

Researches on the Intermediary Organization during Chinese Community Development

【作者】 车兴

【导师】 尚珊;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 图书馆学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的咨询业是伴随着经济体制改革的发展而逐步发展起来的,也是伴随着众多企业的管理水平不断提升而逐渐成长起来的,是在借鉴国外咨询管理、方法和经验的基础上发展起来的。今天,我国的咨询业在经历了产生、探索和发展的过程后,已经被提到经济和社会生活应有的位置上来,这无疑是咨询业发展的难得机遇。在良好的发展机遇面前,我国的咨询企业受到来自外部和内部的威胁。国外著名跨国咨询公司的入驻,瓜分了一部分我国的咨询市场,对我国咨询企业的发展是一个巨大的冲击。同时,我国咨询企业内部管理机制不健全、不完善是阻碍我国咨询企业发展的一个重要因素。面对来自企业外部环境的威胁,咨询企业只有解决了自身的问题,才有可能去迎接挑战。如果一个咨询企业连自己的内部管理都一团糟,又有什么资格为其他公司出谋划策、提供咨询服务呢?这样的企业怎么和国外著名咨询公司抗衡,咨询客户又怎么会放心地把自己的企业交给它去“诊治”。所以笔者认为,制约咨询企业发展的最大的瓶颈是企业内部管理存在的问题。本文正是以咨询企业内部管理为研究对象,找出其存在的问题,并提出相应的解决方案。咨询企业内部管理包括人力资源管理、质量管理、项目管理、财务管理、风险管理和品牌管理六个方面。本文通过文献研究、分析比较和实地调查等方法,对我国咨询企业内部管理现状进行剖析后,发现目前我国咨询企业内部管理存在的问题包括以下几个方面:(1)人力资源管理体系不健全;(2)咨询服务的质量和层次不高;(3)项目管理缺乏系统性;(4)忽视财务管理的重要性;(5)风险管理水平不高;(6)品牌管理层次低。针对我国咨询企业内部管理存在的问题及原因,结合我国现阶段的基本国情和企业自身的实际情况,对于如何构建咨询企业内部管理机制,笔者提出一些建议:(1)完善咨询企业人力资源管理。具体措施有:培养高素质人才、建立人员培训体系、完善薪酬体系和激励机制、留住人才。(2)提升咨询企业质量管理。具体措施有:自身研发能力的加强、后续服务的规范、知识库的建设。(3)抓好咨询企业项目管理。具体措施有:做好项目计划工作、建立完整的咨询项目监控体系、项目团队的建设。(4)提高财务管理的核心地位。具体措施有:树立现代财务管理理念、建立并完善咨询企业内部审计制度、提高财会人员素质。(5)建立完善的风险管理体系。具体措施有:提高咨询人员的风险防范意识、建立风险管理机制、建立有效的内部风险监督结构。(6)提升品牌管理水平。具体措施有:强化品牌意识、准确有力的品牌定位、多渠道进行品牌传播。

【Abstract】 Chinese consulting industry is accompanied by the development of economic reform and gradually developed. It is also accompanied by management level rising of large firms and gradually grow up. It is on basis of theories, methods and the experience of foreign consulting firms developed. Today, Chinese consulting industry have experienced、exploration and development of the process, it has been referred to the important position of the economic and social life now. This is a rare opportunity of the consulting industry. The face of good development opportunities, Chinese consulting firms have been from external and internal threats. Famous transnational consulting companies have entered in China and divided up part of the consulting market. It is an enormous blow to the development of Chinese consulting firms. Meanwhile, Chinese internal management system of consulting firms is not perfect. It is an important factor of hindering the development of consulting firms.Faced with the external threats of the firm, consulting firms only be resolving its own problems, then it can take up challenges. If internal management of a consulting firm is chaotic, how it provide consulting services for other companies? And how it competes with foreign famous consulting companies. Consulting customer is how to give self company to it treat. Therefore, the author believes the biggest factor of restricting development of consulting firms is the internal management problems. The article is based of the internal management of consulting firms and discover the problems and advance some solution.Internal management of consulting firms include human resources management, quality management, project management, financial management, risk management and brand management. After it analyses the current state of internal management of consulting firms by means of methods of documents research, analysis and compare, questionnaire survey etc., the monograph refers to several questions to internal management of consulting firms:(1) Human resources management system is not perfect; (2)The quality of consulting services is not good; (3)Project management is lack of systematic.(4)Leadership ignore the importance of financial management.(5) Risk management level is not high. (6) Low levels of brand management.In accordance with the problem of internal management of consulting firms and our country conditions, we put forward the solutions :(1) Perfecting human resource management of internal management of consulting firms. Specific measures: Cultivating quality talent, Building a system for training staff, Improving the wage system and incentive systems, Retaining talent. (2)Upgrading quality management of internal management of consulting firms. Specific measures: Strengthening own research capabilities, Follow-up service norms, Building a knowledge base.(3)Strengthening project management of internal management of consulting firms. Specific measures: Doing projects plan, Establishing a complete monitoring system of consulting project, Building projects-team.(4)Improving financial management core position of internal management of consulting firms. Specific measures: Establishing a modern financial management concept, Establishing and improving internal audit system of consulting firms, Improving the quality of financial officers.(5)Perfecting risk management system of internal management of consulting firms. Specific measures: Raising awareness of risk prevention of consulting officers, Establishing risk management mechanism, establishing an effective risk oversight structure. (6)Upgrading level of brand management of internal management of consulting firms. Specific measures: Enhancing brand awareness, Accurate the position of the brands, Spreading Brand through multiple channels.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】C932.82
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】728

