

A Study on the Relevant Legal Issues of Possessory Lien on Ship

【作者】 黄嘎

【导师】 胡正良;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 船舶留置权是船舶担保物权中的一项重要内容。建立以船舶为客体的留置权制度,对保护海事债权人的利益有着特别重要的意义。《海商法》第25条仅界定了特定意义下的船舶留置权,对其他类型船舶留置权的法律地位却未作明确规定,从而使得船舶留置权制度不够完善。目前,我国海商法学术界对船舶留置权制度进行系统研究者尚属少见。恰逢我国《物权法》颁布不久,本文从完善我国船舶留置权制度的角度出发,以民法上一般留置权的含义、法律性质、行使及效力的一般理论为指导,结合相关国际公约和国外立法的有关规定,系统分析我国现行法律在船舶留置权方面规定的不足之处,并针对性地提出完善我国《海商法》中船舶留置权规定的建议。本文第1章阐述了完整的船舶留置权概念,并对船舶留置权进行了具体的分类;第2章主要是对船舶留置权成立的要件及效力问题进行了理论分析;第3章分析了船舶留置权消灭的原因和后果;第4章通过船舶留置权与其他船舶担保物权的联系和区别的比较研究,着重分析了船舶留置权与其他船舶担保物权之间的受偿顺位关系;第5章讨论了船舶留置权的行使及实现问题;第6章结论部分,通过对以上各方面的充分、详尽的分析,得出了如何完整构建我国船舶留置权制度的总体结论。本文的出发点及最终目的是为了对我国《海商法》中有关船舶留置权规定的增加和修改有所裨益,以利于我国完整的船舶留置权制度体系的构建。

【Abstract】 Possessory lien on ship is one of the most important contents of security right on ships. Establishment of the system of possessory lien on ship plays an important role in protecting the rights of maritime creditors effectively. Art.25 of China Maritime Code only defines the concept of possessory lien on ship on particular occasions, but does not make the legal status of other kinds of possessory lien on ship explicit, thereby the system of possessory lien on ship is incomplete. In China, there is no deep and systematic study on this subject.In order to improve the legal system of possessory lien on ship in the Maritime Code, this dissertation is under the direction of general theory of civil law and the newly-enacted Real Law, combining with the relevant stipulation of international conventions and other domestic law, analyzing the deficiency of the Maritime Code regarding possessory lien on ship systematically, and then putting forward suggestions of improvement of the modification of the relevant provisions of Maritime Code.In Chapter 1 dwells on the complete conception of possessory of ships and classifies it. Chapter 2 mainly analyses the theories of legal foundations and the effect of possessory lien on ship. Chapter 3 briefly discusses the reasons and the effects of extinguishment of possessory lien on ship. Chapter 4 makes a detailed study on the order of priorities among possessory lien on ship, maritime lien and ship mortgage. The aforementioned chapters lay the foundation of Chapter 5 which provides a further discussion on the performance and realization of possessory lien on ship. Finally, Chapter 6 comes to the conclusion on how to solve the issues concerning possessory lien on ship and to constitute an integrated system of possessory lien on ship in Chinese law.

【关键词】 船舶留置权物权
【Key words】 possessory lienshipreal rights
  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】189

