

The Study of the Adverb in ChunQiu GongYang Zhuan

【作者】 索烨丹

【导师】 白平;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 汉语史各时期的专书研究是构建汉语史断代语法系统的基础,而虚词是汉语语法的重要手段,古代汉语的语法研究主要体现在虚词研究上。《春秋公羊传》(以下通称《公羊传》)是上古中期的代表文献。据史料记载,它是公羊家口授于先秦,成书于汉景帝时期传述《春秋》的“解义之传”。学术界近二十年来对它的词类包括虚词的研究几近于零。本文前言部分首先在前人研究的基础上以语法功能和语法意义相结合的原则给副词作了界定和次类的划分。然后以此为纲,对《公羊传》的副词作了严格筛选和统计,调查出副词51个:皆、凡、遍、独、唯(惟)、尝、曾、既、已、将、卒、终、渐、方、俄(睋)而、少、滋、徒、直、相、相与、胥、亲、亲自、犹、固、亦、又、有、亟、复、盖、果、实、故、必、诚、其、其诸、盍、焉、无乃、不、弗、非、末、莫、未、无、否和勿。内部分类上,本文将这51个副词分为十类:总括副词、限定副词、时间副词、程度副词、情态副词、类同副词、累加副词、频率副词、否定副词和语气副词。第一章从副词的来源、句法分布、组合功能和语义指向等方面逐个对这51个词(其中“固”、“犹”和“已”3个词兼任副词的不同次类,“将”、“既"、“无”和“勿”兼属次类内不同小类,词量统计时分别以1词计)作了详细描写,并对每一次类从句法位置、组合能力等方面有所侧重地作了语法特点的总结,既突出了该次类内部成员的共性特征,也指出了某些词的个性差异。第二章对在学术界容易被当作副词的“甚”、“殆”和“俱”根据它们在《公羊传》中的用例情况作了特别描写和说明,指出它们在《公羊传》中并不作副词。第三章分别从副词来源、结构形式、各类副词的用词数量、词频和语法特点上对《公羊传》副词的特点作了总结。第四章将《公羊传》和上古前期的甲骨刻辞副词作了历时比较,旨在分析《公羊传》副词对上古前期副词的继承和流变情况。在研究方法上,本文注重三个结合:一、共时描写和历时比较相结合。共时描写是基础,历时比较才是目标。共时描写主要是在副词的认定和描写时将《公羊传》副词和同时期的《战国策》、《淮南子》中的副词作了对比。历时比较主要是对《公羊传》副词在来源考察时联系它们在上古前期甲骨刻辞、《诗经》中的存在情况作了调查说明;二、定量统计和定性分析相结合。按照副词的定义,本着实事求是的原则对《公羊传》的副词作了严格定性和定量统计;三、描写和解释相结合。在各个副词的描写上,不但说明其语法功能有哪些特点,还力图对其来源和形成条件及过程加以解释。

【Abstract】 It is the cornerstone for the study of Chinese language to focus on one book written in every period of the history of Chinese language .The function word is the important measure of the grammar of Chinese The function word. The study of the function words is the essential part of the ancient Chinese language. ChunQiuGongYangZhuan is the representative document of ancient times. According to the history material, ChunQiu GongYangZhuan is the commentaries on ChunQiu. It was passed on by Gong Yang clan in First Qin, which was written in Han Jin Emperor period. In the filed of systematic learning, the study of parts of speech on GongYang Zhuan is little including the study of function words. The preface of this thesis contains four parts. At first, the definition of the adverb is established and the minor categories of the adverbs are divided. Then according to these, the author selected 51 adverbs and divided them into 10 categories. Summary adverb, Confining adverb, Time adverb, Degree adverb, Model adverb, Similar adverb, Frequency adverb, Accumulating adverb and Negative, Mood adverb. In the second chapter, the author described 51 adverbs with their origin, syntactic position, syntagmatic ability and semantic direction. The characteristic of every category is summarized after the description in which not only the general character of the adverbs in the same category is emphasized, but also the difference is pointed out. In the third chapter, 3 words named Shen, Dai and Ju are described and analyzed carefully with their examples. Based on the detailed explanation, the author draws the conclusion that these there words are not Degree adverb, Mood adverb and Summary adverb in GongYang Zhuan. In the third chapter, from the aspects of the origin, structure form, the number of every adverb using, the frequency and the characteristic in grammar, the character of the adverbs in GongYangZhuan is summarized. In the last chapter, the author compers the adverbs in GongYangZhuan and with the adverbs in inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells, from the aspects of quality, the instance of the carrying on, the development the grammar characteristic and so on, the author finds the general train from the times of inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells to the middle period of ancint times: with the time going by, the form of adverb occurred a great change and a large number of new adverbs appeared. The tendency is obvious that the simple syllable adverbs are developing towards duplicating syllable adverbs. As far as the grammar characteristic, it shows the steady situation correspondingly.About the study approach, the author pays more attention three combinations. One is synchronic description and diachronic comparison. The synchronic description is the base and the diachronic comparison is final aim. The synchronic description is mainly used to affirming the adverbs by comparing the adverbs in GongYang Zhuan and ZhanGuo Ce, HuaiNanZi. The diachronic comparison is mainly used to compare the adverbs in Gong Gong Yang Zhuan and inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells. The second approach is number static and quality anlsis. According to the definition of adverb, the author affirmed every word and their number the third one is description and explanation. On the analysis of every adverb, the thesis not only shows the characteristic of the adverb grammar function, but also try to explain the origin, the forming factors and the process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】363

