

【作者】 王佳

【导师】 姜文学;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 国际贸易, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中国和非洲都是人类文明的发源地,友好往来历史悠久,此后经过漫长历史岁月的洗礼,两个古老文明的交汇日益频繁。在中非相继沦为半殖民地和殖民地后,共同的苦难又把中非人民紧紧联系在一起。随着新中国的诞生和一系列非洲国家的政治独立,中非关系进入了一个历史新纪元。新中国诞生后的五十余年来,尽管国际形势和双方国情不断发生变化,但中非双方本着相似的历史命运和共同的现实发展任务,始终风雨同舟、团结合作,不断把中非关系推向新的阶段。特别是中非合作论坛成立以来,中非经贸合作与发展进入了一个新时期。近年来,中非贸易呈现高速增长态势,2007年上半年,中非贸易额达到320.5亿美元,同比增长了25%,其中中国对非出口164.16亿美元,从非进口156.35亿美元,分别较上年同期增长49%、7%。中国的机械电子、纺织品和高新技术产品大大满足了非洲人民的需求,同时,非洲各国的出口产品,包括能源、原材料以及工业制成品,也开始大量进入中国市场。本文以中非经贸关系发展为基础,首先描述了中非经贸关系发展的三个阶段,大致为1949年新中国成立至70年代改革开放之初是中非关系建立与初步发展阶段,80年代到90年代是从平稳发展到加速发展阶段,中非合作论坛以来中非经贸合作迅速发展。接着分析了近来中非经贸合作中呈现出的新特点,包括双方贸易快速增长,结构不断优化;中非经济合作范畴进一步扩展,中非贸易已逐步发展为一般贸易与对外投资、承包工程、对外援助等多种经济合作相互结合的方式;多、双边合作机制和政策进一步加强等。然后分别从双方的角度出发,剖析了中非经贸合作中存在的互补性和对彼此经济政治发展的必要性,在此基础上从农业合作和农产品贸易、能源和矿产资源的开发利用、机械电子等制造业的合作与发展、基础设施、医药等领域的合作展望了未来的发展前景,并指出了非洲经济政治环境的风险性、中非贸易不平衡、商品质量和品牌形象不高、贸易摩擦屡有发生、中国与西方发达国家之间的利益均衡等中非经贸发展中存在的问题,最后借鉴美国对非发展战略的经验,从政府和企业两个角度提出了一些相关的政策建议。其中宏观政策建议包括发展区域经济合作,加强交流和加强引导、鼓励企业开拓非洲市场,对中国企业在非洲国家投资与发展的建议主要有企业投资非洲的领域与方式选择,规范秩序,提高企业自身素质和树立良好的企业形象等三个方面。随着双方经贸关系的不断加强,中非经贸合作将迈上一个新台阶。

【Abstract】 China and Africa are both the cradles of human civilization. The friendly contacts between two peoples with a long history have growing connection after coming through long historical baptism. When both countries degenerated into semi-colony and colony one after another, the two peoples was closely linked with the common misery. With the birth of new China and the political independences of a series of African countries, the Sino-African relationship comes into a new era. Although the international situation and the bilateral national condition have unceasingly changed since new China was born, both sides which are in accordance with the similar historical destiny and the common realistic development duty always share hardships, the unity, and cooperation and unceasingly push the Sino-African relationship to the new stage. Especially with establishment of the Sino-African Cooperation Forum, Sino-African economic and trade cooperation enters a new period. In recent years, the Sino-African trade presents the high speed growth, in the first half year of 2007, the volume of Sino-African trade has achieved 32.05 billion US dollars, the same ratio grows 25%, Chinese exports to Africa is 16.416 billion US dollars while the imports from Africa is 15.635 billion US dollars, separately compared to the same time of last year to grow 49% and 7%. Chinese mechanics and electronics, textiles and high-tech products greatly meet the African people’s needs while the African products including energy, raw material as well as industry finished product also starts massively to enter the Chinese market.This article bases on the development of Sino-African economic and trade relationship, describes its three stages: the beginning and the preliminary development phase from 1949 new China’s birth to the 70’s reform and open policy, steady development to fast growth since the 80’s to the 90’s, rapid development after establishment of the Sino-African Cooperation Forum. Then, it analyses the new characteristics in recent Sino-African economic and trade cooperation, including that the bilateral trade grows rapidly, the structure unceasingly optimizes, the economic cooperation category further expands, the Sino-African trade has gradually developed from the general trade to mutual union way of diversified economies cooperation such as foreign investment, the contract project, the foreign aid, etc and the bilateral cooperation mechanism and the policy has been further strengthened. The second part separately analyzes the complement and necessity in economy and politics from each view of both. Then, on the base of this, it forecasts the future prospects for development in the different industries of agricultural cooperation and the agricultural product trade, the energy and mineral resource development, mechanical and electronic cooperation, the infrastructure, medicine and so on. At the same time, it also points out some problems, for example, the economical and political risk in Africa, the unbalance of the Sino-African trade, commodity quality and the brand image, repeated trade friction and benefit equilibrium between China and developed countries. Finally, it profits from strategy experience of US to the African countries and puts forward some related policy proposals for the government and the enterprises. Macro-policy suggestions include that government should develop regional economic cooperation, strengthen communication and reinforce the guidance and the encouragement for enterprises to develop the African markets, while the suggestions for Chinese enterprises investment in the African states include how to choose the country, the industry and the investment mode, making efforts to standardize marketing order, improving enterprises’ own qualities and fostering a good and healthy company image and so on. As the bilateral economic and trade relationship unceasingly strengthens, the Sino-African economic and trade cooperation will step a new stair.

  • 【分类号】F752.7
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1200

