系的是实施情感教育的关键;3.培养学生积极的学科情感是情感教育的基础;4.情知教学是情感教育的保证;5.在教学中要善于用“情”;6.“爱”是情感教育的源泉;7.要在全社会范围内营造情感教育的氛围。通过一年的实践研究,学生的情感有所提高,学会了感恩,具有明辨是非的能力。

【Abstract】 The paper recollected the former teaching patter and investigated into the emotional issues of middle school students, and found that the present students lacked emotional quality and self-restraint. Many reasons lead to these phenomenon, apart from the factors of families and society ,and it is of the utmost importance that the teachers added in precise little emotional knowledge in the school teaching .The future society requires seemingly higher emotion quotient(EQ.) than intelligence quotient(IQ.). Since the "harmonious society" is to be built by individual parts which need support from higher EQ. The reform for new courses regards the emotional education as one of these targets, so as to make up the losses of the school in emotional training. As a middle-school teacher from solitary area, I deeply feel inside that the lack of emotional education greatly affect children’s healthy growth. As a result, we chose the emotional education as a subject in hope of arousing the concern from the society.Referring to large numbers of documents, we had analyzed and summarized the present status of study on emotional education. The paper used questionnaire methods to investigate into that from 300 students from 6 classes of junior, along with the teachers, leaders and parents. We also chose two emotionally particular students as individual cases for one-year study and we found:1. Physiologically mature students in high-school are still developing in intelligence and emotions and their emotions are prone to be repressed. Therefore, we infiltrated the emotional ideas into biology teaching in high school that will promote the students’ quality of emotion, especially foster their love to motherland, love to homeland and love to the nature. 2.In Pingliang No.4 Middle School, the subjects of Politics and Chinese have the greatest influence in students’ emotion, and biology and chemistry the lightest. And biology has profound potential with its own features. Based on the analysis, the paper put forward the following plans towards the practice of emotional education in Pingliang N0.4 Middle School: 1. to boost the teachers’ quality;2. to set up new relationship between teachers and students;3. to foster the positive emotion towards the subjects;4. to teach emotionally and intelligence;5. to be good at putting "emotion" into teaching;6. "love" is the source;7. to create the atmosphere of emotional education in the societyFrom one-year practice, students’ emotions have been boosted and have learned to thank giving and been capable of telling the distinction between right and wrong.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【下载频次】347

