

The Research on the Current Situation of Tae Kwon Do Game in ShanXi and Its Development Countermeasure

【作者】 高明

【导师】 毛明春;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 民族传统体育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 跆拳道作为一项现代竞技体育运动,1988年、1992年、1996年,三次被列入奥运会表演项目,在2000年悉尼奥运会上被正式列为奥运会比赛项目,设八枚金牌。我国自1992年开展该项目,1994年各省市正式组队以来,在短短几年时间就分别在悉尼奥运会,雅典奥运会上获得了金牌,从而也推动了跆拳道运动在国内的快速发展。山西省跆拳道运动自1994年在省内普及以来,一直没有成立跆拳道专业队,到1998年开始组建跆拳道队,1999年才有了一支由10人组成的队伍在全国比赛中亮相。在2003年的全国锦标赛上,参赛的15人中,有13人冲进前16名,其中包括一个第3名、5个第5名。山西省跆拳道队在十运会中取得了男子68公斤级第七名,女子49公斤级第六名的成绩。2006年2月23日,从省跆拳道运动管理中心传来喜讯,在近日结束的美国跆拳道公开赛上,山西跆拳道运动员张东岳夺得了男子68公斤级铜牌,这是此次参赛的中国男队员取得的最好成绩,也是我省跆拳道运动员近几年来参加国际比赛取得的最好成绩。本研究从调查山西省跆拳道发展现状入手,采用文献资料法、普通问卷法、德尔菲法、逻辑分析等方法,对山西省跆拳道运动发展的现状进行了调查。主要包括:我省教练员队伍的基本情况,裁判员的基本情况,我省跆拳道竞赛成绩的现状,我省大众跆拳道开展的现状,并对山西省跆拳道运动发展的制约因素以及在发展过程中存在的问题进行分析。得出以下结论:加强与体育科研人员的交流,强化科学训练体系;培养一批有事业心,优秀教练员;重视山西省跆拳道裁判员队伍建设;充分挖掘山西省跆拳道人才资源,抓好竞技跆拳道运动员的梯队建设。加快跆拳道市场的培育,促进跆拳道运动的可持续发展。并提出以下建议:1、推广大众跆拳道,建立后备人才培养训练基地;2、增加经费投入,拓宽经费来源渠道;3、提高教练员、裁判员的业务水平;4、结合山西省跆拳道训练特点,建立相应的管理激励机制;5、跆拳道训练要与科研紧密结合;6、适当增加全省比赛次数,争取承办国内高水平赛事。通过本研究希望为山西省跆拳道运动的发展提供相应的发展理论依据,来适应在新的社会发展条件下的跆拳道运动的发展,以及增强山西省跆拳道运动的整体水平。

【Abstract】 As a modern athletic sport item, Tae Kwon Do entered into Olympic Games three times in 1988, 1992, and 1996 as an exhibition item. In Sidney Olympics held in 2000, it was officially categorized into athletic event and entitled to 8 gold medals. In China, Tae Kwon Do was first carried out in 1992, and in 1994, Tae Kwon Do team was founded in all provinces of China. Within the short period of several years after that, China won the gold medals both in Sidney Olympics and Athens Olympics, Which rendered the rapid development of Tae Kwon Do game in our country. Through Tae Kwon Do spread within ShanXi province from 1994, have no specific team, until 1999 had a 10 athletes take part in the country’s march. At the nations Tae Kwon Do champion (2003), we have 13 athletes placed in a competition within 16, it concluded one third and five fifth place. We get seventh place about men’s competition and sixth place about women’s at the Tenth National Game. We also get news from the American Tae Kwon Do Open, our athlete Zhang Dongyue got a cuprum medal at the men’s 68 Kg competition; it was the best achievement we get from the international Tae Kwon Do competition.This research starts with investigating the current situation of the development of ShanXi Tae Kwon Do. We adopted many laws during the research. For example, the methods of documents and materials, the law of illegal, ordinary questionnaire, etc. The content that we investigated includes the following several respects. The coach’s situation, and the basic situation of the referees and the place facilities. In the article, I analysed the restricting factor of Tae Kwon Do’s development of ShanXi and the question existing in the course of development. Through the investigation, I get the following results: the knowledge structure of the coach of our province needs to perfect further, echelon’s construction needs strengthening. In addition, the Tae Kwon Do comprehensive strength in our province still remains to strengthen. Come to perfect and develop Tae Kwon Do from one’s own inside. In order to improve the development of Tae Kwon Do, we must strengthen the development and construction of Tae Kwon Do item in our province.. And submit the following suggestion: 1, Extends masses Tae Kwon Do , builds the training base for athlete; 2, Enhance the funds for training and broadens the source funds; 3, Improves the coach and referee’s professional competence; 4, Combining with the characteristic of Shanxi Tae Kwon Do and builds corresponding administration incentive mechanism; 5, Tae Kwon Do training should combining with scientific research more closely; 6, Appropriately to increasing competition numbers and striving for hold high level competition.In the research, we can offer the basis of theory about Tae Kwon Do’s development. Under the guide of it, the development of Tae Kwon Do will adapt well to the conditions of the society. And the level of our Tae Kwon Do will be improved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】G886.9
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1211

