

【作者】 江秋平

【导师】 林国龙; 万广荣;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 交通运输工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 1.1研究的背景及必要性中国航空油料集团公司(简称“中国航油”)于2002年10月11日在原中国航空油料总公司基础上组建,直属于国务院国资委,是国内最大的集航空油品采购、储运、销售、加注为一体的国有大型航空服务保障企业,是国际航空运输协会、英国石油协会、美国石油协会、国际航煤联合检查集团成员。中国航油拥有遍布全国的航油销售网络和完备的油品配送体系,其中专用码头15个,输油管线近1000公里,铁路专用线近百公里,控制水运能力近300万吨,总储油能力186万立方米,航空加油站110多个。航空煤油在过去是属于军需品,统一由国家计划调配,各地方机场的油料资源统一由国家调拨,一般不考虑运输和存储成本;目前华东地区水运配送系统还基本沿袭过去老的计划经济的操作模式,缺少系统的、全面的设计和规划,因此经常出现资源的分布不均匀和部分机场资源的短缺。随着国内的经济的发展,加入世界贸易组织,华东地区航空业也得到了很大的飞越,航空煤油的需求量也将越来越大,物流的成本也将随之增加;因此设计合理、经济的物流方案,减少物流成本将是当务之急。目前本人在中航油华东地区的航运公司从事运输调配工作,结合所学的交通运输规划和设计专业知识,对目前本地区资源配送系统进行研究和优化对公司和对本人都有很大的意义。1.2研究的方法及主要创新点1.2.1研究方法根据对目前华东地区航空煤油配送和运输情况的分析,找出目前配送方案中存在的问题,利用配送中心选址的原则,选择合理的配送中心;并使用线性规划的方法对目前的航煤配送方案进行优化。1.2.2创新点对整个华东地区航空煤油配送方案进行合理的设计,建立合理的区域配送中心、安排合理的库存量,对华东地区机场航空煤油实施区域配送;建立必要航空煤油储备基地,应对国内资源紧缺和资源供需矛盾等问题,对整个航空煤油配送方案进行优化。1.3研究的意义1、可以降低华东地区航空煤油运输的风险2、减少本地区的航空煤油的库存量3、减少华东地区航空煤油物流成本4、优化华东地区航空煤油配送网络

【Abstract】 1.1 Background and necessary of researchEstablished on October 11, 2002, China National Aviation Fuel Group Corporation ("CNAF") is a large state-owned air transportation logistics service provider in China, with its predecessor being China Aviation Oil Supply Corporation. Supervised by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration ("SASAC") of the State Council, CNAF integrates the procurement, storage, sales of jet fuel and into-plane services. It has memberships in International Air Transport Association (IATA), Institute of Petroleum (IP), American Petroleum Institute (API), and Joint Inspection Group (JIG).It has built a jet fuel sales network across the country and a complete distribution system. CNAF owns 15 dedicated discharge ports, near 1000km pipelines and about one-hundred-kilometer dedicated railways. The company controls close to 3-million-ton water shipping capacity. Its storage capacity totaled 1.86 million cubic meters. Plus, it has over 110 jet fuel refueling stations.In the past, the aviation fuel was provided by the government according to the military’s needs, the cost of transportation and storage is usually ignored, currently, the transport system in east china have no difference from the old way and the systemic and all-round design and plan is not framed ,so the regional shortage of aviation fuel occur usually.With the development of china economy and the entering into WTO, the aviation industry have a fast growth and the demand for aviation fuel is getting greater, accordingly the cost of transport cost raises obviously. Therefore the design of a reasonable and economic transport plan is urgent affairs.Now I engage in transport distribution in a shipping company in east China, the subsidiary of CNAF, with the knowledge of the transport plan and design, the research on the resource logistics system in east China have a great significance. 1.2 The way and innovation of research1.2.1 From the research by the aviation fuel reation and transport in east-China. Find thedefect of the Transport plan use transport center; choose the reasonable transport center; use the line-manage to improve the plan.1.2.2 Design the reasonable transport plan in east-China. Set up reasonable area transport center, arrange reasonable stock, use the area transport with the airport in east-China; set up the aviation fuel warehouse; to deal with contradiction by the lack of resources and the reasources supply; to improve the transport plan of aviation fuel.1.3 Meaning of Research.1. Reduce the transport plan of aviation fuel.2. Lessen the aviation fuel stock in east-China.3. Lessen the logitce cost in east-China.4. Improve the net of the aviation fuel transport in east-China

【关键词】 华东航空煤油配送方案设计
【Key words】 east-Chinaaviation fuletransportway plan
  • 【分类号】F562;F426.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】301

