

Context Dissemination of New Minority Education Information

【作者】 卢毅刚

【导师】 抗文生;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 新传播语境的出现与发展带来了社会发展的深层次变革,这种变革也在今天的教育领域打下了深深的烙印,这就表现在教育信息化已成为现代教育发展的主流。客观的看,与我国教育发展现状一样,教育信息化的发展也存在着东西部发展不平衡的现实,尤其是西部偏远、落后少数民族地区更是如此,他们无法回避新传播语境带来的接受信息(包括教育信息)的影响,却又不得不面对落后的或不切实际教育信息接受梗阻的窘境。就传播的影响力而言,以往依靠某一个(类)媒介的强势覆盖而“号令天下”的时代已经一去不复返了。一方面是传统媒介传播市场的份额在不断收缩,其话语权威和传播效能在不断降低;另一方面则是新兴媒介(如博客、BBS等)的勃兴与活跃,传播通路的激增、海量信息的堆积以及表达意见的莫衷一是。这便是现阶段传播力量构建所面对的社会语境。诸如:“碎片化”传播语境、后殖民传播语境等一些列问题都困扰和影响这人们对信息,包括教育信息的接受。这类目前正在制约传播行为的情境便可称之为新传播语境。在新传播语境下教育信息化的速度和质量也在不断的提高,国家的总体计划历来以5年为一个周期,2003年,当我国《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》取得硕果之际,教育部出台了《2003~2007年教育振兴行动计划》。新一轮的教育振兴行动计划中提出了未来5年教育信息化的总体目标:继续加强基础设施建设,构建国家公共教育信息化平台,加强信息技术在教学中的应用,推进多层次、多功能的资源开发、交流和共享机制的形成,提高各类社会成员的信息素养,满足人们随时随地终身学习的需求,提升现有教育质量和水平,为国家信息化提供人才支持和知识贡献。同时确定了未来5年中国教育信息化建设总体方案,该方案由硬件平台、应用支撑平台、应用系统和服务体系等主要业务系统,公共资源、公共应用和公共服务等主要数据系统,管理体系、标准规范、法律法规、培训服务以及关键技术攻关等支持环境组成。为了推进农村,尤其是西部农村教育质量的提高,国家也加大了支持和投入的力度,有数字可以表明:为了促进农村教育发展,配合国家西部地区“两基”攻坚计划的实施,教育部、国家发改委、财政部共同实施了农村中小学现代远程教育试点示范项目和农村中小学现代远程教育试点工作。到2004年9月,面向农村中小学的“现代远程教育工程试点示范项目”已经顺利完成验收。国家投入3.64亿,为西部12个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团的农村小学和初中建教学光盘播放点3万多个,卫星教学收视点5000多个,计算机教室410间。到2004年底,农村中小学现代远程教育工程试点工作已经基本结束。国家共投入10亿元,地方配套9.1亿元,在西部地区12个省(自治区、直辖市)、中部6个省以及山东省和新疆生产建设兵团的一部分农村地区进行了集中连片试点,同时覆盖了中央确定的9个全国农村党员干部现代远程教育试点地(市、州)、县20个省级试点单位已建设教学光盘播放点20977个,卫星教学收视点48605个,计算机教室7094间。但是并不都是乐观的:我国西北少数民族地区教育信息化的发展在经过几年努力后似乎表现出后劲不足,大有“不适应环境”的感觉;相比其他地区在新传播语境下高频幅发展而言显得懵然无措。以甘肃东乡族自治县的调查为例,在基础教育信息化的进程中存在:信息化教育“重硬轻软”、师资力量严重不足、管理维修方面存在很大困难、中心小学校的辐射作用有限、主课教师对信息技术课认识不到位、对教师的培训上有较大困难、计算机教室以及有些学校配置的多媒体教室使用方式单一、虽然各中心小学都配发了成套的教学光盘,但是由于课程改革导致光盘不能充分发挥其作用、多媒体教学给教师的压力太大等诸多问题。这些问题的存在都是客观的,在新传播语境下,西北少数民族地区的教育信息化发展不应该只重形式而忽略其本质,不能只求“有”而不重视“用”。本文正是通过调查与实证,通过对西北甘肃的特有少数民族社区东乡族进行实地走访、问卷调查,对其教育信息化的现状加以描述,分析其在教育信息化实施过程中存在的问题及原因,同时结合当前大的教育信息传播的背景提出解决的方案,改进的思路,使文章更有理论的依据和事实的基础,而不同与主观感性的预测和判断。

