

Research on the Problems in Persimmon Development in Xianyang Prefecture

【作者】 史朋宣

【导师】 赵忠;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林业, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究是在执行北五县新造10万亩柿树林计划任务过程中进行的。从调查研究入手,分折了国内外柿树产销情况,针对本市柿业生产实际和存在的问题,提出了相应的对策,并推广了当前切实可行的几项技术,从而使造林任务顺利和超额完成。1.划分了咸阳市境内的柿适栽区域,柿树栽培的最佳区域是从长武县马寨乡汤渠村起,经芋园乡杨家沟村,至彬县永乐乡永乐村、西坡乡白宝村,旬邑县太村乡川子岭村至土桥乡牛家屯村为柿树分布北界;从长武县枣园乡安家河村起,经巨家乡王家沟村,至彬县的义门乡罗店村、香庙乡康宁村,旬邑县郑家乡曹家店村至丈八寺乡新店子村为柿树分布南界,此界线以内的中间地带为我市柿树生产的最佳适生区,今后应成为建立柿树基地的最佳区域。2.促进了柿子良种化,普及了良种化栽培。在对柿品种资源调查基础上,从中筛选出丰产稳产、深受消费者欢迎、经济效益显著的5个品种进行扩繁推广;并根据市场前景好的鲜食、加工、耐贮运及早、中、晚熟的特点,先后从由杨凌农科城、富平县、眉县、户县等地引进柿树品种8个,丰富了咸阳市柿树品种资源,延长了柿果产销时间。3.通过调查研究明确了主要柿树病虫害及防治方法。查明了咸阳市境内的病虫害有角斑病、圆斑病等12种病害和桃柱冥、柿蒂虫等17种和虫害。通过调查确定了“二病四虫”即炭疽病、圆斑病和柿蒂虫、桃柱冥、龟蜡蚧、柿棉蚧是影响柿子产量与质量的关键问题之一。对主要病虫害提出防治办法,引导柿农坚持‘预防为主、综合治理’的方针,春防保产量、夏防保质量、将会在柿树生产中收到明显效果。4.提高旱塬造林成活率,成效显著。采用起苗后根系立即蘸泥浆、运输途中农膜包根防止细根干燥、大坑套小坑形式挖栽植穴、栽时使用生根粉、保水剂,栽后立即浇定根水,并及时覆盖地膜保墒,可使成活率由30%—40%提高到65%—95%,从而提高柿生产发展的速度。

【Abstract】 The paper was initiated in the plantation of 100,000 mu of persimmon in the north five counties of Xi’yang prefecture. Based on the investigation, the production and market of persimmon home and abroad were analyzed, in which problems faced in the practice and corresponding measures for that were proposed. Some practical techniques for extension were suggested.This stage is the just one of the steps in restructuring the industry and one step for industrialization of persimmon. With that , some achievements were made:1.The fitting area of persimmon was identified within the prefecture district. Astringent kind is best growing in an area ranging from Tangqu village, Mazai township, Yangjia village, Yuyuan township, of Changwu county to Yongle village, Yongle township, Baibao village, Xipo township, of Bing County, and to the Chuanziling village of Taicun township and Niudun village of Tuqiao township forming the north distribution boundary. The south boundary of distribution ranges from Anjiahe village of Zaoyuan township, Wangjia village of Jujia township, of Changwu county, to Luodian village of Yimen township, Kangning village of Xiangmiao township, of Bing County, and to Caojia village of Zhengjia township as well as Xindianzi village of Zhangbashi township, of Xunyi County. The area within the boundaries is the best fitting area for persimmon growing of the prefecture.2. Afforestation survival rate was enhanced. Measures such as soaking root with mud immediately after seedling was removed from nursery, wrapping the seedling roots with film to prevent water loss, small pit dug in the big pit for planting, use of ABT and moisture preservation agent, watering after planting for fixation, and film mulching after planting were applied, raising the survival rate from the past 30% -40% to now 65%-95%.3.The task of persimmon development designed by the municipal authority was overwhelmingly completed. The newly-cultivated persimmon has reached 143,400 mu, of which 110,000 mu is in Bing county, 23,600 mu in Yongshou county , 5,000 mu in Qian county, 3,000 in Changwu and 1,800 mu in Liquan county, 43,000 mu over the planned.4.The process of using fine variety of persimmon was accelerated. On the basis of investigation of fine varieties of persimmon, five popular and yield-stable varieties with significant economic benefits were selected for propagation and wide extension. With the concerns for fresh eating, processing long lasting storage, transportation as well as for ripening period in different time, eight varieties were introduced from Yangling, an agricultural town in China, Fupin county, Mei county and Hu county, enriching the persimmon resources and elongating the marketing period.5. Economic development and related industries were promoted. For recent years, more and more tradesmen come to the prefecture for collecting persimmon. Qian county has become the important base for persimmon collecting, transporting and sales. About 7 million jin of persimmon is sold annually, to Northeast of China, Jiangsu, Guangdong as well as Qinhai, greatly spurring persimmon development in the surrounding area or region. It has been predicted that by 2010, there will be 260,000 mu persimmon which will drive the development of related processing industries, such as dried persimmon, preserved persimmon as well as bottled persimmon. That ,in turn, will greatly improve the rural economy and farmers well-being.6. Technical training for capacity building to enhance the management was progressing. In the process of extension, about 25,000 volumes of technical books in the field of cultivation, processing and storage were distributed. Training class was held, with 35,000 person (times) attendance. 500 mu of demonstration field was established and 10,000 farmers were trained. All these activities greatly enhanced the management of persimmon and knowledge diffusion.

【关键词】 咸阳市柿发展问题研究
【Key words】 XianYangPresimmon developmentresearch on the problems
  • 【分类号】S665.2;F326.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】84

