

【作者】 陈燕青

【导师】 陈文铭;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 会计学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 衍生金融工具是20世纪70年代以来在传统金融工具的基础上派生出来的高科技产品。经过短短三十年的发展,它得到广泛的运用,并成为国际金融领域的主要投资工具之一。自从其出现,就是一把双刃剑,既可以为投资者保值、获利、规避风险,同时也使投资者处于极大的风险之中。因此如何防范衍生金融工具带来的金融风险,加强对衍生工具的管理已经受到越来越多的关注。衍生金融工具如同电一样,错误的方法会导致巨大危害,而正确利用,则会扬长避短,有利于金融市场的发展。合理地运用衍生金融工具并对其进行有效地监管就显得尤为重要。管理决策必须以真实可靠的经济信息为基础,而经济信息中的七成以上的数据来自会计,因此加强衍生金融工具风险的管理离不开会计信息系统的支持。从1988年开始,巴塞尔银行监管委员会在一系列报告中,充分表达了对会计信息披露不足问题及由此对监管产生负面影响的忧虑,并在不同的文件中,对风险监督的技术的发展及会计信息表内化提出了更高的要求。如何有效地对衍生金融工具风险进行监管,已成为国际会计界的热点问题之一。我国加入WTO后,国内金融市场必将受到猛烈的冲击,民族金融业和企业必将加大对衍生金融工具的需求。衍生金融工具必将在我国得到较大的发展,但是目前在我国的衍生金融工具会计探索还处于初级阶段,不仅衍生金融工具的会计实务与国际惯例相去甚远,而且会计理论的研究水平也远远落后于国际水平。因此加快我国衍生金融工具风险的会计监管的研究显得十分迫切。本人在研究借鉴国内外相关资料的基础上撰写此文,以探讨衍生金融工具风险的会计监管问题。文章分为四个部分:第一部分,对衍生金融工具进行了基本的阐述,包括定义、产生发展、特点和主要种类等,本部分是对衍生金融工具的认知过程;第二部分,分析了衍生金融工具的风险种类及其成因,并阐述了衍生金融工具风险管理的内涵;第三部分是文章的主体部分,从会计理论、COSO内部控制、审计、实时报告、职业道德和专业水平这五大方面具体阐述针对衍生金融工具风险应如何进行会计监管;第四部分,从我国现阶段衍生金融工具会计环境、存在问题入手,结合我国衍生金融工具会计最新研究动态(新准则)和其与国际的差距,提出完善我国衍生金融工具会计监管的建议。

【Abstract】 Derivative Financial Instrument is one of the high-technology products which derivate from traditional financial instruments in 1970s. It has been widely used in the past three decades, and has become one of the primary investing instruments in the international financial market. From the beginning, it has been a two-edged weapon which on one hand help the investors preserve values, gain profits and safeguard against risks, and on the other hand make the investors exposed to great risks. So how to prevent from the risks brought about by the derivative financial instrument and enforce the regulation and management of it has been given more and more concern.Just like the electricity, the Derivative Financial Instrument can cause the huge harm when used wrong, but can provide great benefit and be advantageous to the financial market development when correctly used, therefore it is important to supervise and manage the Derivative Financial Instrument properly. Management decisions must base on real and reliable economic information, and seventy percent of economic information come from accounting system, so the custody of the Derivative Financial Instrument risk mainly depend on the support of accounting system. In a series of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision report, the inadequate disclosure of accounting information and its negative effect on the regulation was disclosed adequately since 1988, and required more on the development of risk management technique and the disclosure of accounting information. How to supervise the Derivative Financial Instrument efficiently is an important topic for accounting theory research.After our country joined the WTO, the domestic financial market will be certainly under great impact, the national finance industry and enterprises will certainly enlarge the demand of the financial tool. The Derivative Financial Instrument will certainly obtain a bigger development in our country, but now the research of the Derivative Financial Instrument is still in the preliminary stage at home, the accounting theory research level is also far behind the international standard. Therefore, it is very urgent and important to work over the accounting research on the derivative financial instrument.This article trims the existing writing based on the above present situation and on the foundation of widespread collected materials. The article divided into four parts: the first part summarized the definition of the Derivative Financial Instrument, described its developing course, analyze its characteristics and elaborated four types of the Derivative Financial Instrument. The second part analyzed types of the risk possibly produced by the Derivative Financial Instruments and how it happened, at the same time the contents were presented. The third part is the main body of the article, aimed at elaborating how to supervise and manage the risk of the Derivative Financial Instruments from the following five aspects: accounting theory, the COSO internal control frame, auditing, the real-time report, occupational ethics and the specialized level. Part four proposed several suggestions for the accounting custody of the Derivative Financial Instrument according to Chinese present accounting environment.

  • 【分类号】F832.51;F231.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1161

