

【作者】 尹星懿

【导师】 姚洪秀;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 东南亚水域的海盜现象在几个世纪前就已经存在,但是自从上个世纪90年代以来,这一现象愈演愈烈,严重的影响到了航运市场的正常运行。美国9·11事件后,世界反恐的眼光也逐渐向该处聚集,而在2005年6月,劳氏市场协会的战争风险评估委员会正式宣布马六甲海峡为有“战争、罢工、恐怖主义和相关危险”的风险区域,从而再次将世界的注意焦点集中在东南亚马六甲海峡这块重点区域。本文就东南亚水域的海盗问题进行了仔细分析,首先在第一章介绍了东南亚水域对于全球航运市场的重要意义及其战略地位,海盜现象在东南亚的现状及有可能和恐怖主义合作的趋势;然后在第二章中对“海盜”这一词进行了国际法下的分析,通过对两大国际公约下的不同定义来分析两个公约各自的不足之处,并提出了笔者个人的意见;第三章中先简单介绍了各国及各组织在面对马六甲地区日益猖獗的海盜现象时所采取的种种措施,接下来就仔细分析了这些措施没有取得明显效果的原因,分别从国家主权问题和马六甲周边地区政治经济条件两方面入手,着重在前者即国家主权方面,并随后提出了笔者认为的解决办法。由于马六甲地区海盗现象对中国有相当大的影响,而且中国的南海区域可以从马六甲水域的海盗处理情况得到借鉴的经验等,因此笔者在第四章中对中国方面可以采取的措施和应该注意的事项进行了详细的分析说明,从立法等多方面入手,分析如何应对东南亚海盜,捍卫自身的主权,并维护南海水域的海事安全。在本文的写作过程中,笔者查阅了大量中外文资料文献,由于国内对东南亚海盜分析的文章大多数是从政治或对航运市场影响的角度来分析的,法律方面的较少,因此在海盜的法律分析方面笔者主要参考了外文文献,并在参考中形成了自己的观点,以期对国内这方面的研究尽绵薄之力。而在对世界各国及各组织采取的反海盜措施未明显奏效的原因分析中,笔者主要参考了中文文献进行了分析,并提出了建立海上安全防御中心的建议。在最后一章中,鉴于东南亚水域对中国的重要性,笔者就很多方面提出了自己的建议,由于这方面的资料很零散,而且很多与政治方面相关,因此笔者在这些资料中提取了一些内容后进行重新仔细加王,并提出了很多自己的观点,由于笔者个人水平有限,所以这部分难免显得不够成熟。但是在本文的写作中,笔者确实学习到很多也形成了不少自己的观点。

【Abstract】 The piracy of the Southeast Asia had already existed several centuries ago, but since the 1990s, this phenomenon became more and more serious, and affected a lot to the normal running of the shipping market. After the 911 incidents of USA, the eyes of the anti-terrorism of the world assemble to this place gradually too, and in June of 2005, the Joint War Committee of the Lloyd’s Market Association announced that the Malacca to be the "war, strikes, terrorism and related perils" area, as a result, the attention of the world has concentrated on this key area of the Strait of Malacca of Southeast Asia again.This paper has analyzed carefully on the question of the piracy in the Southeast Asia. At first in the Chapter one, the author introduced the Southeast Asian water areas’ important meaning and strategic position in the global shipping market, the current situation of piracy in Southeast Asia and the trend of the possibility of cooperate with the terrorism. Then in Chapter two, carried on the analysis under international law to this word of" piracy", through analyzing the two different definitions under two major international conventions the author analyze the weak points of the two conventions, later the author proposed the personal suggestion. Chapter three first introduce the measures of the different countries and global organizations, then analyze carefully about the reason why not these measure do effect, from two part to analyze: the sovereign rights and the political & economic conditions of the surrounding area of the Strait of Malacca. And the analysis was focused on the sovereignty, and proposed the solution that the author thinks afterwards. Because Southeast Asian piracy phenomenon has sizable influence on China, and the South Sea area of China can draw on the experience of the measures taken by the Strait of Malacca, so in Chapter four the author makes detailed analysis about measure that China side can take, start with the legislating etc, analyzing how to face with the piracy in Southeast Asia, strengthen the strength of China, defend one’s own sovereignty.In the course of writing of this paper, the author have consulted materials documents of a large number of Chinese and foreign language, because most of the domestic articles related to the Southeast Asian piracy analysis are from the angle influence to the politics or to the shipping market, less with laws analysis of the piracy. So the author has consulted foreign language documents mainly in the part of piracy laws analysis, and has formed one’s own view in consulting, in the hope of do a little strength to the limit of study on domestic in this respect. The author has consulted Chinese materials to analyze the reason that why the measures have no obviously working against piracy taken by the different countries and organization, and then has put forward the suggestion that to establish a center for maritime safety and security. In the last chapter, in the view of the importance of the Southeast Asian water area to China, the author put forward one’s own suggestion from a lot of respects. Because the materials of this respect are very scattered, and a lot correlate with political respect, so the author processes carefully again after drawing some contents in these materials, and has put forward a lot of one’s own views. Because of author’s personal level being limited, this part is unavoidable not enough to be excellent. But in the writing of this paper, the author has really studied a lot and formed many one’s own views.

【关键词】 海盗国际法国家主权
【Key words】 piracyinternational lawstate sovereignty
  • 【分类号】D99
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】443

