

The Application and Strategies of Integrated Marketing in AAA Maritime Co., Ltd.

【作者】 段国选

【导师】 陈雪玫;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 工商管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的不断发展,我国航运企业面临着新的机遇,新的挑战。面对日益成熟的消费者和不断变化的市场,航运企业必须以理性的眼光认识市场营销的重要性,从传统的营销模式走向新的营销模式,运用新的营销理论、结合企业的实际情况,制定和实施科学的营销策略,才能实现企业利润最大化。中国的对外开放以来,国际上流行的各种管理学、营销学的经典论述以加速度的趋势大量涌入中国,自20世纪90年代以来,由美国著名经济学家舒而茨教授在《整合营销传播(IMC)》中创立的整合营销传播理论在中国盛行开来,成为中国营销界的新宠。随着市场经济的不断繁荣,整合营销这种新营销观念在理论界和实业界日益受到高度重视,其内容得到了极大的丰富和发展。本篇论文首先介绍了整合营销理论、整合营销内涵及特征,随后分析了目前AAA航运集团在营销中存在的问题和现象。然后针对AAA航运集团当前的市场现状,结合可利用资源进行分析和研究,对AAA航运集团在激烈的竞争环境中如何提升核心竞争力,实现公司经营的新突破和可持续发展的策略进行探讨,并运用整合营销理念,对公司整合营销体系建设提出较为系统的方案。对现有资源整合方面,主要提出三方面:AAA航运集团主体整合、手段整合和消费者利益整合。具体实施策略主要从四个方面进行了研究:一,有效沟通策略,积极同消费者进行双向沟通,树立企业品牌形象;二,顾客中心策略,建议AAA航运集团建立和应用顾客满意度评价体系,提高客户满意度;三,成本控制策略,科学地定价和计算运费,降低顾客总成本;四,便利策略,开展网络营销和一站式服务。在竞争日趋激烈的情况下,期望AAA航运集团运用上述整合营销策略摆脱单纯依靠降低运价为竞争手段的作法,提高公司市场营销的水平和公司的市场竞争力。同时,客户的需求也会得到更好地满足,实现企业与客户双赢,并最终达到经济效益和社会效益的双丰收。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy in China, the shipping enterprise confront with the emerging opportunities and challenges. As the market and consumers grow up, the shipping enterprise agents ate also becoming more rational and have already realized the importance of marketing. The shipping enterprise must shift the traditional marketing mode to the new one. They have to apply new marketing theory to the development and marketing of the shipping enterprise according to different situation of individual corporations. They also plan and implement new scientific marketing strategy, and therefore maximize the profit.As China’s reform and open, a great deal of various popular theories of management and marketing has come into China. In the 1990’s the theory of integrated marketing communication, which was created by Professor Ton. E. S. (a famous American Economist) in his book named《Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)》, became popular in China and is extensively used in the filed of marketing. As the market economy prospers, the new marketing content has been enlarged.This paper studies the Integrated Marketing concepts, Integrated Marketing theory, its influence, characteristics. Then analyzes the problems in the marketing of AAA MARITIME CO., LTD. And makes a conclusion that it is necessary to use IMC in AAA MARITIME CO., LTD. At last it gives us the detailed measures of how to use IMC in AAA MARITIME CO., LTD. Under the use of IMC, AAA MARITIME CO., LTD. should be driven by the consumer need, but not the industrial products. AAA MARITIME CO., LTD. should build up good enterprise brand and social image. The goal is to benefit the society, consumers, and the enterprises as a whole.

  • 【分类号】F274;F552
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】207

