

Study on the Protection Plan and Exploitation of Yuhuangge in Tongchuan City

【作者】 李忠宏

【导师】 肖斌;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 玉皇阁湿地总面积11.13平方公里,地处渭北高原与关中平原的过渡地带,地理位置独特,生态区位十分重要,拥有丰富的野生动植物资源和湿地生物多样性。湿地内有高等植物近100种,其中草本和灌木占大多数,典型的如水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper)、莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera)、早熟禾(Annua Linn)、芦苇(Phragmites communis)等;在此栖息的动物有5纲共18目30科48种,具有代表性的如黑鹳(Ciconia ciconia),大天鹅(Cygrus cygrus)、白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia)、狗獾(Meles meles)等,是铜川市重要的水源补给地和湿地保护区,对于当地生态环境和经济社会可持续发展意义重大。长期以来,由于乱垦乱占等不合理的人为经济活动,导致湿地遭到破坏,面积大幅减少,局部退化明显,水源水质较差,湿地生态系统和生物多样性受到威胁。为加强湿地生态保护,积极实施湿地功能恢复,以科学发展观为指导,坚持保护优先,以保护和恢复为主线,统筹规划,突出重点,对玉皇阁湿地实施抢救性保护和恢复。在对玉皇阁湿地进行全面调查分析的基础上,根据湿地保护建设目标,将湿地划为核心区、缓冲区和实验区。按照分区施策原则,以工程建设为重点,通过湿地保护、湿地恢复和能力建设,综合运用技术、法律、行政和经济手段,建立和完善湿地保护管理和科研监测体系,建立湿地保护管理队伍,进一步增强湿地保护管理能力,有效遏制天然湿地面积减少、功能下降的趋势,增强湿地保水蓄水和调节旱涝的功能,净化湿地水体水质,使湿地生态系统及其功能得到有效维护,保护和恢复珍稀水禽的栖息环境以及湿地的生物多样性。在保护好湿地资源的基础上,通过对水资源的合理开发利用,为当地城乡居民生产生活的水源供给提供保障;通过多重手段利用湿地资源,在层次和空间上取得突破,增加湿地产出,取得直接经济收入;通过综合开发旅游资源,点线面结合,形成以湿地为核心的生态旅游产业链,推动区域经济社会与自然资源和生态环境的和谐发展。

【Abstract】 Yuhuangge wetland with an area of 11.13 km2, being located in the transition zone of Weibei plateau and Guanzhong plain , having a unique geographical position and very important ecological delimitation, having abundant wildlife resources and wetland biodiversity. There are about 100 species plants in the wetland, and the majority is herbage and frutex. These plants included Polygonum hydropiper, Nelumbo nucifera, Annua Linn, Phragmites communis etc. At the same time, there are also 48 species animals, which belong to 30 families, and these animals included Ciconia ciconia, Cygrus cygrus, Platalea leucorodia, Meles meles etc. This wetland is an important water source region and wetland protection zone of Tongchuan city, so has great significance for sustainable development of local ecological environment, economy and Society. However, for a long time, because of unreasonable human activity, the wetland has been destroyed, the area of wetland has reduced, water source has been in poor quality, ecosystem and biodiversity has been threatened, and so on.To strengthen the protection of Yuhuangge wetland, we must take measures actively to recovery its functions. Guided by the scientific concept of development, insisting on the principle of protection first, we should protect and recovery Yuhuangge wetland by overall planning and stressing key points. Based on a comprehensive investigation, in this paper, Yuhuangge wetland is classified into key protected areas and common protected areas according to the target of protection. In addition, the paper puts forward several countermeasures: Implementing divisional strategy, through comprehensive application of technical, legal, administrative and economic means to establish and perfect the management and monitoring system of the wetland; building up management contingent and enhancing their capacity of conservation and management to contain the trends of area reduction and function decrease; strengthening the function of water conversation and drought/flood regulation and improving the water quality to protect and restore the habitat of rare waterfowl and wetland biodiversity; based on the protection of wetland and by means of appropriate use of water, to guarantee water supply for the local residents; through the multi-development to the wetland, increasing the economical income of wetland developing and using, forming a industrial chain with zoology tour encircling the wetland, promote the harmonious development of economy & society, natural resources and ecological environment in Tongchuan.

【关键词】 铜川玉皇阁湿地保护规划
【Key words】 TongchuanYuhuanggeWetlandsProtection Plan
  • 【分类号】X37
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】259

