

Study on the Processing Technology of Anli Pear Series Products

【作者】 高海生

【导师】 饶景萍;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 安梨,俗称酸梨,是冀东北、京、津、辽西等地燕山山脉的栽培品种之一。安梨果是营养丰富、风味独特,但其果皮粗糙、果肉重石细胞较多,主要适合果汁、饮料、果酒等系列产品的生产。在安梨果汁的生产中,研究了复合果汁的原料配比、杀菌处理及产品的稳定性等,结果表明:①安梨复合带肉果汁的生产中,加入梨汁1/4的银耳浆为宜;在主辅料配比中,以安梨银耳复合果浆占50%、白糖占6%、甜味剂占0.1%的配比,产品色香味均较适宜。②在复合果汁的稳定性研究中,经过两次均质处理,可保持产品悬浮稳定性。均质条件为:第一次均质压力16.4MPa,第二次均质压力11.8MPa,均质温度为60℃。稳定剂的添加量,琼脂和CMC分别为0.1%和谐0.3%。③生产工艺中采用先脱气后均质的工序,为果汁色泽的保持及减少维生素C的损失起到了积极的作用。④复合果汁的杀菌处理,以采用超高温瞬时杀菌(121℃,5~10min)无菌灌装为最佳。不具备条件的厂家也可采用高温短时杀菌(110℃,30~60s),但尽量不采用常规的巴氏杀菌,以便更好地保持复合汁的色泽、风味、稳定性及较高的维生素C的含量,并使产品在保质期内无变质现象,符合国家规定的果汁饮料标准。⑤该产品经贮藏后,利用模糊综合评判分析其感官效果,得到了良好的评价。成品中理化成分及8种人体必需的氨基酸含量均较高。同时利用安梨价格便宜这一特点,成本核算比较适宜,具有一定的可接受性。安梨酒酿造过程中,研究结果表明:①破碎榨汁时加入0.3%的果胶酶制剂,在室温条件下处理12小时左右,可提高出汁率19.6%,极显著地高于未进行酶处理或酶处理时间不够的果实。②酿造优质的安梨酒,首先必须具备适合安梨汁发酵的优良酵母菌种。由于安梨汁酸度较高,故选择酵母菌种时首先应考虑其耐酸力的强弱,其次才是耐酒精、耐SO2等的条件。试验结果证明,玫瑰香酵母虽然耐酒精能力、耐SO2能力均较强,但其耐酸力差。天然酵母1号耐酸力、耐SO2能力较强,但其耐酒精能力差。而1450酵母在耐酸力、耐酒精能力及耐SO2能力等方面均优于其它两种酵母,是酿造安梨酒的优良酵母。③在安梨酒发酵方式的选择方面,采用汁、渣分离或混合等发酵方式分别进行试验,结果表明,纯汁发酵的产品,酒的色香味俱佳,具有独特的安梨风味,是较理想的发酵方式。④安梨酒酿造过程中的发酵温度,是影响成品酒质量的主要因素,研究结果表明,采用低温发酵,生产的安梨酒果香味浓,风格突出,但从生产角度出发并综合考虑,以采用20℃左右的发酵温度为宜。⑤安梨酒的降酸试验中,在工艺调配降酸、化学法降酸和生物法降酸三种方法比较的基础上,认为生物降酸法比较适合。结果表明,在加入1450酵母前首先加入10%左右的裂殖酵母1号,室温下进行苹果酸——乙醇发酵,使安梨汁的酸度平均降低3.61g/l,平均降酸率为49.1%,达到符合酿造酒的要求。⑥酒的澄清度,是消费者要求的第一个质量指标。结果证明,使用3%的枣花蜜或荞麦蜜,均能在处理后12小时达到澄清的效果,在容器的底部出现大颗粒絮泥状沉淀物,摇动容器,沉淀上下漂浮于清酒液中可见,但酒已不再恢复原浑浊状态,说明酒已彻底澄清。安梨其它系列产品的生产工艺方面,研究表明:①安梨蜂蜜露酒的加工工艺中,采用40~50度的食用酒精勾兑,酒精与安梨汁的比例约1∶1。下胶澄清处理时,白明胶的添加量为安梨原酒的7~8g/100ml,单宁加入量为2.5~3.0g/100ml。选用3%~5%的蜂蜜加入量,原酒在10℃~20℃条件下贮存2~3个月。②安梨可乐的生产中,安梨汁与辅料浸提汁按一定比例混合、灌装即可。③安梨——苹果复合风味果冻的生产中,采用安梨汁∶苹果汁=1∶2的比例,浓缩至温度上升到103℃~104℃时即可。

