

Studies on Discipline Construction in Local Undergraduate Colleges

【作者】 栗新

【导师】 靳云全; 马廷奇;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 学科建设作为高校的基础性建设,是高等学校的立足之本,高等学校的发展,离不开学科建设。很多地方本科院校在学科建设方面做了大量工作,成效显著。但是,学科建设在相当一部分的地方本科院校中还没有走上良性运行和发展的道路。究其原因既有体制的因素,也有资源的限制,还有高校发展基础的制约。本文研究的目的在于重新认识地方本科院校学科建设的重要作用及地方本科院校学科建设的基本特点,综合分析地方本科院校学科建设的系统因素,探索地方本科院校学科建设的新思路,为推动我国地方本科院校学科建设的发展提供参考。本文首先从学科建设的相关概念入手,在逐一分析学科、大学学科、学科建设等一些基本概念及学科建设与专业建设之间的关系的基础上,阐释了地方本科院校学科建设在地方本科院校发展中的作用与基本特点,并结合对地方本科院校学科建设走势的概述,分析了地方本科院校学科建设的现状与存在的主要问题,提出了地方本科院校学科建设的基本原则:即优势学科重点突破原则、以人才培养为中心原则、服务地方经济社会发展原则和特色发展与创新原则。然后针对地方本科院校存在的问题与不足,提出改革思路与对策,指出应当从调整学科布局,凝炼学科方向,遴选学科带头人,建设学科发展团队,建设学科基地,营造学科发展环境,健全学科建设体制,完善学科发展机制等方面来加强地方本科院校学科建设。

【Abstract】 As the basic struction of universities and colleges, discipline construction is the foundational part of higher education. It is the essential part of the development of universities and colleges. Although many universities and colleges have made great efforts in terms of discipline construction and have achieved a lot, there are still many who are still far away from the fine operation of development. The reasons lie both in the college schemes and the limited resources as well as the basis of development. The purpose of the studies here is to recognize the significance and the basic features of the discipline construction in local undergraduate colleges from a new perspective, analyzing the systemetic factors and exploring a new path for the discipline construction in those colleges, hoping to provide reference materias for prospering the discipline construction in the local undergraduate colleges.Starting form some concepts concerning discipline construction, the essay analyzes courses, university courses, discipline construction and the relation between discipline construction and major construction. Based on the above analysis, the essay accounts for the function and features of the discipline construction in the development of local undergraduate colleges. Through studying their current situation and major problems, it also proposes the foundational principles for the discipline construction of the local undergraduate colleges: the breakingthrough of the superior courses; centering on talents cultivation; serving for the local economic development; combining features and creation together. In view of the existent problems and the weak points, the essay also puts forward the reforming idea and means, pointing out that the discipline construction of the local undergraduate colleges should be improved from the following aspects: adjust the course distribution; refine the course direction; sifter for the course leader; establish course developing teams; set up course study bases; build course developing evironment; integrate the discipline construction system and improve the course developing scheme.

  • 【分类号】G648.4
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】891

