
中华微蛾(Sinopticula sinica Yang)生物学特性及其控制技术的研究

Studies on the Biology and Control of Sinopticula Sinica Yang

【作者】 王长青

【导师】 肖斌;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中华微蛾(Sinopticula sinica Yang)属鳞翅目微蛾科华微蛾属,为1989年鉴定的新属新种,1984年在陕西首先发现该虫危害李属植物如红叶李等树种,1994年笔者在河北昌黎发现其在杏树上对枝条进行致瘿危害,并出现逐年加重的趋势。本文研究了中华微蛾的生活史、个龄期的形态特征、生物学特性、危害特性,调查了该虫随海拔不同的分布规律和虫瘿的空间分布型种类等,并针对老熟幼虫结茧前期的控制技术、幼虫期的树干注射技术及成虫期的农药复配等一些防治技术进行了初步研究,主要结果如下。通过2004年~2005年的室内及室外的观察,详细描述了中华微蛾各虫态的形态特征,测定了成虫体长、翅展,前翅最主要的特征是缺少Cu的单独的脉,触角38节,节间为黑色鳞毛,黑色与褐色相间排列,端部3~4节逐渐变细,为成虫独有特征;幼虫的主要特点是分为四个龄期,体分11节,无足,每一体节着生足的部位呈乳头状突起,无趾勾的分化,端部有3-5个脚趾化的小突起,中间一个较大,其余较小的突起呈环状排列于四周,中间大的突起端部生有一根很长的纤毛,为运动的主要器官。中华微蛾在河北昌黎地区的发生规律,中华微蛾在河北昌黎地区一年发生一代,以老熟幼虫在虫瘿内越冬,翌年春季3月下旬(3月16日~3月19日)开始钻出虫瘿,在虫瘿外部结茧化蛹(4月28日~5月4日化蛹期),成虫于6月中下旬(6月11日6~月23日)开始羽化,卵单产于新梢中部,幼虫7月上中旬(7月2日~7月14日)开始孵化,幼虫钻入新梢内危害,形成大量虫瘿,严重影响新梢发育和树冠成型,影响杏树的产量和品质。中华微蛾的空间分布型研究结果为,中华微蛾危害所致虫瘿在树体的分布属于聚集分布型的一般负二项分布,在杏树树冠的东、南、西、北、内膛、上、中、下,各个不同方位和层次,中华微蛾在盛果期杏树上所致虫瘿都是呈聚集分布。中华微蛾在杏树上的危害程度极显著的受到海拔因素的影响,海拔高度在100m左右时适合中华微蛾的危害,随着海拔高度的升高和降低,中华微蛾的危害程度逐渐降低。在对中华微蛾进行生态环境进行调查时,发现具点刻腹小蜂(Ormyrus punctiger Westwood)是中华微蛾的唯一寄生性天敌,可进一步深入研究利用。中华微蛾主要危害杏树的一、二、三年生枝,在盛果期树上危害,造成严重损失的因素主要是对一年生枝的危害,一年生枝又以中、长果枝受害最重,受害以后严重影响枝条的加粗生长,使叶片的长度和厚度极显著降低,可使麦黄杏的座果率由5.8﹪降到1.9﹪。药剂防治试验中,45%晶体石硫合剂100倍液和99.1%敌死虫乳油100倍液可作为无公害制剂利用,防效分别达到97.18%和94.37%;利用树干注射法防治中华微蛾幼虫时,以50倍液的康福多药剂处理效果最佳,注射后15天杀虫效果达100%。40%顺反氯氰乳油和20%速灭杀丁乳油对中华微蛾的防效次于康福多,但应用中也较理想。三种农药均具有低毒、低残留的特点,实际生产防治中,可以进行广泛推广;利用敌敌畏与除虫菊提取液对中华微蛾进行联合毒力测定试验结果为,敌敌畏与除虫菊提取液按1:3混配,中华微蛾的平均死亡率最高,防效达90%。利用黑光灯诱杀中华微蛾时,应从6月上旬开始,在6月中旬时达到羽化盛期,以后逐渐减少。在杏园内,频振式杀虫灯诱杀中华微蛾有效控制范围和实际应用中大面积安装应以棋盘式设计,即成方布局,可确定频振式杀虫灯在诱杀中华微蛾时有效控制范围为100m。黑光灯即可直接杀伤大量的中华微蛾成虫降低当年的虫口基数,又可预测当年的成虫发生期,为各种防治方法时期的确定提供准确的理论依据。

