

Researching on the Mechanism and Pattern’s Establishing of Lifelong Learning System’s Constructing in Our Country

【作者】 陈鹏

【导师】 董华;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 成人教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 终身学习体系的构建是新时代赋予我们的责任和义务,是我国和谐社会与小康社会建设的重要目标和内容,是贯彻和落实以人为本理念的重要决策。为了实现我国人民在知识经济时代下适应社会的需要,为了满足人们追求个体生命完善的需要,必须建立起完善的终身学习体系。而在终身学习体系的构建中,终身学习机制和发展模式的建设是所有问题的关键,是一切工作的重中之重。只有完善健全的机制建设,才能从各个方面保障人们的终身学习权益、满足人们的终身学习需要;只有科学合理的发展模式建设,才能满足不同社会群体对终身学习的特殊需要,从而建立起结构合理的终身学习体系。因此,在我国终身学习体系的构建中,必须重视对终身学习机制与发展模式建设的研究。本文在内容的安排上,共分为三大部分:第一部分简要论述了我国终身学习体系构建的机制与模式的概念及其建设的基本原则,这是后续研究的基础和立足点。第二部分对我国终身学习体系构建的主要机制的建设过程分别进行了一一论述,其中包括终身学习的组织协调机制、法律支持机制、资源载体机制、资金筹措机制等四个方面,这虽然不是终身学习机制建设的全部内容,却是终身学习机制建设的关键部分。第三部分就我国终身学习体系的构建选择了三个主要的发展模式即城市老年终身学习发展模式、农村农民终身学习发展模式以及国有企业员工终身学习发展模式,围绕学习内容、学习载体以及学习资金三个方面分别进行了系统地论述,这三个发展模式的建设过程既体现了中国特色,也体现了地区之间的差异,更体现了不同社会群体的特殊需要,这对我国终身学习体系的构建有着很大的实践指导意义。在研究方法上,本文以马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义方法论为指导,在理顺我国终身学习体系构建历史与现状的基础上,并适度借鉴国外先进的经验,对我国终身学习体系构建的机制建设进行了辩证性地思考,同时从我国的实际出发提出了几个有中国特色的终身学习发展模式。在具体的研究方法上,本文主要采用了文献法,查阅了大量有关终身学习及其体系建构的书籍、期刊文章、网络文章等资料。通过对资料进行认真地分析、归纳与总结,从而对终身学习体系及其构建的有关理论有了深入的了解,明确了自己的研究思路和研究重点,并提出了自己的一些新的见解。同时还采用了比较法,在对中、外终身学习体系建设现状比较的基础上,找出了我们的差距,为更好地推进我国终身学习体系的构建明确了思路。最后,通过本文对终身学习体系构建的机制和发展模式建设的分析和论述,取得了一定的成果,提出了一些独到的见解,这将为我国终身学习体系构建的具体实践工作提供一定的理论指导。

【Abstract】 To construct lifelong learning system is the responsibility and duty which the new times entrusts us, the profitable target and content of the harmonious society and the well-off society’s constructing, and also the important decision-making of implementing and carrying out the "people-oriented" idea. In order to meet the need of our country’s people adapting to society under the knowledge economy time, as well as to satisfy the need of people pursuing the individual life consummates, the perfect lifelong learning system must be constructed. However, in the lifelong learning system’s constructing, the lifelong learning mechanism and the development pattern’s establishing is the key and center of all questions. Only the consummation perfect mechanism, can safeguard people’s lifelong learning rights and interests and satisfy people’s need to lifelong learning from various aspects; only the scientific and reasonable development pattern, can satisfy the special need to lifelong learning from different social groups, which also be profitable to construct the more reasonable lifelong learning system in structure. Therefore, in order to construct our country’s lifelong learning system, we must take the mechanism and development pattern’s establishing of lifelong learning research as the importance of our research.In the content arrangement, this paper includes three major parts: In the fist part, the concept of mechanism and pattern of lifelong learning system’s constructing and the basic principles of their establishing are briefly elaborated, which is the foudation and standpoint of the following research. In the second part, the main mechanisms’ establishing of lifelong learning system’s constructing are elaborated separately, which include the coordinated mechanism, the legal mechanism, the resources medium mechanism and fund raising mechanism of lifelong learning, although which are not all the content of lifelong learning mechanism’s establishing, yet the key partials. In the third part, as to the lifelong learning system’s constructing, we select three main development patterns, namely the old’s lifelong learning development pattern in the city, farmer’s lifelong learning development pattern in the countryside as well as staff’s lifelong learning development pattern in the state-owned enterprise, which are detail elaborated separately revolved around study content, study carrier and the study fund. The establishing of these three development patterns has manifested China’s characteristic, differences from deferent areas as well as the special need of different social groups, which has the very big practice guiding sense to lifelong learning system’s constructing in our country.As the research method in the paper, taking the Marx dialectical materialism and the historical materialism methodology as our instruction, having clarified the history and present situation of lifelong learning system’s constructing in our country, we profited advanced experience from overseas moderately and had a dialectical ponder to the mechanism’s establishing of lifelong learning system of our country. Then we put forward several lifelong learning development patterns with Chinese characteristic from our national situation. To the concrete research method, we mainly used the literature method in this paper, through which, we consulted massive materials related lifelong learning and its system’s constructing from books, journal articles, network articles and so on. Through analyzing, inducting and summarizing to the materials earnestly, we had a thorough understanding to the theory related to the lifelong learning system and it’s constructing, and have been clear about own research mentality and the research importance, and proposed some new opinions. And the comparison method was also used in this paper, with which we had a comparison to the present situation of the lifelong learning system’s constructing between domestic and overseas, and then found our disparity to overseas, which helped to clearing about the mentality to well advance our country’s lifelong learning system’s constructing. In sum, through analyzing and elaborating to the mechanism and development pattern’s establishing of the lifelong learning system’s constructing in the paper, we have yielded some certain achievement, and proposed some original opinions, which would provide some certain theory instruction for the concrete practice work of lifelong learning system’s constructing in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】G720
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】781

