

【作者】 杨爽

【导师】 高良谋;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 软件产业是全球化程度最高的产业之一,随着软件产业发展呈现出规模化、服务化、专业化和国际化的特点,越来越多的企业选择在全球范围内寻求专业软件外包公司,将企业的非核心的软件开发与维护业务外包出去,以专注精力培养企业的核心竞争力,离岸软件外包已发展成为一个规模巨大的市场。全球离岸软件外包服务的发展为中国软件产业提供了良好的发展契机,众多的国际大型企业在寻求软件外包接包商时,将目光投向了成本低廉的发展中国家,中国正是其中之一。中国离岸软件外包行业在近几年取得了快速发展,软件外包服务市场份额逐年攀升,但成本低廉的中国软件外包企业目前只获得离岸软件外包产业价值链中利润最少的一部分,而企业获得更多的利润不应仅依靠低廉的成本,更应依靠顾客价值的创造。如何为顾客创造更高价值、寻找可持续发展之路成为中国离岸软件外包行业关注的热点问题,具有重要的现实意义。我国学者针对离岸软件外包行业的研究还比较欠缺,研究方法尚不成熟,笔者在总结已有研究成果的基础上,以价值链理论为分析工具,对我国离岸软件外包行业现状和存在问题进行分析,并针对存在问题提出解决策略。首先,笔者结合软件外包业务流程和中国离岸软件外包行业现状,构建离岸软件外包产业价值链,通过深入分析产业价值链,发现中国软件外包企业正处于产业价值链的末端,价值创造过程中价值创造最少,人数最多,总体成本最大的环节,获取的利润最少。接下来,笔者通过构建我国离岸软件外包企业价值链,剖析企业价值链中的各个价值活动,发现生产经营、人力资源管理、技术开发、市场营销几个关键的价值活动与企业顾客价值创造关系最密切,进而深入分析这几个关键价值创造活动存在的问题。最后,针对价值链关键环节存在的问题逐一提出改进策略,并提出产业价值链重构和目标市场专业化策略。本文以提出问题→分析问题→解决问题的思路为分析框架,在分析问题部分,笔者试图通过企业价值链关键价值活动普遍存在问题来分析整个行业存在的问题,以企业微观普遍存在的问题反映行业宏观的现实问题,力图发现我国离岸软件外包行业存在问题的根源,并根据存在问题及行业的可持续发展提出行业发展策略,以期为中国离岸软件外包行业的发展提供有益的参考和建议。

【Abstract】 Software industry is one of the highest degrees of globalization industries. With the development of the software industry, it has lager scale and becomes more professional and international. More and more enterprises choose specialized software outsourcing company with more inexpensive human resources cost in the global scope. They outsource the non-core IT function to enhance company’s core competence. Now global offshore software outsourcing has become a huge market and is taking best opportunity to China software industry. When searching contractors, most international enterprises prefer the companies in developing countries, which China is one. China’s offshore software outsourcing industry has developed a lot in resent years, and the market has increased year after year. However the China software companies got the least profit of the value chain. If the companies want to gain more profit, they must create more customer value. Therefore how to create more customer value, seek the continuable development becomes popular issue and has realistic significance.Scholars in China haven’t taken attention to software outsourcing industry, and the researching method hasn’t matured. On the basic of former research, this paper takes the value chain theory, considering the operation flow and status of offshore software outsourcing, to conceive the offshore software outsourcing industry value chain. Through the analysis of value chain, we find that China offshore software outsourcing industry is at the bottom of the chain and create least value with gaining least profits. Then, the author conceives China offshore software outsourcing company’s value chain and analyses the activities in the value chain. The paper finds product、human resources, technology exploitation and marketing have most affinities with customer value creating and analyses the problems in these activities afterward. At last, the paper takes forward industry improvement strategies, re-conceiving industry value chain strategy and target market specialization strategy.This paper has the framework of putting forward questions→analyzing questions→resolving questions. At the part of analyzing questions, the author attempts to use the ubiquitous problems in the key activities of company value chain to analyze the problems in the whole industry. This paper strives to discover the root of the problems and advance industry development strategies, hoping provide helpful reference and suggestion for the development of China offshore software outsourcing industry.

  • 【分类号】F426.672
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】651

