

Research on the Communicative Modes of the Academic Periodical on Internet

【作者】 鄢睿

【导师】 鲁金华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 传播学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在人类的科学活动中,学术期刊是学术传播的重要组成部分,是推动科学不断进步和发展的重要手段。在互联网出现之前,文本学术期刊是学术传播最好的媒介,而随着计算机和网络技术的发展,越来越多的科学研究人员开始热衷于通过网络来交流和传播学术信息。电子出版物的出现,被欧美各国视为是继语言、文字、印刷之后,知识生产和信息传播的第四次革命。在数字化信息的大潮下,网络学术期刊已经成为科研人员传播科研成果、获取学术信息的重要手段。从1993年以来,国际一流图书馆纷纷将馆藏精华数字化并送上互连网。在国外,网络学术期刊的传播主要依靠开放存取。我国网络学术期刊的诞生虽然较晚,但发展也相当迅速。《万方数据资源系统》的建立和《中国期刊网》的开通,使我国科技期刊数字化进入了系统化、规范化和实用化的发展阶段。但是,网上的学术信息资源远远不能满足读者的需求。网络学术期刊的传播以及发展中还存在着诸多的问题。大力发展网络学术信息资源不仅关系到民族信息产业的发展和中国信息化进程,而且关系到“国家知识基础设施”的建设。本文以传播学中的传播模式理论为指导,深入分析了网络学术期刊传播的模式以及商业性和公益性两种通道的运作方式。在实际操作中,运用文献研究法、案例分析法、问卷调查法等多种手段对网络学术期刊传播的起点、通道、终端进行了详细的分析,并且提出了传播模式中的一系列问题,还就我国的网络学术期刊和国外的网络学术期刊的传播现状进行了比较,总结出国外的经验有哪些值得我们借鉴,从而为我国的网络学术期刊更好的发展提供了一些思路。本文分为六个部分:第一部分阐述了选题研究的背景及意义,目前国内外的研究现状,提出本文研究的目标,确立本文研究重点,并对本文的创新之处作了介绍。第二部分是网络学术期刊概说,主要阐述网络学术期刊产生和发展的情况。第三部分主要从出版者——网络学术期刊传播的起点这个角度来论述,分析出版者对于网络学术期刊传播的影响。第四部分是从网络学术期刊传播的通道来进行论述,这一部分也是本文的重点论述章节,探讨了网络学术期刊的两种传播通道:商业性和公益性传播通道。第五部分从读者——网络学术期刊传播的终端进行分析,对于网络调查的数据做了详细的分析,总结出读者利用网络学术期刊的情况。第六部分是总结性章节,分析网络学术期刊传播模式中存在的问题,提出解决这些问题的对策。

【Abstract】 In the human science activities, academic periodical is the important part of the science transmission and it is the important means to promote the science to make progress.Before the internet appeared,printing academic periodical is the best transmission media,but as the developing of computer and net technology more and more science researchers are high on communicating and spreading science information through the internet.The appearing of E-journal is be thought as the fourth revolution after language,character,presswork in the countries of Europe and America.In the spring tide of digital information,net learned periodical has already been the important means which uesed by scientific researchers to transmit scientifc research production and acquire scientific information.From the year of 1993,international top-ranking libraries have made their collection digital and onload the internet.The academic periodical on the Internet transmission is main on open access abroad.In our country although the birth and development of the academic periodical on the Internet is a little late but the development is very fast.The foundation of "Wanfang data resource system"and "China net knowledge information" is made our country’s science and technology periodical to be digital coming to the seedtime of systematism,standardization,utility. But the learning resource information on the internet are still can’t satisfy the demand of reader. The transmission and development of the academic periodical on the Internet have still many problems.Making the development of net science information resources energetically is not only related to developmen of national information industry and the course of China information but also related to the build of "Country’s Knowledge Basic Establishment".This article is on the theory of communicative modes and analyses the flow of the academic periodical on the Internet communication and its commercial mode and common weal mode.In the practical operation,this article used literature research method,cases research method,questionnaire investigation method and some other methods to analyse the academic periodical on the Internet communication’s jumping-off point,channel,terminal detailedly and put forward a series of probloms in the communication flow.This article compares the academic periodical on the Internet in our country and abroad,in this way we can sum up some abroad experiences which we can use for reference to our country’s development of academic periodical on the Internet.This article has six parts:The first part expatiates subject disquisitive background and its meaning,the research status quo in our country and abroad.It also put forward the research goal of this subject and establish the research emphases innovation.The second part is the generality of the academic periodical on the Internet.It main expatiates the birth and development of net learned periodical.The third part is from the publisher—the Internet academic periodical’s jumping-off to analyses what publisher brings to the communication of the academic periodical on the Internet.The fourth part is from the channel of the academic periodical on the Internet.This part is the important part of this article.It discusses two communication modes of the academic periodical on the Internet: commercial mode and commonweal mode.The fifth part is from the reader—the Internet academic periodical’s terminal.This part analyses the net investigation detailedly and sum up how the reader use net learned periodical.The sixth part is the summarized chapter.It analyses the problems in the flow of the academic periodical on the Internet and put forward the countermeasure to these problems.

  • 【分类号】G230.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】656

