

【作者】 顾舟一

【导师】 蒋正雄;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 国际贸易中,买卖双方分处不同国家,要顺利实现商品自卖方至买方的转移,离不开货物运输、货物保险等环节的配合。因此,买卖双方除了订立买卖合同之外,还需订立一些其他合同来保证买卖合同的实现。其中,运输合同就是以买卖合同为中心,并以保障买卖合同实现为目的而订立的辅助合同。目前,在国际货物运输中,运用最广泛的仍是海洋运输。所以,虽然国际货物买卖合同与国际海上货物运输合同是彼此相互独立的合同,但又相互关联,密不可分。就国际海上货物运输关系而言,当事人一般由托运人、承运人、收货人三方,形成了托运人与承运人的运输合同关系、托运人与收货人约定运输责任的贸易合同关系以及承运人与收货人通过提单形成的提单关系。这里的托运人通常为买卖合同的卖方,收货人通常为买卖合同的买方。如何处理好以上三方的关系,使买卖合同与运输合同对各方的权利义务的规定既不重叠,也不遗漏,对贸易的正常运行有着至关重要的作用,也是一个值得贸易界、运输界关注的问题。本文分为五个章节。第一章至第三章,以货物买卖合同为中心,通过国际货物买卖合同中与运输有关的三大主要条款,即货物的价格条款、装运条款以及支付条款对运输的要求,着重论述了货物买卖合同中与运输合同相关的内容,并总结了买卖合同与海上运输合同,在实际业务中比较容易产生矛盾冲突的条款,并对这些条款的衔接提出了自己的一些见解。本文第三章还简要介绍了即将实施的《跟单信用证统一惯例——2007年修订本,国际商会第600号出版物》,并将其对海运单据的要求进行了整理归纳。由于我国《海商法》对托运人、承运人、收货人权利义务关系的规定存在一定的不足,所以本文第四章、第五章也对卖方作为托运人、买方作为收货人与承运人的权利义务关系进行了探讨,并对FOB买卖合同下卖方托运货物时需要注意的方面提出一些建议。笔者希望通过本文对国际货物买卖合同与国际海上运输合同的关联研究,给买卖合同中负责安排运输的当事方解决相关问题带来帮助。

【Abstract】 The buyers and the sellers under the contract for international sales of goods are located in different places. In order to transfer the contract objects from the sellers to the buyers successfully; therefore, some necessary supporting contracts such as the contact of carriage and the insurance contract are required. Among those supporting contracts, the contract of carriage is the most important one. It is made on the basis of the sales contract and aims to ensure the performance of it. At present, carriage of goods by sea is still the most widely used way of transportation. Thus, contract for international sales of goods and the contract of carriage by sea are two contracts which are both individual and complementary to each other. Sales contract is the core of the whole trade process; furthermore, the contract of carriage should meet the requirements of the sales contract. The performance of the contract of carriage also reflects the rights and obligations of the sellers or the buyers under their sales contract.There are three parties under the contract of carriage by sea which are the shipper, carrier and the consignee. The shipper and the carrier form the contractual relationship by entering the contract of carriage. Moreover, the shipper and the consignee form the contractual relationship by entering a sales contract. Additionally, the issue of B/L gives rise to the legal relationship between the carrier and the consignee. Usually, the shipper under the contract of carriage is the seller, while the consignee under contract of carriage is often the buyer. Hence, the question about how to deal with these relations well, and assure both contracts make sense is worthy to be discussed both in trade circles and in shipping industries.This dissertation below includes 5 chapters. The first three chapters focus on the closely correlative contents from the sales contract and the contract of carriage. They analyze the main clauses of the sales contract which are the price terms, the shipping terms and the terms of payment. Additionally, they also present some confusing clauses that may bring potential disputes into business practice and give some suggestion regarding the connection of those clauses from the two individual contracts. Chapter 3 introduces the new Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, UCP600. As UCP600 is supposed to be implemented in July 1st, 2007, Chapter 3 also briefs the rules about the requirements to the shipping documents from it. At last, because the regulations of the relationship among the shipper, the carrier and the consignee in our Maritime Code are not clearly enough; therefore, Chapter 4 and 5 put these questions in to further study, and give some suggestions for the sellers under the FOB Contract to be cautious during the shipping process.This dissertation hopes to bring the readers some deeper insights of the interrelationship between the two contracts, and helps our importers or exporters to solve some related problems in the international business practice.

  • 【分类号】D99
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】590

