

【作者】 张巍华

【导师】 王子正;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 经济法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文将研究视角聚焦于公司僵局这一法律问题。公司僵局是公司运营过程中经常发生的一种情况。公司僵局的发生使公司的正常运作处于停顿状态,公司命运堪忧,股东利益受损,投资面临重大风险。随着我国社会主义市场经济建设进程的加快,公司僵局在我国公司中也越来越多地出现,公司僵局问题正成为社会各界关注的焦点。有鉴于此,于2006年1月1日正式施行的现行《公司法》体现了对公司僵局问题的关注,对公司司法解散、股东退出机制作出了相应规定。然而,救济措施的单一、程序机制的不完善导致公司僵局仍然是司法实践中的一道难题。本文以新《公司法》的实施为契机,以公司僵局及其法律救济为研究对象,结合对英美法系和大陆法系国家主要司法实践的考察,根据相关的公司法理论,在现有的法律框架内,提出了适合我国实际情况的应对公司僵局的法律救济措施。全文分四个部分:第一部分:公司僵局概述。这部分提出公司僵局的一些基本法律问题并予以探讨。首先介绍了中外立法上对公司僵局概念的不同定义并在此基础上给出笔者自己对公司僵局概念的理解,其次概括了公司僵局的一系列特征,然后介绍了公司僵局的不同的表现形式。第二部分:公司僵局产生的原因及危害。这部分首先对形成公司僵局的原因加以剖析,然后在上述分析的基础上指出公司僵局的出现和持续对公司利益、股东的利益乃至整个社会利益都会造成损害,从而使我们对公司僵局的认识更加深刻。第三部分:国外对公司僵局进行法律救济的理论和实践。这部分首先介绍了对公司僵局进行法律救济的理论基础,包括章程契约理论、公司合同理论、期待利益落空理论、公司社会责任理论等等。然后在上述理论的基础上,介绍了国外有关对公司僵局进行救济的方法,包括章程约定、强制解散以及替代强制解散的一些措施,如指定公司接管人、指定临时董事、强制股权收购、除名与退出等。国外关于公司僵局救济的理论和实践为我国公司僵局问题的解决提供了广阔的视角,我国在应对公司僵局时都是可以借鉴的。第四部分:我国公司僵局问题的法律救济。这一部分在前一部分论述的基础上,介绍了我国公司僵局问题的现状,并全面分析新《公司法》对公司僵局问题的影响,特别针对新《公司法》第183条的适用问题进行了论述,最后提出了完善我国公司僵局法律救济制度的构想。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on the issue of the corporation deadlock. The appearance of corporation deadlock makes the normal operational state of the corporation at a standstill and risks the shareholders’ interests and their investments greatly. In recent years, with the development of market economy in China, more and more deadlocks have emerged, corporation deadlock becomes a social problem. In order to solve this problem, the Corporation Law which was put in force on January the 1st in 2006 paid attention to corporation deadlock and provided some new articles about the judicial dissolution of corporation in deadlock and the withdrawal mechanism of the shareholders in such circumstances. However, that is not enough to deal with all the trouble arising out of the deadlock. This paper takes the new amendments of Corporation Law into consideration and the solution of corporation deadlock as its studying subject. Also, combining the legal practice in common law system and civil law system and in accordance with the relevant theories of corporation law, this paper puts out the solutions to this problem suitable to the conditions in our country within the frame of the current law system. This paper is divided into four parts.PartⅠ: A general introduction of the corporation deadlock. In this part, some basic legal issues of corporation deadlock are discussed. First introduces the definition of the corporation deadlock and second summarizes its characteristics, then its different forms are introduced.PartⅡ: The causes lead to corporation deadlock and the harm of corporation deadlock. This part first analyses the causes that lead to corporation, then points out that the emergence and continuing of the corporation deadlock will do harm to the interests of the corporation, the interests of shareholders and even the interests of the whole community will be damaged basic on above analysis, thus enabling us to understand the corporation deadlock more profound. PartⅢ: The theory and practice about the legal relief to the corporation deadlock in foreign countries. This part first introduces the basic theory about the legal relief to the corporation deadlock overseas, including the theory of articles of corporation, the contract theory of corporation, the theory of fails of anticipation benefit and the theory of corporate social responsibility. And then, based on the discussion of above, this part introduces and appraises the remedies to corporation deadlock in foreign countries, including the agreements in articles of corporation, involuntary dissolving the corporation, and other alternative judicial remedies, such as receivership, appointing provisional directors, mandatory buyout, expulsion and withdrawal etc. Our country can profit from the foreign countries’ theory and practice in dealing with the corporation deadlock.PartⅣ: how to deal with the corporation deadlock in our country. Based on the analysis of the third part, this part first discusses the present situation of the corporation deadlock in our country. Then it views the effect of the new Corporation Law for bringing in corporation deadlock and the application of article 183 of new Corporation Law. Finally, this paper brings forward the conception in perfecting the corporation deadlock legal relief system in our countries.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】185

