

A Comparison of the Ways of Error Correction in College English Classroom Instruction

【作者】 戴延红

【导师】 赵登明;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究在大学的英语课堂中不同的纠错方法对不同水平的学习者有何不同的影响,并通过问卷调查了解学生们对于课堂错误纠正的态度以及他们所期望的错误纠正的方法。本文试图解决以下三个问题:1.不同水平的学生所犯的错误是否相同?2.不同的纠错方法对于同水平的学习者而言产生的结果是否相同?3.对于教师的课堂错误纠正学生持有何种态度,以及他们对课堂错误纠正的期望是什么?本研究主要在青海大学的两位教师所教授的两个不同级别的四个班级中实施。在同水平的班级中教师分别采用直接纠错法和间接纠错法进行教授。通过对每个班级进行了12节课的课堂观察后,又分别对不同水平的学生进行了不同水平的测试,并且给所有的学生发放了一份问卷调查表,最后得出以下结论:1.本研究中所搜集到的错误可以归纳为六种,即语音错误,句法错误,词汇错误,语义错误,语用错误,和对课文内容的理解错误。不同水平的学习者所犯的错误类型相同,但各种错误的比例不同,相对应的教师纠正错误的种类的比例也不相同。2.通过在同水平的学习者中对直接纠错法和间接纠错法对比,我们发现不同的纠错法对同水平的学习者的影响不同。对于高水平的学习者而言,间接纠错法优于直接纠错法,而对于低水平的学习者而言,则直接纠错法明显地优于间接纠错法。3.不同水平的学习者对于错误纠正都持肯定的态度,尤其是教师在课堂中的错误纠正。他们对教师课堂纠错的效果都抱有很高的认定,并且都更多的依靠教师的课堂纠错去提高他们的英语水平。所不同的是,高水平的学习者喜欢在老师的帮助下进行自我纠错,而低水平的学习者则希望老师能够用直接纠错法纠正他们的错误。

【Abstract】 After undergoing the stages such as Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis and Interlanguage Analysis, the attitudes towards error correction have evolved from the strict avoidance of errors and hence quick and direct error correction before the 1960s, to the condemnation of error correction as harmful and unnecessary in the late 1960s, and to a more critical view of the need and value of error correction in the 1970s and 1980s and 1990s. Nowadays more people would like to view making error as a strategy, evidence of learner internal processing, and errors are an important part of the learning process and quite informative and useful both for the learner and the teacher, and think the fundamental way to correct errors could teach students to learn more effectively and efficiently. Meanwhile, comparing with the naturalistic second language acquisition, the classroom instruction is a special designed learning circumstance and an activity which is planned seriously and organized in a systematic way. The character of classroom instruction decides the learners could improve their acquired efficiency by designing and changing the teaching method. Accordingly, the present study sets about probing the error treatment in EFL classroom setting, and compare the effects of the different error treatment on the different level’s learners, thus finding a comparatively effective way of error treatment which may contribute to improving the teaching quality.The research is conducted among teachers and students in Qinghai University exclusively. With classroom observation, test, and questionnaire, the researcher attempts to find out: (1) If the students at different levels make the same errors? (2) If the different ways of error treatment will produce the same effect on the students at same level? (3) What is the students’ attitude and expectation of how teacher should treat their errors in class?As a result of it, we could draw the following conclusion:(1) The errors in the study could be categorized into six types, i.e. phonological error, morphosyntactic error, lexical error, semantic error, pragmatic error, content error, and the main types of error that students at different levels make are similar, but the proportions of these errors are different. Corresponding with it, the proportions of the teacher’s error treatment are different.(2) The contrast between the direct error treatment and the indirect error treatment in the same level class indicates that the influence of these two different ways of error treatment on the students at same level is different. For the students at high level, the effect of indirect error treatment is superior to direct error treatment, whereas for the students at low level, the effect of direct error treatment is superior to indirect error treatment evidently. This reflects that the different ways of error treatment will produce the different effect on the students at same level.(3) The students at different level all hold positive attitude towards error treatment, in particular the teacher’s error treatment in class. They are thinking highly of the effect of the teacher’s error treatment and depending much on it to improve their English proficiency. The difference between them is that the students at high level would like to choose the way of self-correction with the help of teacher and hope the teacher could combine the direct error treatment with indirect error treatment to correct their errors in class, while the students at low level depend much on teacher to correct their errors with the way of direct error treatment.This thesis is composed of six parts. Part one shows the orientation, purpose and significance of the study. Part two provides the literature review about the thesis. Part three addresses some relevant theories and models in SLA that are relevant to the present study over the past two decades. Part four describes the research conducted in this study. Part five is about data collection and analyses. Part six presents the findings of the study and its implications for teaching. Limitations of the present study are also provided.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】271

