

On the Artistic Values of Couple Show

【作者】 常雪连

【导师】 张明芳;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 山西被誉为中国戏曲艺术的摇篮,其戏曲活动历史源远流长,戏曲种类繁多。据1980年普查,全省现存大小剧种达49个之多,约占全国戏曲剧种的六分之一。它们各具特色,百花齐放,争妍斗奇,而这其中“二人台”则如一支艺术奇葩格外耀眼。“二人台”是产生于山西河曲,流传于内蒙古自治区及山西、陕西、河北三省北部地区的地方小戏,又称“二人班”。因为其剧目大多采用一丑一旦二人演唱的形式所以叫“二人台”。各地的“二人台”在长期发展过程中,逐渐形成不同的艺术风格,以内蒙古呼和浩特为界,分为东西两路。它有着上百年的历史,随着岁月的脚步在黄河流淌过的黄土地上深深扎根,随着生活在这一方水土上的人们世代相传。根据资料记载,这期间“二人台”经历了“打坐腔”、“打玩艺儿”、“风搅雪”、“打软包”、“业余剧团”、“专业剧团”六个阶段。“二人台”在发展过程中,积累了丰富的生活底蕴,散发出独特的艺术魅力。在形式方面,“二人台”短小精悍、形式多样;在内容方面,“二人台”具有民间性、反叛性和喜剧性等特点;在语言方面,“二人台”质朴鲜活、妙趣横生。“二人台”作为土生土长的民间艺术,在沟壑纵横的黄土地上,在九曲回肠的黄河岸边,在浩瀚的草原沙漠间,都受到群众的普遍欢迎。它曾经有过耀眼的辉煌,但近年来由于历史和现实多方面的原因,许多缺少观众和市场的地方小剧种陷入了生存困境,剧团经济状况拮据,人才老化断层,表演技巧流失。一些濒临消亡的戏曲剧种,资料散落民间,因无经费抢救,艺术遗产存在失传的危险。“二人台”也不例外,其观众和市场呈萎缩之势。它面临着与社会脱节、作品陈旧、新人匮乏、低龄观众流失、舞台美术陈旧等诸多问题。反之,与“二人台”有不少相似之处的姐妹艺术“二人转”却异常红火,并日渐受到全国观众的认可,其原因是多方面的。地域经济、语言发音、艺术创新、演出形式及明星效应与传媒力量等多个方面都有不可忽视的原因。是“二人台”的艺术魅力不在了吗?答案当然是否定的。“二人台”是我国传统文化的宝贵财富,其中蕴含着丰富的文化信息,它以特殊的方式折射出我们这个古老民族千百年来凝聚的思想感情、伦理道德与价值观念,是不可再生的文化遗产。本文通过分析比较等研究方法,就其现今迅速萎缩的现状分析问题所在,在保持地方艺术原生态的基础上与时俱进,从对“二人台”原有资源的保护和“二人台”自身的改革发展两个方面着手寻找振兴方向,力求做到客观、全面和系统的研究,并为该剧种的振兴与发展提供多种可行办法,从而使得这一民间艺术得以延续。

【Abstract】 Shanxi, regarded as the cradle of Chinese opera arts, has a long history of opera performances and ranks the top concerning the opera types. According to the survey in 1980, there are about fifty-two types of opera in Shanxi, accounting for one sixth of the opera types all over China. With their own specialities, they can compete with each other and develop themselves in full swing. "Couple show" is standing out among them."Couple show", as a local small opera type, originates from Hequ of Shanxi province and is widespread in Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, the northern part of Hebei. It can also be called couple class. Couple show gets the name from the singing forms of a clown and a female lead. During the development, couple show in different places gradually form different artistic styles. Couple show is divided into two subcategories, eastern and westem, by Huhehaote of Inner Mongolia. With the history of over a hundred years, it is deeply rooted in the yellow earth along the Yellow River and handed down by those generations living on this land. Some history records show that couple show goes through six stages: "Da zuoqiang", "Da wanyi", "Feng jiaoxue ", "Da ruanbao", "amateur troupe", "professional troupe". It has accumulated rich essentiality of life and is full of unique artistic fascination during the development. It is brief and various in performing pattern; folk, unique and comic in content; and live and humorous in language. This dissertation is the research specialized in the artistic values of the couple show. As the local folk arts, couple show is extremely popular on the yellow earth full of channels and ditches, along the winding Yellow river and in the expansive grassland and desert. It had the glorious achievement, But in recent years due to historical and practical various reasons, lack of audience and the market where small drama into a survival plight, Theater economic situation constraints, aging talents fault, performance skills drain. Some endangered opera drama, information scattered people, the absence of funding where there is lost artistic heritage danger. However, its audience and market is decreasing in recent years due to the historical and the actual reasons. There are many problems such as deviation from the society, obsolete performance, a lack of fresh appearances, loss of younger audience, and the outdated stage decoration. On the contrary, the similar folk art, a song-and-dance duet (popular in the Northeast) is flourishing and gradually gains acceptance nationwide. It is attributed to various reasons. Regional economy, pronunciation, artistic innovation, performing forms, effects of superstars and the media etc are reasons to be reckoned with. Is there no artistic enchantment with couple show? The answer is negative. Couple show, as the treasure of Chinese traditional culture, contains rich culture and reflects thoughts and ideas, ethic and morality and values accumulated during the hundreds of years in particular ways, thus being the cultural legacy which cannot be reproduced.Adopting various research methods, such as analyzing and comparing, this dissertation intend to analyze the issue of the current decreasing of the audience and the market, to keep pace with times on the basis of retaining the original situation of local arts and furthermore to find out the solutions from two aspects, protection of the existing resources of couple show and innovation and development of it. The author attempt to conduct an objective, comprehensive and systematic research and offer many practical solutions to develop the opera type so that this folk art can be descended to the next generations.

【关键词】 二人台民间艺术艺术特色创新发展
【Key words】 Couple ShowFolk ArtsArtistic CharacteristicInnovationDevelopment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】J825
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】543