【Abstract】 Sinopticula sinica yang belonging to a kind of sinica Yang with scale wings, was authenticated as a new kind in 1989.The insect which was discovered in shanxi at first endanger the LI3 ZHU3 ’s plant such as maple leaf in 1984. In 1994 the writer found that it can cause bad effort to the apricot’s branches and this trend is aggravated year by year.This text has studied not only the life history of the Sinopticula sinica Yang, the age period of appearance characteristic,and biology characteristic together with their endanger characteristic, but also investigated the distribute regulation which is different with the elevation and the space of its distribute category etc.Finally this text has done some initial research on the prevention technique aiming at the control technique of the old and young insects during the cocoon period as well as the agrochemical to reply about the tree trunk injection technique integrated insect machine at the young insect period.The main results are as follows:Through the observation of combined indoors and outdoors in 2004-2005, the appearance characteristic of Sinopticula sinica Yang was descriped in detail,and the length of the insects’body and wing was measured.The unique character of the insects contains several aspects, such as lacking of the single vein in fore wings as their main character ,having 38 sections at the antenn and black scale hair at the stanza with its black and brown alternate colors,carrying a gradually thinner department with 3-4 sections.While the main character of young insects is as follows:They are divided into four period and 11 sections, regarding footless as the typical model character.The part of each stanza in the solicit foot is convexed in the shape of nipple,having no toe to divide.They also have 3-5 toed unobvious convex at the edge,owing a bigger convex in the center, and the rest smaller convex is arranged arround the sides in a wreath form.At the convexed edge in the central it has a very long cilia ,which is considered as the main organ.The occurrence regulation of Sinopticula sinica Yang in the region of Changli Hebei : Sinopticula sinica Yang occur one generation a year in the region of Changli Hebei, the grown infant worms hide in the little insects through the winter, and begin to come out in the last ten days of March next spring(from March 16th to March 19th), and cocoon to make chrysalises(from April 28th to May 4th is the chrysalis period), the grown worms become insects in the last ten days of June(from 11th June to23th June ), and they make baby eggs in the central part of new branches ,young worms start to hatch from these eggs in the first or second ten days of July (from 2th July to 14th July ), the infant worms drill into and destroy new branches, they produce a lot of little insects, badly influent the growing of new branches and the top of the tree, and then influent the production and quality of the apricots.The research on the distribution type of Sinopticula sinica Yang is: the distribution of the destructive little insects of Sinopticula sinica Yang in the tree body belongs to general negative two itemseses distribution type of gathering distribution type, in the east, south, west, north, inside, up, middle, all different directions and layers ,the distribution of the little insects Sinopticula sinica Yang make appears to be gathering distribution type. The degree of influence which Sinopticula sinica Yang make in apricot is influented apparently by evolution factor, it is fit for the destroy of Sinopticula sinica Yang when the evolution height is about 100, the degree of destroy falls with the raise or falling of the evolution height. It found that ormyrus punctiger westwood is the only enemy of Sinopticula sinica Yang when doing researches of ecosystem environment of Sinopticula sinica Yang, which can make further research on.Sinopticula sinica Yang mainly endager the apricot’s growth of one,two, or three years.At the prosperous fruit period ,the endanger in trees results in bad lost, which is shown on the trees of one year.During the one year trees the medium and long fruit branches are victimized most serious.After that the branches are influenced on the growth of becoming stong ,while causes the obvious decline on the length and thickness of leaves and the fruit rate of MAI HUANG decreased from 5.8% to 1.9%.In the medicine prevention and cure experiment , 45% crystal sulphur matching with 100 liquids and 99.1% enemy-die butter matching with 100 liquids can be used as the unharmful product,the defending effect of which can respectively reach to 97.18% with 94.37%.When making use of the injected method prevention of the tree trunk to cure the sinopticula sinica yang young insects, the best processing result has been shown on Confider SL with 500 liquids and the result to kill the insects can reach to 100% after the injected 15 days .In contrast, the prevention aimed at killing sinopticula sinica yang is lower with 40% anti- chlorine cyanotype butter and 20% Sumicidin than Confider SL.However,the former is proved better in the application.The three agrochemical all have low poison and low remain characteristics,so they can be carryed to a extensive expansion in actual produce prevention.Using of a withdrawed liquid of DDV and Pyrethrin to carry on a consociation poison dint measurement experiment on sinopticula sinica yang indicate that when the withdrawed liquid is mixed with the pro rata 1:3 , the average death rate of the sinopticula sinica yang will be the tallest and the defending effect can reach to 90%.The time to kill the sinopticula sinica yang using the black lighting should be started at the first ten days in June .At the middle ten days in June their feathers will attain to a fairy prosperous period,however,they will be gradually reduced after that. In the almond park,it should be designed with the chessboard type to kill sinopticula sinica yang in a way of frequent flapping and to install in actual big area application.In other words,the chessboard type design could assure the valid control scope under 100M to kill sinopticula sinica yang.The black lighting can not only kill a great deal of sinopticula sinica yang insect directly and lower the cardinal insects number in that year ,but can also estimate their occurrence period that provide a accurate basic theory to make sure the cure method period.

  • 【分类号】S433.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】76

