

The Preparation of a Novel Environmentally Friendly Maize Seed Coating Agent

【作者】 吴娟娟

【导师】 曾德芳;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究将天然无毒高分子材料羧甲基壳聚糖与化学杀菌剂相结合,筛选各种衣剂助剂,研制出环保型玉米种衣剂。降低了传统种衣剂毒性并保持药效不变及肥力提高。通过大田试验,研究了环保玉米种衣剂种子包衣后对玉米的抗病害、田间出苗率和成苗率、植株生长发育及产量的影响,确定了最佳田间包衣药种比。同时对杀菌剂、抑菌剂的作用机理,种衣剂活性成分的作用做出了较为全面的分析,研究结果如下:1、经室内试验,筛选出对玉米丝黑穗病防效较高的杀菌剂三唑醇、戊唑醇;并对两种药剂进行复配测试,确定两种药剂的最佳复配比(质量比)为三唑醇:戊唑醇=6:4。将传统杀菌剂与抑菌剂羧甲基壳聚糖混配,确定杀菌剂与抑菌剂的最佳质量比为:4%羧甲基壳聚糖:三唑醇:戊唑醇=100:6:4。2、通过检测室内发芽势和发芽率,筛选其他各活性成分(肥料、微量元素、有益微生物),确定了肥料为:1%尿素溶液、1%K2HPO4溶液、微肥G;微量元素为:2%钼酸钠溶液、硼砂晶体、1%ZnSO4溶液、1%CaCl2溶液;有益微生物为:BT。各活性成分最佳质量比为:1%尿素溶液:1%K2HPO4溶液:微肥G:2%钼酸钠溶液:硼砂(晶体):1%ZnSO4溶液:1%CaCl2溶液:BT=10:4.0:0.6:0.8:0.6:2.0:2.0:12.0。3、通过对粘度、成膜性、包衣均匀度、种衣牢固率、低温稳定性等物理性能的测定,筛选各助剂(增稠剂,成膜剂,防冻剂,酸度调节剂,警戒色)。确定成膜剂为助剂A,增稠剂为黄元胶,消泡剂为乙二醇,酸度调节剂为2%NaOH溶液,警戒色为紫色浆。各助剂最佳质量比为:黄元胶:助剂A:乙二醇:2%NaOH溶液:紫色浆=0.1:5.6:3.0:5.0:3.3。4、根据我国农药行业标准,结合本环保种衣剂特点,确定了外观、pH值、粘度、成膜性、包衣均匀度、脱落率、低温稳定性等质量控制指标。5、对小试样品进行室内安全性及田间药效试验。安全性测定表明,新型环保种衣剂较传统种衣剂吉农四号毒性小,对生物没有致命性。田间药效试验证明,本种衣剂对玉米丝黑穗病具有较高的防效,优于目前市场推广的种衣剂吉农四号。确定了环保种衣剂的最佳包衣药种比为一比五十。试验结果表明,本种衣剂是一种高效、低毒、低残留的新型环保型种衣剂。

【Abstract】 A novel environmental friendly maize seed coating agent is made in this study, combining the carboxymehyl chitosan which is a kind of natural nontoxic polymer and with the traditional chemical fungicides. The toxicity of the novel seed coating agent has been decreased while the drug effect has been kept even and the fertility has been enhanced. Through the laboratory test and field trial, the anti-fungicide ability, the field seed emergence rate and seedling rate, the effect with the growth, development and product of the plant have been studied. And by the study of the effect of different seed coating proportion, the optimal proportion has been determined. Meanwhile, the function mechanisms of the fungicides and anti-fungicide have been analyzed in this study. The results of the study are as follows:1, Through the laboratory test, the best fungicides have been screened out, the triazole alcohol and tebuconzole, and the optimal ratio (G:G) of triazole alcohol and tebuconzole is 6:4. Then compound the carboxymehyl chitosan with the triazole alcohol and the tebuconzole, and the optimal ratio (G:G) is 100:6:4.2, Though the mensuration of the germinate energy (GE) and germinate ratio (GR), the best active ingredients have been screened out: fertilites, microelements and mothproot agent. The optimal ratio of these components (G:G) is: 1% carbamide : 1%K2HPO4: tiny fertility G : 2% molybdenumacide sodium : borax : 1%ZnSO4 : 1%CaCl2 : BT=10 : 4.0 : 0.6 : 0.8 : 0.6 : 2.0 : 2.0 : 12.0.3, Though the mensuration of the physical performances such as: viscidity, characteristic of shaping into film, evenness of seed coating, ratio of drop, low temperature stability and etc., the addictives have been screened out (thickening agent, film forming agent, antifreezer, acidity regulator and warming coloration). And the optimal ratio (G:G) of all the additives is yellow glue : additiveA : glycol : 2%NaOH : purple liquid=0.1 : 5.6 : 3.0 : 5.0 : 3.3.4, According to the standard of the pesticide line of our country, combining with the characteristic of this seed coating agent, all the indexes of quality have been determined such as: appearance, pH value, viscidity, film forming agent, antifreezer, acidity regulator and warming coloration and etc..5, Lab. test, field trial effect experiments and security mensuration experiments for maize seedling period are done with test sample of the novel environmental friendly seed coating agent. Security mensuration indicates that the novel seed coating agent is safe for maize seeding and the maize production is increased evidently. Remedy effect test proves that the maize smut can be controlled more preferably than the traditional seed coating agent Jinong 4#. And the optimal ratio of seed to seed coating agent is 1 : 50. This study indicates that the novel environmental friendly seed coating agent is a seed coating agent of new type with better effect, lower toxicity and fewer leftover, which has enriched seed coating agent variety of our country.

  • 【分类号】S482.99;S513
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】375

