

Correlation Study between Cultivating Autonomous Learning and Improving Their Performance on Reading Comprehension among Non-English Major Students

【作者】 牛丽君

【导师】 权晓辉;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 早在两千多年前,我国古代伟大的教育家孔子就已经提出:“予人于鱼,一日食鱼;授人以渔,终身食鱼。”说明了培养自主学习能力的重要性。随着教学主体从教学的客体(语言、教材、写作、翻译等)向教学主体学习者转变,教学重点从学会到会学的转变,使自主学习能力的培养成了语言教学的最主要目标之一。在中国,众多研究者都在研究如何在外语学习中推行自主学习。但就目前甘肃的语言环境,教学条件,学生大多是靠阅读来获得信息的。因此,我致力于在阅读教学中以培养学生自主学习能力为主的教学方法来提高学生的阅读成绩。本研究以认知心理学,建构主义为理论依据,采用了定量研究的方法,通过教学实验,用问卷调查和三次阅读考试收集到的数据,通过SPSS13.0分析来说明培养自主学习能力与阅读成绩提高间的相关性。在教学实验的过程中,主要采用了以下几种方法来培养学生的阅读自主性:首先使学生重新认识自己在学习中应该担当的角色,并帮助他们明确学生的动机及拥有积极的态度,然后使他们在阅读的过程中能够自主地设定目标及阅读计划,尽可能多的创造自主氛围,使学生能够自主地正确地使用阅读策略,适时让学生自己选择阅读材料,并在完成阅读计划的同时做自我评估的自主性阅读过程。通过实验数据,明确显示学生的学习自主性可以培养并且对阅读成绩的提高有积极的影响,从而证明了我研究重点的教学意义:对教师而言,能更明确教学的重点为教会学生学习,对学生而言,能更独立更好地完成学习任务,从而使教师的教和学生的学都变得很成功。

【Abstract】 As early as two thousand years ago, our ancient educationalist Confucian had pointed out that "Give a man a fish, you have fed him for today; Teach a man to fish, and you have fed him for a lifetime." His argument has, in fact, shown the importance of developing learner autonomy. With the change from Teacher-centeredness to learner centeredness in education, learner-centeredness and learner autonomy have become a hot issue in the research of foreign language education. Most of the researches and educators hold the same point of view that fostering learner autonomy is one of the most important goals in language teaching. Similarly, in China, the development of learner autonomy had received more and more attention.In China, autonomous learning is not a new concept, many researcher are studying how to cultivate autonomous among learners. But to the present condition of College English teaching in Gansu, it still leads to the teaching of reading comprehension as the center of the teaching course. What’s more, reading is the effective way of accumulating knowledge and improving the other skills such as listening, speaking, writing and translation. So, in the study I put emphasis on cultivating students autonomous learning and improving their performance on reading comprehension.This thesis is made up of six parts. According to the theories on autonomous learning, the author did quantitative study using data analysis by SPSS13.0 from questionnaire and three-tests on reading comprehension. The results show that if we cultivate students’ autonomous learning, students’ performance on reading performance can be improved accordingly. In this study, the author tried several ways to cultivate autonomous learning in reading comprehension, for example: help learners’ understand their role in learning, make them possess the motivation and positive attitude, encourage students to set goals and make reading plans, create atmosphere of autonomous learning as much as possible, train students to use reading strategies autonomously, choose English reading materials by themselves sometimes, finally help students learn to evaluate their learning results. So, in order to make students learn successfully, not only do teachers need to cultivate autonomous learning among students, but also students need to learn how to learn autonomously.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】241

