

Discourse Analysis and Translation of EST Instructions

【作者】 王桂梅

【导师】 郑仰成;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 翻译是应用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。随着中国加入WTO和经济全球化,各行各业迎来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。为了更好地同世界先进水平接轨,加强与发达国家的交流与合作,科技英语翻译显得日益重要。随着社会的不断发展,人们的物质文化水平有了大大的提高,各种各样的新兴产品大量涌现在我们的日常生活中,随之不计其数的产品使用说明书也相继出现。为了使产品容易被消费者接受,高质量的使用说明书起着举足轻重的作用。说明书可能用多种语言写就,但由于英语是世界通用的国际语言,英语使用说明书在人们生活中更为常见,所以英语使用说明书的翻译也变得频繁起来。正因如此,作者针对这一现状,在该篇论文中锁定科技英语使用说明书,从篇章理论的角度,对科技英语使用说明书进行了一次较为全面的尝试性的研究。语篇翻译是一新型的翻译方法,是针对翻译实践提出的,提倡译者从整个语篇着手,以语篇为准进行翻译操作。它的具体内涵为:1将译者的视野从字句扩展到句群、语篇等更大的单位,强调语篇----一项翻译任务所处理的语篇整体----是翻译操作的最终决定层;2语篇类型,交际功能与翻译策略、方法密切相关;3语篇在一定的语境中发挥交际功能,翻译操作必须考虑翻译活动发生时译者所处的社会、文化环境,即翻译情境。为了是本项研究详尽细致,作者收集了五篇各类地道的英语说明书作为样本,并进行了分析和翻译,应用了比较法和数据计法,从词汇层面、句法层面及语篇层面来分析科技英语说明书。作者在第一章介绍了科技英语语篇翻译的重要性和必要性,第二章回顾了国内外不同学者对于篇章翻译的不同观点及阐述,第三章详细介绍了语篇理论的特征,第四章对科技英语语篇的特征作了阐述,着重探讨了英语说明书的在词汇方面、句法层面以及语篇层面上的特点。第五章是对上一章语篇分析成果在科技英语说明书翻译中的应用,该章引用一些英语说明书的例子说明语篇翻译的可操作性和重要性。最后结论部分,总结全文,强调在前面各章提出的论点,同时也指出语篇分析不仅有利于科技英语翻译,也有利于促进教学实践的发展。总之,本文作者旨在突破,该篇论文的创新之处在于运用了语篇理论来分析和研究科技文章中的英语说明书,不仅可以填补科技英语篇章分析这一领域,而且还对英语说明书的理解,翻译和写作有重要的指导意义和参考价值。这是国内外很少有人曾经研究和涉足过的。

【Abstract】 Translation is a linguistic activity, it is also the operation which consists in transferring one language into another all the meaning elements of a text. At the early stage of the study of EST, people mainly focus on superficial language phenomena such as word formation, grammatical structure, tense and voice, etc. It is only a static description of register, which does not get the core of language communication. Correspondingly, traditional translation theories of EST only pay attention to words and sentences and concentrate on the three aspects of vocabulary, grammar and knowledge. These theories certainly have their own values; however, since the object of translation is usually a discourse which is an organic entity, they are prone to one-sidedness and rigidness of translation. The advent of discourse analysis (text analysis )offers a new way to study EST. This paper tries to use discourse linguistic theories to discuss discourse analysis and discourse translation of EST, and on the basis of this discussion, it further explores the application of the results of the study to discuss translation of EST. Since China has joined WTO, with the development of economic globalization, all trades and professions meet new opportunities and challenges. In order to better communicate with the developed countries, EST translation becomes more and more important. With the development of the society, in order to meet people’s ever-increasing demands of their material and spiritual life, new products of new variety spring up daily along with numerous introductions for them. Introductions play a great role in popularizing the products and helping customers accept and use them. Introductions may be written in various languages, since English is the most widely used language, this thesis focuses on EST instructions as its object of study and analyze their stylistic features systematically.Trying to make the study exhaustive and specific, four native English instructions are collected through many channels. The author analyzes and translates these instructions as samples in Chapter Five by way of comparison and statistic analysis.Based on the reality, the author makes a tentative and more comprehensive study of EST articles, especially English instructions, from the perspective of discourse analysis. Discourse translation is a new translation method for translation practice, which advocates that the translators do translation operation on the basis of the whole text, its content includes the following three aspects: 1. translator’s vision should be widened from the syntactic level to discourse level, which is the decision level of translation; 2. text type and communicative function are closely related with translation strategy and method:3, translation should take translation situation into account.The whole thesis can be divided into six parts:Chapter One explains the necessity of discourse analysis of EST and reveals the advantages of EST discourse translation in the dimension of discourse.Chapter Two reviews the recent studies of discourse linguistics and discourse translation achieved by different scholars abroad and at home.In Chapter Three the author focuses on her attention mainly on the analysis ofdiscourse features.Chapter Four. introduces the stylistic features of EST and English instructions.Then Chapter Five is about the application of the fruits of discourse analysis presented in the proceeding chapter, through the analysis of four samples of English instructions, the author illustrates her ideas mentioned above in the thesis.In the last part the author makes a summary for the whole paper. It emphasizes the author’s point of view and points out that the discourse analysis is beneficial not only to discourse translation itself but also to the development of teaching practice. The author believes it is a new channel to discuss discourse analysis and discourse translation. This paper is just a try that has yet to be proved by practice. Owing to the limitations of ability, there must be some improprieties in this paper, which needs the readers’ valuable comments. Anyway, the author cordially hopes that the paper can prove the understanding of the nature of EST and attract attention to the discourse translation of EST. In a word, the writer’s contribution is that she uses the discourse linguistics theory to make analysis of English instruction among EST article, thus this thesis can not only contribute to filling up the vacancy in EST discourse analysis, but can also provide guidance and referential materials for the understanding, translating and writing of EST instructions, which is rarely done abroad and at home.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】940