【Abstract】 Anli pear, namely sour pear, is widely distributed in Yanshan mountain range including the northeast of Hebei province, Beijing, Tianjin, and the west of Liaoning province. The fruit of Anli pear has rich nutrition and special odor. However, the skin is rough and the pulp has plenty of sclereid. So, Anli pear is very fit of producing juice, beverages, fruit wine, and so on.In the processing of Anli pear juice, the rate of materials, sterilizing treatment and stability of products were discussed , the results indicated that:①In the processing of Anli pear compound fleshy juice, 1/4 tremella juice was added into pear juice;50% Anli and tremella compound juice,6% white sugar,0.1%sweetener could cause pleasant smell and great color.②The juice suspension stability could be improved by adding stabilizer to it and homogenizing it twice. The homogenizing condition was as follows: for the first time, pressure is 16.4 MPa, for the second, pressure is 11.8 MPa, and the temperature is 60℃. If using the compound of agar and CMC, the concentration of stabilizers are 0.1% and 0.3%, respectively.③degasing firstly and homogenizing secondly could have good effect on keeping the color and reducing the loss of ascorbic acid.④The ideal temperature was above 112℃in sterilizing compounded juice, which sterilizes and maintains the stability of the fleshy juice and at the same time, maximizes the retention of ascorbic acid. Furthermore, the products could not spoil in the shelf life, and conformed to the national standard of fruit juice drink.⑤The sense effect was analyzed with fuzzy comprehensive assessment after storage, and good evaluation was obtained. The products contained physical-chemical compositions and essential amino acid. The cost was reduced due to cheap Anli pear.In the brewing of Anli pear, the results showed that:①The juice rate of adding 0.3% pectic enzyme for 12 hours action at room temperature, when Anli pear was pressed, increased rate 19.6% more than that of untreated fruits.②In order to get the fermented wine of high quality, choosing the suitable yeast strain was essential. The acid-resistance was the first aspect owing to high acidity Anli pear juice, and the second was ethanol and sulfur dioxide tolerance. The results indicated that muscate humbury yeast had high ethanol and sulfur dioxide tolerance and low acid-resistance; crude yeast No.1 had high acid-resistance and sulfur dioxide tolerance , but low ethanol tolerance; however, yeast 1450 was suitable for making Anli wine due to high ethanol tolerance, sulfur dioxide tolerance and acid-resistance.③Mix fermentation technology was used in the selecting fermentation technology. The results showed that the pure juice fermentation was ideal technology and the products had both attractive color and odor.④The other important aspect was fermentation temperature, Anli wine had good taste by low temperature fermentation and the fine temperature was 20℃.⑤In the course of degrading acid, the biological degradation acid was suitable. The results were using fermentation of malic acid——alcohol, adding 10% schizogony yeast No.1 before wine yeast, could reduce 3.61g/l and 49.1% at the average acidity and degrading acid rate of Anli pear juice.⑥The first important quality index was the wine clarity. Using 3% Chinese date honey or buckwheat honey, the clarity effect was good after 12hours treatment. The wine was clear, having rich, scent of fruit, having pure taste. The style was outstanding.The processing technology of series products of Anli pear were studied in this paper, the results are as follows:①In the manufacturing of Anli pear honeydew wine, the rate of 40~50% edible alcohol and Anli juice was 1:1; adding 7~8g/100ml white gelatin and 2.5~3.0g/100ml tannins in the clarity treatment. When adding 3%~5% honey ,raw wine was stored 2~3 months at 10℃~20℃.②Making Anli pear cola was mxing the Anli juice and subsidiary materials extract juice and canned.③Using the rate of Anli juice and apple juice was 1∶2 in the production of Anli pear—apple compound fruit jelly, then the temperature was 103℃~104℃. The products with pure taste and good odor were popular.

  • 【分类号】TS255
  • 【被引频次】2
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