

Impacts of Regional Innovation System on MNCs Setting up R&D Centers in China

【作者】 周瑜

【导师】 周毓萍;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 金融学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 以跨国公司为主要载体的对外直接投资,在当今世界经济中发挥着重要作用。而国际直接投资新的变化趋势之一就是跨国公司研究开发日益全球化。现有的研究表明,跨国公司在东道国设立研发中心带来的技术溢出效应有助于推动东道国的技术创新和整体经济的发展。因此,本文从东道国角度,着重探讨区域创新体系对吸引跨国公司研发投资的影响。本文分六章。第一章主要说明了研究的主体和背景以及文章研究的思路和方法。第二章详细介绍区域创新体系和跨国公司研发国际化的理论基础,为实证分析提供理论依据。第三章对跨国公司在华设立研发中心的发展现状给了概括性论述,并分析了跨国公司在华设立研发中心对中国区域创新体系的影响。第四章具体就区域创新体系与跨国公司在华设立研发中心之间的关系进行实证研究,建立了两者之间关系的线性回归模型。第五章列举典型区域创新体系的城市,并借鉴印度班加罗尔在区域创新体系建设的经验,并结合这些经验来探讨中国区域创新体系建设的不足之处。最后一章就实证分析的结果,针对性的对基于衡量区域创新体系各综合指标的吸引跨国公司在华设立研发中心提出了政策建议。本文的创新点:1、从东道国的角度来研究。大多数学者都是从跨国公司的角度展开研究,而从东道国的角度来研究跨国公司设立研发中心的行为不多,尤其是针对区域创新体系与跨国公司研发之间关系的研究更是少见。本文以东道国的角度为视角,对区域创新体系与跨国公司在华设立研发中心的关系进行实证研究,提出了完善区域创新体系,以此吸引跨国公司在华设立研发中心和引导跨国公司在华的研发中心合理分布的政策和建议。2、从区域创新体系的角度来研究。现有的学者主要是从对跨国公司选址的角度来分析影响的因素,而从区域创新体系的整体角度的研究是比较少见的。本文从区域创新体系的整体来考虑,并分别分析了包括知识创造、知识获取、技术创新、创新绩效和创新环境共五个综合指标分别的影响,是本文的又一大创新。

【Abstract】 FDI, taking MNCs as the main carrier, is playing important role in today’s economy in the world. One of new tendencies of FDI is the globalization of MNCs’ R&D day by day. The existing research indicates that the technical overflow effects brought by MNCs’ R&D are helpful in impelling technology innovation and overall economy development in host countries. From the host countries’ angle, the article discusses the impacts of regional innovation system on attracting MNCs’ R&D.The paper consists six chapters. Chapter 1 mainly focus on subjects, backgrounds, ideas and methods of the research. Chapter 2 introduces theoretical basis of regional innovation system and MNCs’ R&D internationalization for empirical analysis. Chaper3 gives a general exposition of development situation of MNCs setting up R&D centers in China, and then analyzes the impacts of regional innovation system on MNCs setting up R&D centers in China. Chapter 4 studies empirically the relationship between regional innovation system and MNCs’ R&D and establishes the linear regression model. Chapter 5 lists typical cities of regional innovation system and learns from Bangalore, India in the experiences of regional innovation system, which tells us the differences between Bangalore and China. The final chapter proposes political suggestions on attracting MNCs setting up more R&D centers in China, which is based on various subsystems of regional innovation system.The innovation points of this paper: 1. From the perspective of host countries to study. Most scholars studies on the perspective of MNCs. There is little study on the perspective of host countries, especially against the relationship between regional innovation system and MNCs’ R&D. The paper studies from the perspective of host countries, and studies empirically on the relationship between regional innovation system and MNCs’ R&D. According to the empirical results, the paper proposes improving regional innovation system to attract more and more MNCs’ R&D centers in China, and proposes political suggestions to guide the reasonable distribution of R&D centers in China. 2. From the perspective of regional innovation system to study. The existing scholars mainly study from the perspective of location of MNCs to analyze influencing factors. There is little study from the perspective of the whole innovation system, not only considering several factors. In this way, the paper analyses impacts of five composite indicators including knowledge innovation, knowledge acquisition, technology innovation, innovation performance and innovation environment on MNCs’ R&D. This is another innovation of the paper.

【关键词】 跨国公司研发中心区域创新体系
【Key words】 MNCsR&DRegional Innovation System
  • 【分类号】F273.1;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】207

