

Study on the Application of Waiver and Estoppel in Marine Insurance

【作者】 唐华

【导师】 蒋正雄;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 弃权和禁止反言原则是英美合同法中两个极具特色的原则,在英美合同法领域,包括在海上保险合同法领域发挥着利益平衡的重要作用。这两项原则也是海上保险最大诚信原则对保险人的约束,体现了海上保险立法及实践有更注重保护投保人或被保险人利益的趋势。本文通过案例分析及理论探讨的方法,分析了弃权和禁止反言原则在英美海上保险中的适用,并与大陆法系相关制度作比较,以期借鉴弃权和禁止反言原则完善我国海上保险法律制度,促进我国海上保险业的健康发展。本文共分为五章,对弃权和禁止反言原则在海上保险中的适用进行分析研究。第一章从介绍弃权和禁止反言原则的产生和发展入手,指出弃权和禁止反言原则是为了弥补英美合同法对价理论的缺陷,实现法律的公平正义而产生发展起来的。而为了实现海上保险最大诚信原则的利益平衡要求,弃权和禁止反言原则作为最大诚信原则对保险人的约束在海上保险中得以适用。本文进一步分析了弃权和禁止反言的概念,并指出弃权和禁止反言原则是两个相互独立的原则,虽然在特征上、结果上都表现出相似性,但两个原则的区别十分明显,在适用过程中也有不同的要求。第二章主要介绍了大陆法系失权制度、缔约过失责任制度、表见代理制度的规定,并将这些制度与英美法系的弃权和禁止反言原则进行比较,以寻求大陆法系合同法借鉴英美法弃权和禁止反言原则的可能性。第三章和第四章分别探讨弃权原则和禁止反言原则在海上保险中的适用。通过引用英美法院的判例详细分析了两个原则的构成要件、在海上保险中的适用范围及适用限制,以及一些特殊的适用规则。凸显了弃权和禁止反言原则在海上保险中对限制保险人权利滥用、维护投保人或被保险人的合法利益所发挥的重要作用。在前四章的基础上,本文在第五章提出了借鉴弃权和禁止反言原则以完善我国海上保险法律制度的构想。指出了最大诚信原则在我国的发展决定了两原则不可缺失,而我国海上保险立法及实践的现状也需要引入弃权和禁止反言原则,并分析了我国借鉴两原则对完善我国海上保险法律制度的重要意义。在此基础上,提出了借鉴弃权和禁止反言原则完善我国海上保险法律制度的具体构想,以期为完善我国海上保险法律制度贡献绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 Waiver and estoppel which are the two unusually characteristic principles in Anglo-American contract law have a vital role to play in the balancing of interest in the area of the Anglo-American contract law and contract of marine insurance law. These two principles are also the restraints of the principle of utmost good faith to the insurer and show the tendency which the legislation and practice of marine insurance pays more attention to protecting the interest of the insurance applicant or the insured. This thesis analyses the application of waiver and estoppel in marine insurance law and compares these two principles with the relevant legal systems in the continental law system by the means of case analyses and theory researches in order to perfect Chinese marine insurance legal system and promote the healthy development of the Chinese marine insurance industry by learning from waiver and estoppel.This thesis falls into five chapters to analyze and research the application of waiver and estoppel in marine insurance.In Chapter One, this thesis begins from introducing the emergence and development of the waiver and estoppel, and points out that waiver and estoppel emerged and developed in order to remedy the limitation of the consideration doctrine in the Anglo-American contract law and realize the fairness and justice of law. And for the sake of realization of interest balance under the principle of utmost good faith in marine insurance, waiver and estoppel were applicable to restraint of the insurer. This thesis further analyses the definition of waiver and estoppel and points out that these two principles are interdependent. Although these two principles show the comparability in characters and results, the difference between them is completely obvious and they have the different requests in application.In Chapter Two, this thesis mainly introduces the relevant legal systems in the continental law system such as verwirkung, culpa in contrahendo and agency by estoppel and compares these legal systems with waiver and estoppel in the Anglo-American law system in order to seek the possibility that contract law in the continental law system can learn from waiver and estoppel in the Anglo-American law system.In Chapter Three and Chapter Four, this thesis discusses respectively the application of waiver and estoppel in marine insurance and analyses in detail the constitutive requirements, the scope of application and limitation in marine insurance and some special applicable rules. Waiver and estoppel are highlighted the importance for restraint of the insurer’s abuse of power and protection of the lawful rights enjoyed by the insurance applicant or the insured in marine insurance.In Chapter Five, on the basis of the preceding four chapters, this thesis puts forward the suggestion that we can learn from waiver and estoppel in order to perfect Chinese marine insurance legal system. This thesis points out that the development of the principle of utmost good faith in China determines the indispensability of waiver and estoppel and that the legislation and practice of marine insurance in China also requires learning from waiver and estoppel. Then this thesis analyses the important meaning of perfect Chinese marine insurance legal system by learning from these two principles. On this basis, the author puts forward the suggestion which is to learn from waiver and estoppel in order to contribute the author’s mite to perfecting Chinese marine insurance legal system.

【关键词】 弃权禁止反言最大诚信原则海上保险
【Key words】 waiverestoppelutmost good faithmarine insurance
  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】195