【Abstract】 Context new communications and the emergence of social development has brought the deep-level changes This change is the field of education has laid a deep scar This performance information technology in education has become a modern education the mainstream of development.Objectively speaking,the development of education in China with the status quo,information technology in education still exist in the development of the eastern and western regions of the uneven development of reality,particularly in remote west,backward minority areas especially,They can not evade the new communications context for the information(including educational information),they have no choice but to face backward or impractical for Education Information obstruction in a dilemma.On the dissemination of influence,relying on a previous one (class)the strong media coverage of the "world order" of the era is gone forever.While traditional media dissemination of market share in the shrinking,its discourse and dissemination of effectiveness in decreasing; The other is the emerging media(such as blog,BBS,etc.)is flourishing and active,dissemination pathway surge Massive accumulation of information and expression of divergent views.This is the dissemination of force at this stage constructed by the social context.Such as:"debris" spread context, the post-colonial Context spread out some other issues and problems that affect people the information,including educational information acceptance. In the new context of the dissemination of educational messages,the speed and quality have been continuously improved.The country has a master plan for a five-year cycle,in 2003,When China’s "Education for the 21st Century revitalization action plan" fruitful occasion,The Ministry of Education issued a "2003 - 2007 Action Plan for Invigorating Education." A new education action plan to revitalize the next five years,information technology in education overall objectives:continue to strengthen the construction of infrastructure and building national public education information platform for enhancement of information technology in teaching,the application promote multi-level,multi-purpose resource development,exchange and sharing mechanisms,all members of society to improve the quality of information,meet people anywhere lifelong learning needs,enhance existing educational quality and standards Information for the state to provide personnel support and contribution to knowledge.Identify the next five years, China’s information technology education overall program,which consists of hardware platforms,applications supporting platform,applications and services system,and other major business systems,public resources,public use and public services such as data system management systems,standards and norms,laws and regulations,training services and tackle key technical problems and other support environmental component.To promote the rural areas,particularly rural western improving the quality of education,the state has also increased the support and involvement of the intensity,have figures show:In order to promote development of education in rural areas, with the western areas of the country "two basics" plan,the implementation Education,the State Development and Reform Commission.Ministry of Finance jointly implement a rural primary and secondary modern distance education pilot demonstration project in rural primary and secondary schools and Modern Distance Education Pilot Projects for.To September 2004,facing rural primary and secondary schools the "Modern Distance Education Project pilot demonstration project" has been successfully completed acceptance.The state has invested 364 million of the western region,and 12 provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities)and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in rural primary and middle school teaching CD players built more than 30,000 points.Satellite teaching more than 5,000 points,410 computer classroom.To the end of 2004,rural schools Modern Distance Education Project has basically ended.States have invested a total of one billion yuan, local matching 910 million yuan in the western region in 12 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities),6 Central Province and Shandong Province and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,part of the rural areas of concentrated yield pilot,°Meanwhile coverage of the central committee of nine rural party cadres modern distance education pilot prefectural(city,state).County 20 provincial-level pilot units that have been broadcast spots teaching CD 20977,Satellite teaching points to 48,605, computer classroom 7094.(Source?)But with the above phenomenon is not consistent:Northwest China’s minority areas of education information in the development after years of efforts,it seems to lack the stamina,it is the "run out of steam" feeling;Compared with other regions in the new context of high-frequency transmission rate of development of the information, education,compared to a loss.Dongxiang Autonomous County in Gansu case of the survey,information on basic education in the process exists: information technology education "high-light,soft," a serious shortage of qualified teachers,maintenance management is very difficult,Primary radiation center of a limited role in the main course for teachers in information technology courses understanding is not in place,for the training of teachers to be more difficult,computer classrooms and some schools configured multimedia classroom use of a single,Although the primary centers are given a set of teaching CD-ROM However,as the curriculum reform to these discs can not give full play to its role,Multimedia teaching to the teachers too much pressure on many other issues.The existence of these problems are objective,the new communications context,Northwest minority areas in education development should not only be important but not its essence not just "a" rather than "use." It is through this investigation and evidence,through to the northwest Gansu Dongxiang minority communities unique site visits,survey,their educational status of the information described,Analysis of its information technology education in the process of implementing the existing problems and reasons,Meanwhile with the current major education background information dissemination proposed solutions, ideas for improvement,make the article more theoretical basis and factual foundation,but with different subjective feelings predict and judge.

  • 【分类号】G759.2
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