

Study on Development Strategy of Enshi Transportation Infrastructure Construction under the Development Campaign of Western Regions in China

【作者】 喻中权

【导师】 袁海庆;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 恩施州地处湖北省境内,位于长江之滨,三峡腹地,西接重庆市,南邻湖南省,东北部与湖北省宜昌市接壤,自古以来是我国中部与西部地区政治、经济、文化交流的桥头堡。恩施州交通基础设施的发展关系到国家交通大通道的东西贯通,省内交通的对外连接,地区经济的快速发展,具有重要的现实意义。本文以西部大开发为契机,从恩施州地理位置、自然环境、社会经济状况以及恩施州经济发展趋势入手,分析了恩施州社会各方面经济发展对交通的需求,同时也指出了制约恩施交通发展的主要原因。在从宏观和区域的角度对恩施州交通基础设施建设的意义进行了论述之后,文章又着重剖析了恩施州交通基础设施的现状,肯定了多年来恩施州交通建设的成果,总结了交通建设中取得的经验和存在的问题。之后,作者按照国家、湖北省、地方的各级政策以及交通发展的有关理论,结合恩施州未来交通发展的战略目标和发展规划,提出了保障规划实施的具体措施,并且从自身的角度出发,指出了恩施州地方政府在交通基础设施建设发展过程中应当起到的作用。最后,文章根据日前国务院办公厅下发的有关中部崛起的政策,对恩施州下一步如何把握机遇,结合中部和西部的双重有利政策,加速恩施州的交通的发展提出了思考。作者希望通过本文对近年来恩施交通发展的历程作出回顾和总结,指导地区新的五年交通建设的同时也为我国其他同类地区的交通发展给出借鉴。

【Abstract】 Enshi which is along the Yangtze River is located at the hinterland of the Three Gorges in Hubei province. The neighbouring places of Enshi include Chongqing which in westward, Hunan province which in southward and Yichang which in Northeastward. Being the bridgehead of polity, economic and culture between the central and western China, Enshi transportation infrastructure construction (ESTIC) which has the relationship with the transmeridional transportion of China should shoulder the responsibility of connecting the traffic among provinces and boosting the local economy prosperity, which is very important from the present viewpoint.Based upon the development campaign of western regions in China, from the following aspects, namely, geography, environment, social economic status and the development trend of Enshi economic, this paper analyzes the transportation requirements in light of different social economic developments and points out the main reason which restrains the transportation development of Enshi. After the presentation of ESTIC from the macro and regional angle and the deeply analysis of the ESTIC status, this paper not only affirms several cumulative fruits about ESTIC ,but also summarizes some acquired experiences and points out some existing problems. Then, according to all levels theories and guidelines enacted by Chinese government, Hubei province and local institution, some concrete measures about how to implement the guarantee programming are provided in term of the future development strategy and programming of Enshi. Also from the personal angle, some functions during the ESTIC process that the local government should put into the practice are pointed out.Finally, aiming at how to catch the next development opportunity for Enshi, in term of the policy enacted by State Department, namely, the rise of central China, and some advantageous policies for central and western regions in China, the paper makes a discussion and puts forward some valuable problems.According to recent years’ work reviews and summaries about transportation development of Enshi, not only this paper can be used to instruct local new Five-year transportation construction, but also can provide some transportation development suggestions for the same regions in other part of China.

  • 【分类号】F542
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】301

