

A Contrastive Study on Different Ethical Norms and Their Influence on Translators’ Strategies

【作者】 韩丽娟

【导师】 吴建国;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 不同的社会背景和民族文化影响着人们的伦理观念,人们的伦理价值观念又直接反映了某一民族的特性。由于意识形态、文化背景、历史渊源等诸多因素的影响,中西方的伦理观念之间存在着巨大的差异,诸如“中土伦理与政治结合,远西伦理与宗教结合”、“中土道德以家庭为本位,远西道德以个人为本位”、“中土道德主义务平等,远西道德主权利平等”、“中土重私德,远西重公德”、“中土家庭尚尊敬,远西家庭尚亲爱”等。(黄建中,1998:83-90)鉴于中西方伦理观念之间的差异,不同的译者在译介过程中不可避免地会受到各自伦理观的影响,并在译文中采取不同的翻译策略。而以往关于中西伦理的对比研究多从哲学的角度进行,从文化或从英汉对比的角度来看待这些差异并结合翻译对之进行研究,还不多见。同样,海内外对于我国古典文学名著《红楼梦》所进行的英译研究也是数不胜数,可是,专门就不同的译者所代表的中西不同的伦理观念进行对比,并探讨其中的差异如何影响译者的翻译决策的研究还未见到。因此,本文试图从几个不同角度分析中西方伦理观念的差异,并探究这些差异对译者翻译策略的影响。基于家庭伦理、爱情伦理、婚姻伦理、女性观及性观念等诸多方面的对比研究,作者得出如下结论:中西方伦理观念之间存在的众多差异对译者的翻译行为会产生决定性的影响,甚至在很大程度上影响着译文的风格。通过对《红楼梦》两个英文全译本的例证研究,作者还指出,不同的译者在翻译过程中采取了诸如解释、补充、替换、省略等不同的翻译策略来处理原作中的伦理内容。换言之,中西方之间存在的伦理差异使得译者做出各自的伦理决定。有时候,译者还会出于自身的伦理判断而有意识或无意识地对原文进行改写。另外,由于文化差异以及译者认识差异的存在,在翻译过程中还会不可避免地产生误读和误译。译者自身的伦理意识会影响其译介行为,使得译文在一定程度上背离原作。本文共分七章。第一章为引言。第二章从伦理学的定义出发,介绍了当代伦理学发展中几个有代表性的理论,并阐述了伦理与翻译研究的关系。第三章从三个主要方面论述了中西方伦理观念之间的差异,指出中西伦理观念上的众多不同大多来自群体取向与个体取向的分歧。第四章简要介绍了《红楼梦》及其翻译,以及当代学者对其英译本的研究状况。第五章作为本文的主体,通过对《红楼梦》两个英译本的例证分析,从家庭、宗教、爱情、婚姻、价值观念以及性观念等几个方面对比分析了中西方伦理观念之间的差异,并探讨其对译者翻译策略的影响。第六章略述由于伦理观念的差异而对原文造成的误读以及与之相关的改写。第七章为全文总结。

【Abstract】 Different social backgrounds and national cultures have great effects on people’s ethical concepts. On the other hand, people’s ethical values, most sensitively and directly, reflect the unique features of a certain nation. Owing to the influence of such factors as ideology, cultural background, and historical origin, there has been a huge difference between Chinese and western ethical norms. There exist, indeed, contrastive ethical differences between China and the West such as "politics-combined vs. religion-combined ethic", "family-oriented vs. individual-oriented ethic", "equal obligations vs. equal rights", "personal morality vs. public morality" and "respect-emphasized vs. fraternity-emphasized family ethic", etc. (黄建中,1998:83-90)In view of these ethical differences between Chinese and western cultures, different translators, in the process of translation, will be inevitably influenced by the ethical concepts of their own and adopt different translating strategies in their translation works. However, the contrastive studies done before on the Chinese and western ethical systems have been mostly from the viewpoint of philosophy. There are not many researches done from the angle of contrastive studies of English and Chinese and, at the same time, combined with translation to treat these ethical differences. Similarly, among the numerous studies done at home and abroad on the English versions of Hongloumeng, one of the greatest of Chinese literary works, few are conducted on the ethical differences between Chinese and western cultures and on the influence of these ethical differences on the translators’ adoption of strategies.Therefore, this thesis attempts, from different angles, to analyze the differences in ethical concepts between the two cultures, and to explore the influence of those differences on translators’ translating strategies. Based on the contrastive study on the following aspects such as family ethics, love ethics, marriage ethics, women ethics, sexual ethics, and so on, the author comes to the conclusion that there are indeed numerous differences between Chinese and western ethical systems, and that these ethical differences will play a decisive role in translators’ translating activities, and even influence, to a large extent, the style of the translation works. Through the case study on the two English versions of Hongloumeng, the writer of this thesis points out that different translators, nurtured under different ethical systems, may adopt different strategies such as expounding, amplifying, substituting, omitting, and the like, to deal with the ethical matters existing in the source language text in the process of translation. In other words, the differences in ethical norms between China and the West impel the translators to make ethical choices of their own. And sometimes, translators will also conduct rewritings, either consciously or unconsciously, to the original, according to their own moral judgments. Besides, owing to the presence of cultural differences and differences in translators’ understanding, misreading and the consequent mistranslation will arise almost inevitably in the process of translation. In short, translators should build up a strong perception toward different ethical systems and make every effort to avoid cultural misreading and to retain the culturally heterogeneous messages of the original so as to make their translations maximally close to the source language texts.This thesis consists of five chapters plus an introduction (Chapter 1) and a conclusion (Chapter 7). Chapter 2, starting from the definition of ethics, introduces several representative theories in contemporary researches on ethics and discusses the relationship between ethics and translation studies. Chapter 3 is a general analysis on the ethical differences between the Chinese and western cultures, pointing out the numerous differences between the Chinese and western ethical systems mainly derived from the divergence of group-orientation and individualism. Chapter 4 is a brief introduction to Hongloumeng and its translations as well as a survey of the contemporary scholars’ researches on its English versions. As the main part of the thesis, Chapter 5, based on Chapter 2 and combined with a case study on the two English versions of Hongloumeng, offers a detailed contrastive analysis on the ethical differences between China and the West from such aspects as family, religion, love, marriage, values and sex, and meanwhile, explores how these differences in ethical concepts influence the translators’ translating strategies. Chapter 6 touches upon misreading and related rewriting resulting from the differences in ethical conceptions.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】616

