

【作者】 宋斌

【导师】 姚洪秀;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 关于海上货物运输中承运人留置权的问题,历来是我国航运界、司法界研究的热门课题,原因是在目前国际公约缺少这方面的明确规定,国内法律又有诸多矛盾之处的情况下,众多学者关于这个问题的理解自然仁者见仁、智者见智。为了能有助于对这一问题的理解,本文从民法关于留置权的一般理论出发,主要对海商法中承运人留置权性质、成立、行使、效力等方面进行了较为全面的讨论。包括引言和结论,本文大致可以分为以下六大部分:引言主要介绍了笔者实习期间所遇到的承运人(船东)实施留置的实际情形,以及关于承运人留置广泛的争议性,明确了本文研究的目的和研究方法。第一章主要介绍有关留置权的一般概念、基本特征以及大陆法下和英美法下对留置权法律性质的认定,构成要件和行使要件。第二章则简要阐述我国法律体系之下有关留置权的一般法律规定。第三章是本文的重点,主要就海上货物运输中承运人留置权的法律性质、成立要件、行使要件、效力、留置权关系中当事人的权利义务、消灭等方方面面逐一展开讨论,并结合中、英两国的法律和案例作了一些比较分析。第四章主要讨论了租船运输下有关船东、二船东为其租金或者运费行使留置时应该注意的问题。结论则主要明确阐述了笔者对承运人行使留置权的观点,即承运人欲稳妥地行使留置权,除了在运输合同、租船合同中明确其留置权外,还需要在提单中注明其有权为了相关费用去留置货物,或者在提单中明确地并入了相应的运输合同、租船合同中的留置权的条款。

【Abstract】 In the carriage of goods by sea, the Carriers’ (Shipowners’) lien issue has always been a bone of the contention among the shipping and maritime law circle. Attributable to the lack of explicit international convention and many conflicting regulations stated in Chinese internal law, scholars’ opinions in this regard are different from each other. For the sake of better comprehension of possessory lien issue in question, this dissertation mainly discusses the legal nature, acquisition, exertion, effectiveness of the Carriers’ (Shipowners’) lien on the basis of general lien rules in Chinese civil law.This paper, including preface and conclusion, primarily consists of 6 parts:In the preface, writer briefly introduces a practical case in which the Shipowner exercised their possessory lien on cargo and the comprehensive disputes in Carriers’ possessory lien issue as well as the significance and study way of this paper.Chapter I is dwelling on the general concepts and characteristics of the lien system, especially the different position in lien nature, acquisition and exertion premises under the Continental and Common Law.Chapter II elucidates the lien provisions under the related Chinese Law in a general way.Chapter III is the keystone of this paper, which mainly discusses the Carriers’ lien nature, acquisition, exertion, effectiveness, rights and obligations of the concerned parties, possessory lien termination and so on during the carriage of goods by sea. At the same time, captioned chapter makes some comparison between the Chinese and English juristical regulation and cases.Chapter IV is devoted to the attention shipowners and disponent shipowners’ should pay to the lien exertion for the hire and freight in the bulk carriage.Conclusion is mainly expressing writer’s viewpoint on the Carriers’ possessory lien issue, viz. if the Carriers’ intend to carry out the lien rights properly, besides the definite lien clause in the contract of carriage and charter party, it is better to clearly incorporate a contract or charter party lien clause into B/L, or there is an express lien clause on the B/L.

  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】190

