

Study on the "Bottle-neck" of Promoting the Local Residents’ Socialization in Urban Villages of Taiyuan City

【作者】 王竹卿

【导师】 邢媛;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 社会学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在快速而激烈的社会变迁中,城中村原有生产方式和生活方式的迅速解体打破了自身社会的和谐与平衡。同时新的生产方式和生活方式又将在城中村城市化的过程中重新确立。面对社会结构的重新调整,城中村村民将如何适应?这既是社会科学关注的民生问题之一,又是从社会整体视角研究社会良性运行的社会学必须回答的一个实践性课题。通过社会化,人获得了能够成为社会个体的基本素质:价值观念、行为规范、知识和技能。凭借这些素质,个体才能进入社会求得生存与发展,并对社会做出贡献。随着从传统社会到现代社会的进步,社会对个体的素质要求有了很大的提高。城中村的城市化就是从传统社会到现代社会的变迁,所以本文认为,提升社会化、获得现代城市社会要求的现代化素质,应是城中村村民融入城市社会的一条有效途径。本文立足太原市城中村的实际情况,在城中村数量最多,也是太原市城市发展南移策略的重点规划区——小店区,依据城中村村民是否在本社区的转型中普遍获得了良好的经济收益为标准,选择了两个典型的城中村进行样本对比研究(由于从历史维度研究城中村的数据不足,本着客观准确的原则,本文未从此维度展开研究)。从城中村村民个体出发,以求在微观层面上发现村民社会化提升的制约因素,为进一步制定提升措施做准备。通过调查分析发现:不同情况下,各城中村村民社会化提升的瓶颈不同。在村民因本社区转型普遍获得良好经济收益的城中村,村民获得了一种相对于城市市民的生存优势——有不错的经济收入、有自己的住房、生活压力和风险较小;他们安于现状,对现代生活需求的新知识、新技能需求不足,缺乏自觉提升社会化的动机。相反,在村民未因本社区转型获得良好经济收益的城中村,村民迫于生活的压力,为在城市获得就业机会,对新知识、新技能的需求较高,但因缺少较好社会化路径,社会化提升不理想。因此本文提出,在制定村民社会化提升措施时,只有因地制宜把村民社会化提升的工作根植于社会事实之上,既重视村民社会化提升对社会环境的整体性要求,又关注村民社会化提升的具体事实基础,才能保证村民社会化提升这样一项关乎城市新生成员与城市固有成员合力发展的工作取得成功。

【Abstract】 The rapid progress of urbanization and the development of urban village hasten the disintegration of the traditional mode of production and way of life, which, at the same time, are breaking the harmony and balance of the agriculture society. Meanwhile, with the development of urbanization and urban village, the new mode of production and the way of life have been established. Accordingly, how to make the inhabitants of urban village adapted to the new transformation of social structure should not simply be a critical problem for people’s livelihood in social sciences, but a highlight in sociology study.It is socialization that makes human beings possess certain qualities such as values, code of conduct, knowledge, and techniques, which help human beings to survive and develop as an individual in a society. Hence, the author of the thesis assumes that the effective ways for the inhabitants to completely integrate themselves with the urban society involve their voluntary socialization as well as the enhancement of modernized qualities required by the modern urban society.Firstly, in terms of the actual state of urban villages in Taiyuan, the thesis focuses on Xiaodian District which contains the largest number of urban villages and also becomes the key area of city planning in the urbanization to the south of Taiyuan City. Then the author of the thesis makes the comparison between two typical urban villages in Xiaodian by analyzing whether the inhabitants of these urban villages have generally reaped the profit in transformation of their community. Furthermore, the research proceeding from the individual inhabitants in urban villages, the thesis throws light on the bottle-necks in promoting the local residents’ socialization and makes good preparation for further socialization as well.Through the investigation and analysis, the thesis illuminates that the bottle-necks in promoting socialization vary with the actual state of the local residents in urban village. The residents living in generally-benefited urban village have gained relative advantage over the urban citizens; in other words, they have decent income and their own house and have less living pressure and risks, consequently, they are satisfied with the status qua and lack the motivation to promote their socialization by reason of the shortage of new knowledge and techniques; conversely, the residents living in poorly-benefited villages require more new knowledge and skills to seize the employment opportunity, but owing to inefficiency of learning, to some extent, they also fail to promote their socialization.Therefore, the author of the thesis assumes that we should drew up measures for the local residents’ socialization promoting in terms of distinction of the actual state in these urban villages, not only pay attention to the requirement of the social environment but also the special fact of the local residents. And only by these can we succeed in promoting the socialization of the local residents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期
  • 【分类号】D422.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】198

