

Research on the China Landless-farmers in Modernization

【作者】 汤静

【导师】 邸敏学;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着工业化、城市化建设的不断推进,失地农民数量越来越大。失去土地的农民,徘徊在城市的边缘,成了种田无地、就业无岗、低保无份的“三无农民”,给经济社会的发展带来了巨大的压力,本文以当前理论界的研究成果为基础,马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入分析中国当前失地农民问题的现状,产生失地农民问题的原因,以及国内外解决失地农民问题的经验教训。最后从改革农地产权制度、确定科学合理的补偿标准和建立失地农民社会保障制度三个方面提出解决中国当前失地农民问题的政策性框架。这一研究对于解决失地农民问题,构建社会主义和谐社会都具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。本文的研究内容包括四个部分。第一部分分析了现代化进程与失地农民的关系。这部分从研究土地的内涵和作用入手,通过对现代化进程中土地与农民关系的分析,指出处理好农民和土地关系问题是解决农村、农业和农民问题的重要内容,是中国在安定稳定前提下推进现代化的前提。第二部分研究了现代化进程中失地农民的总体状况及其形成的原因。这部分主要从实证角度研究了我国失地农民的规模与地域分布状况。产生失地农民问题的原因是综合性的,土地产权主体的缺失、征地补偿标准不能体现土地交易价格和劳动力失业损失以及政府的不作为等都是造成失地农民产生的原因。第三部分论述了失地农民问题所产生的负面影响。农民失地后,加剧了人地矛盾,造成了社会安全隐患,对我国粮食安全构成较大的隐患。总之,失地农民的大量存在影响改革发展稳定的大局,是困扰城乡经济社会协调发展的难点问题,制约和谐社会建设。第四部分主要探索了解决失地农民的对策。本部分首先分析了工业化国家英国、美国、日本解决失地农民的经验教训,总结了改革开放以来我国一些地区的经验。通过实证分析研究,从理论和实践层面上提出改革农地产权制度,确定合理补偿制度,健全社会保障体系等等措施。本文的创新之处在于三个方面:一是系统、全面地研究了失地农民问题的现状、产生失地农民问题的原因,为进一步研究该问题提供了坚实的基础。二是深入地分析了失地农民自身利益受损及产生的负面影响,在很大程度上,加快了政府解决该问题的步伐。三是通过借鉴国内外解决失地农民问题的经验教训,提出主要应该以科学发展观为指导,从改革农地产权制度,确立合理补偿标准和健全社会保障体系三个方面入手,提出综合性措施来解决失地农民问题,有助于推动国民经济健康发展和社会安定稳定。

【Abstract】 Guided by Maxism, Mao zedong Thought ,Deng xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, based on the analysis of the experience and lessons of dealing with the relationship between farmers and the farmland in different historical periods and the landless-farmers issue ,this paper is aimed to propose the policy framework for resolving the landless-farmers problem in present China through ways of reforming rural land institution, improvement of compensation mechanisms for requisitioned land as well as the social security system of landless-farmers .Besides the introduction ,which expatiates upon the intention ,theoretic basis ,structure and methods of research ,this paper is divided into four points.Part one Theoretic analysisStarting with the research of characteristics and function of land , based on the analysis of present situation and relationship between farmers and the farmland and during the modernization drive ,this part forward the concept that appropriately dealing with the issue of relationship between farmers and the farmland is the major content in solving problems facing agriculture , countryside and farmers .Only when the appropriate compensation mechanisms for expropriated or requisitioned land are in place to solve the problem of landless-farmers can Chinese modernization be pushed forward in a safe and stable environment.Part two Empirical analysisThis part expatiates on the current situation of the landless-farmers , who not only lose land but also occupation ,house, subsistence, and specially lose the low-cost way of living and developing during the industrialization and urbanization process, and not able to benefit from land value increments ,thus becoming "three-nothing group". The cause of the problem of landless-farmers is very complicated.Part three Empirical analysisAt present, because the principal part of rural collective land ownership is not clarity, farmers are so passive in the process of land requisition that their rights could not be guaranteed. The faulty land requisition system has caused a series of problems such as over-extension of requisitioned land and public interests, mismanagement and ill allocation compensation fund, lack of specific regulations on settlement of landless-farmers, and land requisition compensation standard unable to reflect the land market price and loss from unemployment.Part four Solution analysisFirst, this part analyses the ways of addressing the landless-farmers problems in different regions at home and abroad. Through practical analyses, this part bring forward the ides , on both theoretical and practical levels ,that only by reforming rural land system ,improving both land requisition compensation mechanism and social security system , that the problem of landless-farmers can be tackled properly and modernization and transition of land -use can be progressed in balance. This part proceeds with the relation between land institution reform and solution of current landless farmers problem comes from the imperfection of the rural land ownership institution.

【关键词】 农民土地现代化失地农民
【Key words】 farmerslandmordernizationlandless-farmers
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期
  • 【分类号】D422.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】300

