

【作者】 熊昊天

【导师】 蒋正雄;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 国际船舶融资租赁是一种新型的船舶融资方式,可弥补传统船舶融资方式之不足,然而发展中国家(包括中国)利用这种融资方式尚处于起步阶段。我国《海商法》对船舶融资缺乏系统的规定,这种不尽如人意的立法现状,无疑对我国航运企业有效的融通资金造成很多不利,也无法为船舶融资的发展提供有力的制度保障。因此,只有深入研究、参考和借鉴国际立法和实践中的经验,并在此基础上完善我国与船舶融资相关的法律制度,才能有效控制船舶融资风险,吸引投资,为船舶融资业和航运业、造船业的发展开辟道路。由于是一种较新的交易方式,如何使其在合法的轨道上健康发展,平衡好各种法律关系,就成了一项新的法律课题。应该看到,融资租赁本身就是一种较为复杂的法律关系,而船舶融资租赁关系不但秉承了一般的融资租赁的特点,同时,因为船舶的法律规范与融资租赁法律关系的规范发生的交叉和冲突,船舶融资租赁法律关系就变得更加复杂。船舶融资租赁是指由承租人选定船舶和船舶买主,或者选定造船厂和船舶的建造技术标准等,由出租人(租赁公司)分别与承租人和船舶卖方或者造船厂签订融资租赁合同和船舶买卖合同,出租人将船舶出租给承租人,由承租人支付租金的交易。其类型包括直接租赁、回租赁、杠杆租赁等。本文涉及的若干法律问题有:1.船舶融资租赁的登记制度。现行的船舶登记制度不能适应这种新型船舶权利登记的要求,本人尝试性地构筑船舶融资租赁登记的法律框架。2.船舶碰撞所引发的风险。船舶发生碰撞,会产生一系列的损害赔偿,包括碰撞和油污损害,另外,沉船打捞也是承租双方不容忽视的一方面。本文结合融资租赁的特殊性质,在该问题的赔偿责任主体上提出自己的看法。3.管辖及法律适用。分析了管辖权和法律适用的选择原则,并对这些原则进行了分析,强调了影响当事人行使选择权的某些限制因素。4.担保制度。担保制度是融资租赁合同中的一项重要制度,在船舶融资租赁合同下担保人会面临的特殊问题。5.留置权。第三人能否留置非承租人所有的财产,在理论和实践中存在争议,本人就该争议提出自己的观点。

【Abstract】 The international ship’s of financial leasing, a new-type ship’s financial means, helps to fill up the insufficiency of traditional ship’s finance. However, the developing countries including China are still at the very beginning stage on the usage of it. The Maritime Code of China does not character what the shipping financial leasing is. The present situation of legislation can not provide the powerful system safeguard for the ships financing development. The only effective way to active control ships financing risk and attract investment is consulting international legislation and practice experience and perfecting our shipping financing related law system.New type of transactions always means trouble to the law, so does the financial lease. However the contracts of financial leasing on ship, other than ones on some common proprieties, maybe the most complex ones in contract family. But, the research on this kind of complex contract is so important, that more and more scholars are paying attention.The shipping financial leasing means the leaser purchase the ship which has been selected by the leaser. The leaser uses that ship and pays the hire to leasor. And at the end of the leasing , the leaser will have the property of the ship. The thesis tries to study several legal issues thereof.1. Registration under the shipping financial leasing. As the present registration can’t meet the need of such new-type ship’s right, it tries to construct the legal framework for the registration of it.2. Risks therefrom the ships’ collision. The ships’ collision, will result several compensation liabilities, such as collision, oil pollution and removal of wrecks. The article combines the specialties of financial leasing, put out my own opinion.3. Jurisdiction and Governing Law. The parties have the right to choose the courts and decide the law governing the disputes in the future. But the right of choice will be influenced by some facts and we should consider these aspects.4. Guarantee system. As an important system, the guarantor will face special risks under shipping financial leasing.5. Processor lien. Whether the third person can process the ship which doesn’t belong to the charter, it remains conflict both in theory and practice. I bring up my own opinion in the article.

【关键词】 国际融资租赁船舶风险
【Key words】 International financial leasingshiprisk
  • 【分类号】D996.19;D922.294
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】507

